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Something that has long troubled me...

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 20:54
by boudicca
...about this forum. Not a major gripe, we'll leave that to the Lokis of this world :wink: , more of a minor niggle. A tiny little stone in the HL shoe, if you will.



Mr Smiley there. I dun' like 'im. Many a time I've been typing a message where a gentle smile is in order rather than a full-on grin, only to find this fellow.
Now is it just me, or does he look like he's leering at us? The horizontal eyebrows and the show of teeth coupled with the turned-up corners of the mouth are what does it, I reckon.

I'd like to see a nice Mr. Happy, like people-who-weren't-goffs wore on their t-shirts in the early 90's because they were on not-goff drugs.

Like this little charmer...Image

With or without hat.

:urff: :oops: It's just me isn't it...?

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:01
by Big Si
I think it was Ganith or Dead Stars who said they didn't like it either :?:

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:03
by Johnny M
I've always seen :) as a tentative smile. Sometimes helps to break the ice? Defuse the situation?

Whereas :D is a big smile. A happy smile!

And :P is a big whoo hoo! Cue: Blur intro and lots of bouncing ... 8)

Maybe it's just me as well ... :?

* goes searching for the key to his 'pets' dungeon *

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:05
by Obviousman
I've never been too fond of the : )-type smileys as well, not on forums, not while chatting, not on msn-messenger...
It always seemed me like the person using it feels itself better than the other, it mocks the other person a little bit... Not really laughing but more like a smile that says ''and don't you dare give any comment on that''

However, these days I find myself using it more and more, as a nuance instead of the : D-type smileys, without necessarily mocking the other user (still, on msn-mess that's what I use it for mostly)... Because I noticed that is what the others use it for, mostly

You're not alone, you see ;D

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:06
by Black Alice
I must say that I don't think I've ever used that smilie - probably because it doesn't look positive enough. So, I'm with you B ;D

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:08
by Johnny M
Black Alice wrote:I must say that I don't think I've ever used that smilie - probably because it doesn't look positive enough. So, I'm with you B ;D
That's interesting because I never use that 'green one' because it means nothing to me and I don't understand it. :?

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:09
by Obviousman
Johnny M wrote:
Black Alice wrote:I must say that I don't think I've ever used that smilie - probably because it doesn't look positive enough. So, I'm with you B ;D
That's interesting because I never use that 'green one' because it means nothing to me and I don't understand it. :?
To me, that's like a fat grin... Quite like grinning myself ;D

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:16
by Johnny M
Obviousman wrote:
Johnny M wrote:
Black Alice wrote:I must say that I don't think I've ever used that smilie - probably because it doesn't look positive enough. So, I'm with you B ;D
That's interesting because I never use that 'green one' because it means nothing to me and I don't understand it. :?
To me, that's like a fat grin... Quite like grinning myself ;D
Ok, so we're in cyberspace Zeno. We all grin during conversation but how many times in the real world do you end a conversation and then put that expression on your face? :lol:

Without getting locked up? :innocent: :lol:

You're all bonkers! :wink:

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:16
by Black Alice
Obviousman wrote:
Johnny M wrote:
Black Alice wrote:I must say that I don't think I've ever used that smilie - probably because it doesn't look positive enough. So, I'm with you B ;D
That's interesting because I never use that 'green one' because it means nothing to me and I don't understand it. :?
To me, that's like a fat grin... Quite like grinning myself ;D
Yep - me too. Someone once said of me (and I do believe it was my Dad :eek: ) that I had a big mouth full of teeth which were all at the front :lol:

BTW I have the normal number of teeth and they are pretty evenly spaced - but I do have a big mouth :lol: :lol:

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:19
by Johnny M
Black Alice wrote: but I do have a big mouth
Really? Never noticed ... :innocent:


Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:21
by Brideoffrankenstein
Black Alice wrote:I must say that I don't think I've ever used that smilie - probably because it doesn't look positive enough. So, I'm with you B ;D
Yep me too

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:22
by Obviousman
Johnny M wrote:
Obviousman wrote:
Johnny M wrote: That's interesting because I never use that 'green one' because it means nothing to me and I don't understand it. :?
To me, that's like a fat grin... Quite like grinning myself ;D
Ok, so we're in cyberspace Zeno. We all grin during conversation but how many times in the real world do you end a conversation and then put that expression on your face? :lol:

