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Paintshop 5 and Propellorheads

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 09:06
by timsinister
A quick question to the techies - I've got an ancient copy of PSP 5, the one I grew up with and am therefore reluctant to part with.
I have some text I want to curve and place inside a circular shape - how can you alter the shape of text from a straight line to any other design - in this case, a curve to surmount the circle?

All assistance gratefully received...

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 16:05
by Karst
Difficult to do in PSP I'd say. Try to set the text to a path and then move it. You really need Freehand to do this.

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 16:20
by timsinister
I'm not sure what a path, or Freehand is. :| Can it really be difficult to simply bend a block of text along a curve?!

Thanks for replying though, Karst - I had nightmares of this dropping off the bottom of the page without a reply...

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 16:42
by ruffers


I did this in Word once, not that that helps I'm sure.

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 16:43
by timsinister
Mmm, I've tried that, creating it in WordArt and copying it in. Looks terrible, but it's the best option yet.

I cannot believe you can't simply reshape a block of text, though! If this is the case, someone put me out of my misery!

Cheers ruff. :notworthy:

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 17:11
by James Blast
Karst wrote:You really need Freehand to do this.

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 17:12
by Obviousman
How about Xara 3D? (you've got to find a crack if you really want it to work though, otherwise it's just xara all over your text...)