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does anyone know

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 11:39
by emilystrange
if this is any good?

potential b'day pressie for the divine mr s, his mate is enquiring

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 11:40
by Dark
The answer is yes.

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 12:51
by emilystrange
it's the michael stipe intro i object to

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 12:53
by aims
Just rub out the blue paint, superimpose a skinny vest and voila!

Instant :von:, no more objections ;)

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 12:57
by emilystrange
ummm.. lots

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 13:02
by aims
It's the hair, isn't it? :cry:

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 13:22
by Debaser
emilystrange wrote:it's the michael stipe intro i object to
It's not for you..... :P

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 13:58
by emilystrange
oh, yeah, i forgot...

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 14:52
by emilystrange
right, i need geek help now.
how easy is it to hack into a password protected section of a forum like S11invision or proboards? and how could you tell?

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 15:42
by Quiff Boy
depends what you mean by "password protected".

using somwthing on the webserver like "htaccess" so that a password box comes up?


or is it just that certain restricted users have access to it? like the HL weeding section, where you have to be logged in to see it?

if its htaccess then its pretty secure.

if its user-acount/permissions based then its only as secure as the user passwords... there's also the possibility of security vulnerabilities on the forum software - this might be granting access to the database or other areas of the site to hackers.

what exactly is the problem you are having? you'd probably be best posting your query on any support forums for the forum software you are using.