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Currently getting the hell out of...

Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 14:28
by CorpPunk
Dodge. Twelve hours and I'm in the air. Tick tick tick.

Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 16:20
by Chairman Bux
Exit stage left? Congratulations.

Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 20:45
by CorpPunk
All right, I'm outta here. See y'all in a coupla weeks (or so), when I should be in a far more relaxed state. I expect everyone on the forum to refrain from drinking diet Coke while I'm gone.

Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 21:37
by Izzy HaveMercy underpants? :innocent:


Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 21:40
by aims
The habit of leaving my homework until the last minute.

I should really get on with it.

Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 21:42
by Obviousman
Hmm... The hell away from my desk soon, terribly bored and I have to walk the dog still

Posted: 08 Sep 2005, 06:58
by timsinister
See you soon, Corpy.

Currently getting out depth.

currently getting the hell out of...

Posted: 08 Sep 2005, 07:21
by Batfish
...these wet things.

Posted: 08 Sep 2005, 21:15
by Brideoffrankenstein
Norfolk! Well, tomorrow.......and back on sunday :(

Posted: 09 Sep 2005, 13:03
by Francis
... my private hell.

Posted: 09 Sep 2005, 16:05
by canon docre
Francis wrote:... my private hell.
is that why you've made yourself scarce recently?

You were missed. :|

Posted: 09 Sep 2005, 17:44
by Francis
canon docre wrote:is that why you've made yourself scarce recently?
canon docre wrote:You were missed.
Thank you.
canon docre wrote::|
I think.

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 10:04
by Obviousman

Turkey here I come ;D (See you next week, guys)

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 10:31
by MadameButterfly
Obviousman wrote:...Antwerp

Turkey here I come ;D (See you next week, guys)
Have a wonderful holiday be safe and enjoy!!!!

MB :kiss:

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 11:20
by Obviousman
Hope I'll be safe indeed...

If you hear an airplane of Onur air drops out of the sky today tonight or next week monday: That'll be me :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 11:25
by DerekR
Don't think the site exists anymore but you used to be able to check your chances of dying on :lol: :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 11:36
by Obviousman
:notworthy: :lol:

It still exists but doesn't seem to work anymore though :(