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OS X on a pc

Posted: 03 Oct 2005, 08:02
by nigel d
for those interested

apparently there is a version of OS X that runs on a pc.
reported in Future Music this month. apparently apple are moving over to intel chips next year and a development copy of OS X has been leaked on to the interweb.

Posted: 03 Oct 2005, 08:10
by pandemon
been around for quite a while, but it doesn't support all hardware etc. The coming version, when released, is supposed to work only on IntelMacs and not IBM-compatibles.

Posted: 03 Oct 2005, 08:15
by lazarus corporation
Don't think I'll try installing an OS which was based on something created for PCs, hacked around to work on Mac architecture, and then re-hacked to work on intel chips again...

Posted: 03 Oct 2005, 08:27
by nigel d
apparently the "translation" layer called rosetta helps osx talk to the pc . reported use of logic with multiple audio tracks has been achived with little or no problem.
no "official comment" yet.
although apple are reported to be looking at the security of the software.