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New Sisters studio material, just Not the Sisters

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 16:52
by Chairman BOX
The following note came across our desk this morning, with a song attached: We thought you should know.

"This is not the Sisters of Mercy; of course, as this is also a studio recording, that should be self evident to anyone who's been paying attention. Neither is this a "tenth rate goth band" (1). Mascara did not figure in the recording
process, and sunglasses were only worn outdoors, during the day (which
is natural, as we were someplace sunny, like Spain. Or
possibly Arabia). It is a rollicking freight train of a song, which
will very much give you the old wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, and we hope it will make you smile, while Andrew and co. plan their next major détente. Our dodgy incarnation was recorded yesterday, in under twenty-four hours, mostly for spite. And we are Not The Sisters. What's your excuse?"

(1) Courtesy of the Doktor. See official website.

nota bene 1: If you listen closely, there is an interesting sample about halfway through.

nota bene 2: Certain parties have contacted me, and are threatening to release "an entire record of dodgy covers of unreleased Sisters material if we don't hear something from Andy's camp soon." Please don't shoot the messenger if such news displeases you. Suck it up and go back into the studio.

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 16:54
by markfiend
Downloading now thanks.

Nice user name :lol:

And welcome.

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 17:02
by Quiff Boy
ok, so deciphering that nonsense gives us a download to "Will I Dream? (lazy bastard demo mix 05.09.05)"

fair enough.

may or may not give it a listen when i get home.

Re: New Sisters studio material, just Not the Sisters

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 17:38
by aims
Chairman BOX wrote:The following note came across our desk this morning, with a song attached. We thought you should know.
With all due respect, this being both a plug and your first post would lead me to believe that the note probably didn't come to you at all. In fact it would appear most likely that it was written by the receiver. The fact that you got this before Dominion would also point to a vested interest :von:

That said, I'm downloading it anyway :roll:

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 17:46
by Eva
I'm simply too tired to even try to make sense of that note. Of course I've downloaded the file anyway. And the guitars aren't bad, but the singing to me seems like somewhere between Wall Of Voodoo, after Stan Ridgeway had left, and Heroes Del Silencio. Both fit in well with the "very sunny" bit though... :lol:

The original is better... :roll: :lol: 8)

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 18:11
by aims
Hate to be overly critical twice in one thread, but the song just seems to lack energy. Yes, it's very polished, but it doesn't appear to have any drive to it. The vocals lack emotion and Mr Whammy the guitarist is not.

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 19:05
by twp
At least I learnt a new word. I had to look up détente in the dictionary.

That CSE in English Language is really not paying dividends

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 19:45
by Izzy HaveMercy
twp wrote:That CSE in English Language is really not paying dividends
Maybe 'coz it's a French word.


Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 20:17
by Quiff Boy
Motz wrote:Hate to be overly critical twice in one thread, but the song just seems to lack energy. Yes, it's very polished, but it doesn't appear to have any drive to it. The vocals lack emotion and Mr Whammy the guitarist is not.
exactamon. the production is rather flat: the drums need a bit of zazz and the guitars need to be played with a little more alcohol in the system... ;)

hey ho. at least someone gives a damn enough to try :D

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 20:46
by twp
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
twp wrote:That CSE in English Language is really not paying dividends
Maybe 'coz it's a French word.

The beauty of a comprehensive education meant that I could drop French before being forced to take it as a CSE.

Still, I am one word up on where I was yesterday.

And for the record, I quite like the vocals on this track.

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 20:58
by smiscandlon
twp wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
twp wrote:That CSE in English Language is really not paying dividends
Maybe 'coz it's a French word.

The beauty of a comprehensive education meant that I could drop French before being forced to take it as a CSE.

Still, I am one word up on where I was yesterday.

And for the record, I quite like the vocals on this track.
Is that Jesse Rae in your avatar?

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 21:02
by twp
Is that Jesse Rae in your avatar?
Indeed it is the great man who almost had a hit single, but these days is without the claymore clicky

A much better image of him at this site.

Now somewhere I have the 7" shaped picture disc of "over the sea"

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 21:37
by EricSweden
cool! great effort!
i've said it before and i'll say it again.
this is what happens when von doesn' want to record his new songs. it results in his fans having to do it themselves.
great recording of this song!

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 22:08
by scotty
twp wrote:
Is that Jesse Rae in your avatar?
Indeed it is the great man who almost had a hit single, but these days is without the claymore
He was our{nearly}next door neighbour{he lived 200yds away on the next farm} when we lived in the Boarders,he dresses like that every day,he used to get his papers in the wee shop in Earlston,he also used to walk his two HUGE Deerhounds past our house most days.He's a really quiet and nice bloke!.

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 22:47
by biggy
Can't any f**ker just write their own songs anymore ?
I simply can't be arsed to download it .... is it European by any chance ?

