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Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 00:08
by Loki
I am getting very bored with Heartland. Cliques are extremely negative things on a forum. Particuarly when unmoderated. They are normally conceived by the anally retentive. I rest my case on that issue in this forum. I do think that some of you Candy Cane Children are border line. Those who choose to use open forum as a PM chat. Those who deliberately choose to derail a topic for post counting whore purposes.

Hmm ...

For alternative enjoyment away from Heartland I present to you Wishville. They don't bite even though you're from the 'other place'.

But please, some of you listen up. Seriously.

Re: Wishville

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 00:22
by Scardwel
Loki wrote:I am getting very bored with Heartland. Cliques are extremely negative things on a forum. Particuarly when unmoderated. They are normally conceived by the anally retentive. I rest my case on that issue in this forum. I do think that some of you Candy Cane Children are border line. Those who choose to use open forum as a PM chat. Those who deliberately choose to derail a topic for post counting whore purposes.
Agreed. But why should you be allowed to post under two different usernames when the rest of us have to make do with one? :?: Why should you be any different? Or are you in with the "clique?" :?:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 00:24
by biggy
Don't you fuckin' dare, there are enough of these pasty faced c**t over there already .
Having said that you can swear over there and argue with folk until they cry - nobody stops it :D

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 00:28
by RobF

I'm going to lie down for a while with damp flannel over my eyes.

Re: Wishville

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 00:36
by Johnny M
Scardwel wrote: Agreed. But why should you be allowed to post under two different usernames when the rest of us have to make do with one? :?: Why should you be any different? Or are you in with the "clique?" :?:
Fair comment Simon. I'll let Quiffy explain ...

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 00:40
by Planet Dave
Sit down Loki. Relax. The ice-bong is on its way over. :kiss:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 00:43
by Johnny M
biggy wrote:Don't you fuckin' dare, there are enough of these pasty faced c**t over there already .
Having said that you can swear over there and argue with folk until they cry - nobody stops it :D
I did notice the 'c' word was there in it's enterity. Which is why I cling to Auntie Ness. In that place. :von:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 08:08
by aims
Silly question maybe, but why did this bring Loki out? :von:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 08:36
by paint it black
the grass is always browner eh dave :lol: :lol:

been there done that. next :P

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 09:37
by Quiff Boy
yadda yadda yadda.


Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 09:40
by markfiend
If anyone has a specific complaint about moderation on here, you know where we are. :|

*Edit: I see QB beat me to it...

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 09:50
by Quiff Boy
there is a certain validity to john's point about post de-railing, and maybe a re-iteration of the forum rule about side-tracking posts is in order, but i would deny the presence of cliques. apart from the ones that john started... ;) :roll:

you wanna chat with the wishvillers? go ahead. i used to be on there regularly and it was a great place. still know a few people that i consider friends from wishville. and i've always freely admitted that wishville was the "model" for how i wanted heartland to be.

boards go through highs and lows. they all have infighting, random bollocks and a liberal scattering of nutters. its "the way of things". get enough people into one place at eth same time and the law of averages dictates that some of them will be nutters. i think we do well to have as few of them as we do ;)

wishville is no different. and as PIB says, the grass is always browner...

anyhoo, as mark has said, anyone who has either a specific or a general problem to do with the running of heartland is more than welcome to let us know.

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 09:59
by emilystrange
good grief, if you want cliques and infighting and random bollocks, try the darkness forums. there are people on there that think they've got the band wrapped round their little fingers, when they barely know who they are..
and most of those do not come in the 'screaming teenagers' category.
just be thankful you're not their webbie, quiff. rob has the patience of a saint.

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 10:23
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:anyhoo, as mark has said, anyone who has either a specific or a general problem to do with the running of heartland is more than welcome to let us know.
ah, but if someone does will you do anything about it? or just tell them that you'll think about it... :innocent:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 10:38
by Quiff Boy
depends on who asks, and if they're part of my clique ;)

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 12:31
by Johnny M
Some valid points made by all parties on this thread. Apart from the wanker who started it ... :wink:

And you'll have to forgive me if anyone took offence. It's been a while since I've tossed a hand grenade on here ... :innocent:

Right, off to form a clique for the unemployed ... :roll:


Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 12:33
by emilystrange
check me into it then

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 13:20
by paint it black
Johnny M wrote:Some valid points made by all parties on this thread. Apart from the wanker who started it ... :wink:

And you'll have to forgive me if anyone took offence. It's been a while since I've tossed a hand grenade on here ... :innocent:

Right, off to form a clique for the unemployed ... :roll:

johnny, as you seem to be in all the HL cliques :wink: and i in none :( . maybe you could list all known cliques :innocent:

not that there's anything wrong with flying solo. that way i don't have to toss off :oops: grenades for fun ;D

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 13:40
by Johnny M
paint it black wrote: johnny, as you seem to be in all the HL cliques :wink: and i in none :( . maybe you could list all known cliques :innocent:
Well there's the Fantasy Football clique for a start. Jumpers for goalposts indeed. :wink:

I am a member of no clique (apart from the 126 I've formed with Emily :roll: ) and prefer to see my role as spreading goodwill and bonhomie (plus shiney silver things and Sisters tees) throughout Heartland. 8)
paint it black wrote:not that there's anything wrong with flying solo. that way i don't have to toss off :oops: grenades for fun ;D
I regret I am unable to address this point without reverting to lashings of innuendo and smut. :innocent:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 13:47
by emilystrange
he's not in my darkness clique.. he declined that one

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 13:47
by markfiend
Goodwill and bonhomie we like ;D

(And shiney silver things and Sisters tees come to think of it)


Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 13:53
by Johnny M

After just having been given the PM equivalent of a dig in the ribs, I may have some association with the clique that goes under the monicker of The unHoly Trinity. :innocent:

Featuring the very wonderful Ms Black Alice, Ms Canon Docre and Ms Delilah. Fine upstanding laydeez who all rather fabulously made it to Tilburg and turned cyber into reality. :kiss: 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 13:54
by Planet Dave
Johnny M wrote: Right, off to form a clique for the unemployed ... :roll:
I'm in. You don't want me to sign anywhere do you? I'm getting quite fed up of that. :? :evil:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 13:54
by Johnny M
emilystrange wrote:he's not in my darkness clique.. he declined that one
127 is an unlucky number for me. :innocent:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 14:09
by emilystrange
yeah, right