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12 years...

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 01:14
by vicus
It has been 12 years since the release of "A slight case of overbombing" yesterday IIRC :eek:

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 02:19
by H. Blackrose
Also 12 years since the last Kate Bush album. A new one is due in November - obviously she and Von were in a reverse race and Von won.

Didn't Von say he'd like Kate to produce a future Sisters album?

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 07:22
by _emma_
And whenever I listen to her songs I can't stop thinking how good they'd sound together. :(

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 07:29
by Eva
As far as I know Von thought the same, Emma, but Kate declined... :roll:

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 09:15
by timsinister
Today I swopped it out of my CD player for Some Girls Wander...

Eerie. :wink:

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 09:45
by markfiend
Andrew Eldritch nearly wrote:And it seems like more than twelve years of
Ever after, ever less, less, less

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 20:00
by dtsom
12 years is so much....

will they relise other album???

I don´t think so.

the next in mopnion 26th anyversary tour.........

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 20:40
by Ozpat
dtsom wrote:.

will they relise other album???
:roll: Maybe....some's gonna fall right out of the sky...

I wonder if :von: has ever thought of a name for a new record.

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 22:29
by taylor
>It has been 12 years since the release of "A slight case of overbombing" >yesterday IIRC

thank you God for this, please Andy wait at least 120 years before release another record. Really dont neeed....

If you really need cash come out the Royal Albert on Dvd with all 84-85 video as bonus

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 06:52
by allfear
Actually Taylor hits the nail on the head in that its well time that there was a Sisters DVD with Wake, Shot, all the promos, Whistle Test would make a good bonus as its the only tw appearence that is live.


Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 07:42
by pandemon
Oh, I've been waiting for that DVD for a LONG time now...


Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 12:00
by boudicca
Ozpat wrote:I wonder if :von: has ever thought of a name for a new record.
"You're Still Here, Aren't You?" :von:

Good grief, I was 9...! :eek: :urff:

Ah well. Fingers crossed for the new Kate Bush album... :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 12:31
by Pat
And I was only 21......for the seventh time. :lol:


Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 14:40
by Ozpat
allfear wrote:Actually Taylor hits the nail on the head in that its well time that there was a Sisters DVD with Wake, Shot, all the promos, Whistle Test would make a good bonus as its the only tw appearence that is live.

That would be smashing! But I can't wait for a DVD with the "recent" gigs.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 14:42
by Ozpat
taylor wrote: thank you God for this, please Andy wait at least 120 years before release another record. Really dont neeed....

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 14:48
by Quiff Boy
the bbc will still hold copyright for the whistle test stuff, so i doubt that would ever appear on anything other than another bbc whistletest retrospective dvd (volume 19 anyone? :lol: ).

which is a shame :|

i happen to know that the bbc still have the original whistle test broadcast tape forthat episode in their archives... with the timecode stamp in the top corner and everything :o

if you work for the bbc you can take stuff out of their archive system to borrom - for "research" purposes :lol:

until recently a lot of their archive was stored at the woodhouse lane studios in leeds. guess it could be anywhere now though as it close down recently (last year i think?).

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 16:44
by Andrew S
Quiff Boy wrote: if you work for the bbc you can take stuff out of their archive system to borrom - for "research" purposes :lol:
Even so, would there not be pretty tight restrictions on the borrowing? Archives are notoriously protective of their collections and I imagine there would need to be a very good reason to borrow any BBC footage. I like the idea though. :)

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 18:24
by boudicca
Quiff Boy wrote:whistle test
One generation gets the OGWT... :notworthy:

20 years down the line, and what do the kids have? Pete f**king Doherty on CD:UK. :evil: :roll:

I'm going to have to either break into and raid the Beeb's archives or construct some kind of time-machine... :idea:

Posted: 25 Sep 2005, 22:34
by James Blast
no you're not

and I still remember The Orange Bicycle on 'Colour Me Pop' way back when BBC2 went in colour.

Posted: 25 Sep 2005, 23:02
by VonOben
Ozpat wrote:I wonder if :von: has ever thought of a name for a new record.
"Best", or better yet "Beast". Not very likely "Breast". :roll:

"The first are last,
the blessed get wired,
the best is yet to come."

PS. I'm just putting words together here, they doesn't actually mean something. I've always thought of "Two worlds apart" as a good title.