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 23:48
by bloodmoney
this song has a story attached...imagine the following:

andy, robo, adam and the nurse hang out in spain. everybody is quite stoned, but the nurse is worst.

nurse, with a just-had-bright-idea expression on his face: "guys, andy, uh..., you know, I think it would be very beneficial for my karma if you, andy, could put my name not below 'Dr. Avalanche', but INSTEAD of 'Dr. Avalanche' on the homepage...waddya think? cool?".

adam knows the game, and picks up the ball: "yeah, and I for one don't know how many times I told you my name is 'pearson' only, not 'eldritch/pearson'. And it's not 'pearson/eldritch' either, dude. Don't try to get away with this lame lost-the-password excuse again."

andy knows the game, too, and the rule of the game would now require him to defend himself half-hearted, then theatrically decease and go get more pot and other drugs.

Not this time.

andy, nervously fingers his cigarette: "guys, if you are so damn sure it helps your karma, then let's record something without me. Here is the deal: I give you 1 day in pablos studio around the corner. Pick any song you want. and either you deliver something that shoves, or you STFU until the holiday is over!!"

andy spits something greenish onto the appartments floor and puts a grim smile on his face: "deal?"

nurse, completly cought off-guarded, looks at adam: "uh - ok, deal..."


andy zapps off the telly.

still grim face, still silence.

nurse: "so who does the vocals, then?"

adam and the nurse turn their heads to chris.

chris puts away the joystick: "hu?"

I spare you what happened in the studio, but however, adam lost interest around midnight, and the nurse had to convince the doctor to play guitar and bass tunes, too.

The other day, the mp3 arrived in andys inbox.

the mail had not-worthy emoticons all over it, and read: "dear andy, listen and delete, don't distribute or upload. We mean it, please, everything you want!"

andy, hits 'reply to all', and types:

"Not the Sisters"

andy (thinks): "Now let's upload this and teach those bastards a lesson. I have lost neglekt's password anyway, so let's register a new account...I'll have to lookup some cool french sounding words first..."

so now you know why the nurse gets no mention on the next album.
and why adam's name is 'pearson/eldritch' in fact.
and how this song got here.

seriously, if sisters is like heroin, then mi55ion is like methadon, and this song, like every sis cover, is like injecting red wine into the vene. Still helps to get through till the next real thing, though.

and still worth fantasizing about; hope you had some fun reading it...

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 23:59
by biggy
Wow, lots of words there.
I don't really have the time now but could you possibly trim it down to a couple of lines so I get the jist ?


Posted: 06 Sep 2005, 00:19
by canon docre
biggy wrote:Wow, lots of words there.
I don't really have the time now but could you possibly trim it down to a couple of lines so I get the jist ?

I guess, you never tried a book, eh?

@bloodmoney I had a little laugh. :D

Posted: 06 Sep 2005, 00:19
by eastmidswhizzkid
although it's still a sisters cover i'ts got to be said i didn't find it offensive,but once you've heard eldritch sing a track it becomes impossible to hear it in any other voice....

....and this is different from a cover of a released track -the intention here is to inspire/shame/psychick attack eldritch into giving us new product -as Quiffy said at least someone loves the band enough to care.loose the vocals and stick it in the "oi!andy!here's the music,now sing over it" thread.

Posted: 06 Sep 2005, 04:56
by sultan2075
I like it. I like it a lot. Furthermore, I think that Eastwhizzmidkid (er...) is the only one who got it. There's that comment there about the sample--has anyone caught it? It's the excuse Andy gives for not having 'Summer' done yet on the web page.

As for the vocals...has anyone listened close to it? I think there are two different singers, singing together, for nearly the whole song. Maybe? Yeah, I dig this. Anyway, Eastwhizz is right, I think. This song is a challenge to Von to get his s**t together and put out a record. I'd love to know who did it, I really would. I wonder if he/she/they/it does originals? I'd be curious to hear his/her/their stuff.

Now, my cheap rum calls me, and I must leave you.

huh...preview tells me I can't write s**t. How about s**t? You guys shouldn't worry about such things. Nope....the 'e' doesn't help either...

Posted: 06 Sep 2005, 05:39
by eastmidswhizzkid
it is possible to say fuck,shit,piss,and cunt if you so wish....but the swear filters there for a reason if you look in the announcements section. :wink:

Posted: 06 Sep 2005, 06:20
by sultan2075
Eh...I glanced at it Eastwhizz...but it seems far to esoteric to be worth my while. I'm not about to engage in techno-wizardry for the sake of my own vulgarity. But hey, it's justified, I'll give it that. And to go back on topic: the song f**king rocks. Good s**t.

Posted: 06 Sep 2005, 07:38
by Dark
biggy wrote:Can't any f**ker just write their own songs anymore ?
I'm sure all the people who enjoyed (in whole or in fragments) Emma, Gimme Shelter, 1969, Sister Ray, Ghost Rider, Louie Louie, Bei Mir Bist Du Schön, Stop Draggin' My Heart Around, Silver Machine, I Didn't Know I Loved You, Capricorn, Metropolis, Knocking On Heaven's Door, Uptown Top Ranking, etc agree with you, biggy.

Posted: 06 Sep 2005, 07:50
by Eva
Dark wrote:... Metropolis...
:eek: :eek: :eek: Metropolis? I mean: Metropolis??? :?: Where? When? To be found on which recording?

Posted: 06 Sep 2005, 07:55
by sultan2075
biggy wrote:Can't any f**ker just write their own songs anymore ?
I simply can't be arsed to download it .... is it European by any chance ?
Miss the point of things regularly, do you?