Without getting locked up? :innocent: :lol:

You're all bonkers! :wink:
Luckily I never turn green after a conversation :lol: It's just in cyberspace it makes more sense to put smileys at the end of a sentence instead of spreading them throughout the sentence, so if I put that grin at the end, I've been grinning throughout the sentence... Hope that does make sense :roll: :lol:

And I presume you were warned on the level of madness in here before :P

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:23
by scotty
Black Alice wrote: - but I do have a big mouth :lol: :lol:
Designed for accommodating large amounts of drink no doubt,just the thing for LEEDS :D :D ,and one of him :) !.

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:33
by emilystrange
Johnny M wrote:* goes searching for the key to his 'pets' dungeon *
scuze me, honey, but the dungeon is the sole preserve of darkfreaks ladies and their *guests*

we have bouncers.

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:35
by Johnny M
Obviousman wrote: Hope that does make sense :roll: :lol:
In an Antwerp student type of way, yes. ;D

Obviousman wrote:And I presume you were warned on the level of madness in here before :P
Weren't we all? 8)

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:39
by ruffers
Hmm..... coincidentally I'd been toying with the idea for a few days of suggesting "No Smilie Week" to see how much we really need them. Would a lack of smilies result in horrendous misunderstandings ripping the very fabric of HL apart? Would it make no difference whatsoever? Would we have to (gulp) take time to consider our writing more?

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:40
by aims
ruffers wrote:Hmm..... coincidentally I'd been toying with the idea for a few days of suggesting "No Smilie Week" to see how much we really need them. Would a lack of smilies result in horrendous misunderstandings ripping the very fabric of HL apart? Would it make no difference whatsoever? Would we have to (gulp) take time to consider our writing more?

:| :? :(?

:D ;D :lol:!


Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:44
by canon docre
Johnny M wrote: And :P is a big whoo hoo! Cue: Blur intro and lots of bouncing ... 8)
I still don't get what :P means exactly. :( (although I think that :| is looking quite sad too. At least sadder than "neutral")

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:44
by Johnny M
emilystrange wrote:
Johnny M wrote:* goes searching for the key to his 'pets' dungeon *
scuze me, honey, but the dungeon is the sole preserve of darkfreaks ladies and their *guests*

we have bouncers.
Good! And I've bailed out of that GMail convo. :urff:

Bouncers, I like. :wink:

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 21:48
by eastmidswhizzkid
Johnny M wrote:
Black Alice wrote:I must say that I don't think I've ever used that smilie - probably because it doesn't look positive enough. So, I'm with you B ;D
That's interesting because I never use that 'green one' because it means nothing to me and I don't understand it. :?
i'm glad somebody else has said that. i've always thought that neither the symbol nor it's name really fit in with the varying ways it's used...always been too :oops: to ask!

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 22:02
by Johnny M
canon docre wrote: I still don't get what :P means exactly.
To me it's 'cheeky'! Done :) and done :D so it's the next step. But also used sparingly and suddenly. Almost like an exclamation smile. See previous whoo hoo! :P
canon docre wrote: :| is looking quite sad too. At least sadder than "neutral")
This one is cool and works. That expression on your lips that says 'Im neutral and not taking any sides' or even 'sorry'.

This one we like. :|

Re: Something that has long troubled me...

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 22:07
by smiscandlon
boudicca wrote: :)

Now is it just me, or does he look like he's leering at us?
I sort of see your point. I can imagine him wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 23:02
by Quiff Boy
yeah, it is crap innit?

--> :) <--


the big smile is top though :D :D :D

and the big green smiley is a cheeky, eat-s**t kinda grin ;D

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 23:28
by boudicca
I'm not alone! ;D

No-smilie Week would be a bad idea, IMHO... there is a lot of dry wit used round here which would come across rather differently if it wasn't punctuated with grins. As it would be in normal conversation.

There is some statistic... something like 93% of human communication is non-verbal, much of that is gesture and facial expression. I think there's a damn good reason these things are so widely used on t'internet - words alone do not really convey the more subtle nuances of things.

Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 23:36
by smiscandlon
boudicca wrote:words alone do not really convey the more subtle nuances of things.
Yes, that Shakespeare bloke really struggled without emoticons didn't he?