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So, Corpse Bride

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 00:38
by Debaser
Review please....I need to know if it's worth paying the totally shocking and exhorbitant price to go see it at the local flea pit.

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 00:44
by Johnny M
And I thought this was you pandering to my necrophilia fetish. Damn! I finally thought I'd got to drag (literally) a woman up the aisle. Assuming bits wouldn't fall off in the process.

Off topic in one. How fab. I await my usual 'punishment' Ms Debaser. :kiss:

* gosh I can hear your Lincoln growl from here *

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 00:51
by Debaser
feck off.............................

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 00:56
by Johnny M
And ... I make no apologises for going back to edit my post. 'Necrophilia' is not usually in my vocabulary (yet) so hence my initial spelling error. :innocent:

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 07:47
by Dark
I thought it was BoF's birthday :lol:

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 08:53
by Obviousman
Johnny M wrote:And ... I make no apologises for going back to edit my post. 'Necrophilia' is not usually in my vocabulary (yet) so hence my initial spelling error. :innocent:
Ah, one does learn a lot in life...

And perhaps after :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 13:14
by paint it black
can't wait


am working on a 'pre-release' version :innocent:

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 14:24
by radiojamaica
...euhmmm: Burton + Depp + funny voices = :D definitely my cup of tea!

Can't wait for this one! Tonight, I'm gonna go to Broken Flowers , another one on top of my list :innocent:

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 14:35
by hallucienate
Two Burton movies in one year? *bliss*

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 17:46
by Marsden Fields
I'm quite willing to part with my hard-earned cash for this one, though my confidence in Hollywood did take a blow when I attended a premiere of the new Wallace & Gromit film. While the film itself was disappointing (not very funny, surprising, or strange), the management of the cinema committed a grave error in judgement by insisting on flooding the space with little chattering vermin, whose high-pitched screams all but drowned out the dialogue. Not that Gromit said much, the little scamp.

What are those things called? Foxes? No, less hair. Ah, I remember now...they were children.

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 20:19
by Brideoffrankenstein
Dark wrote:I thought it was BoF's birthday :lol:
:lol: :notworthy:
I was just about to say that I wasn't aware of a film being made about me! :wink:

Posted: 27 Sep 2005, 07:54
by deadagain
Helena Bonham Carter has been corpsing in all of her last movies anyway hasn't she?!