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seems like I need a few things...

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 21:39
by Delilah
Borrowed from myspace - the results can be hilarious! Put your name into google followed by the word "needs" and then check out the search results. (for example put: "ania needs" into google)
My results:
Princess Ania
a hero to find 9 gems for her necklace.
Ania needs a lot of water,
Ania needs to wake up
Ania needs to be excused from class today
Ania needs a fan club!
Ania needs to grow up abit
Ania needs an icecream to cool down
Ania needs more sophisticated drugs (HELL YEAH!)

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 21:43
by Obviousman
Mine gives less and somewhat more wierd results :lol:
Don't get the first ones, but the last one is right on the spot (h)

Zeno needs to feel that exhilararion again (what's exhi-thingy?)
Zeno needs to consider Parmenides in conjunction
Zeno needs money and you (nice one :lol: )

EDIT: Found some more:

ZENO NEEDS HELP (not that I'm aware of, really)
Zeno needs to obtain the analytical cost curve (depends which one, really)
Zeno needs to travel over 1 unit of space (how?)
Zeno needs to die (no I don't)
Zeno needs a hug (won't refuse that one :lol: )
Zeno needs to really search inside and basically proclaim what he is (very phylosophical :eek: )

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 21:48
by Purple Light
I only got two responses... they say I need to be written out of some show & I need to be killed off. How nice.
My fault for having an obscure name. :roll:

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 21:57
by aims
Mike needs our help.
Mike needs a room.
Mike is in need of a date. :roll:
Mike needs a helmet.
This is doable Mike needs.

Interesting o.O

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 22:36
by ruffers
Paul Needs appears to be a Welsh songwriter "who's one-man show, "Tribute to the 60s and 70s", can be seen all around south Wales."

I've got it wrong again...

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 23:03
by eastmidswhizzkid
apparently, Lee needs:

... to explain in detail the circumstances of what happened
...a home with no children or other pets
...glasses be blue not black be executed for betraying our country
...a sex change

and, i kid you not, -Lee needs any powder before he goes on stage.

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 23:16
by Andie

Andie needs an article idea fast
Andie needs some cotton tanks that aren't Olsen-thin
Andie needs fashion advice!
Andie needs to prove she can dump a guy in 10 days.
what Andie needs to do to accomplish her goal
and finally
Andie MacDowell needs to install a warning beeper on her torso. That way, if she accidentally leaves her headlights on, she will be warned: clicky *possible nipple alert*

could be something to do with the spelling of andie... :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 23:24
by The Pope
This is great:

Rachel needs your prayers!!!!!!
Rachel needs £5000
Rachel needs $180.70
Rachel Needs f**king Now
Rachel needs to be responsible for her own behavior
Rachel needs your help

it's on the internet, so it must be true!

:eek: :lol:

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 23:34
by Planet Dave
Dave needs

- a vacation

- to get that mole looked at. :eek:

- a new kidney. :lol: :lol:

All too true.

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 00:01
by Johnny M
OK ... so Johnny 'needs' ...

- A fast car
- A jolt!
- Coaching
- A new bike (because the last one left him).
- Needs to stop living in reality.
- Needs to stop being Daddy.
- A motto
- Your love and your prayers.


Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 00:23
by timsinister
Needs...your help, a theme, help, approving, to set up and test all the equipment required for the lesson, and stage. Not a stage, or the stage, or some staging, just 'stage'.

Bizarre. Enjoyable. Thank-you!

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 02:54
by Thea
needs to get among a lot of young people who are clever like herself.

needs psychiatric help.

needs a following.

needs some one to love her and banish her too-tall image

Needs to be moved on quickly once she has achieved in order to keep her
motivate and interested in the activity

needs more air time but I think it should be taken from Kit 'What in the hell has happened to me since Road Rules' Hoover.

Huzzah for cunningly skirting the issue of a recent name-change 8)

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 04:24
by Andrew S
Andrew needs a belt
Andrew needs a new iPod
Andrew needs sleep, badly
Andrew needs to participate in social skills training directed by school professionals
Why St Andrew Needs a Railway
Andrew needs guidance and boundaries from his adoptive family
All the programs that Andrew needs are contained within the system


Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 07:03
by Ozpat
Pat needs your help :lol:
Pat needs our help
Pat needs a bike :)
Pat needs to step down as a leader of this church :eek:
Pat needs to keep his mouth shut :?

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 07:37
by Dark
Korin needs a friend
Korin needs to begin to follow his job description
Korin needs your expertise now
Korin needs supportership
Korin needs to get out
Korin needs a hug

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 07:58
by nick the stripper
I got nothing for Josh, and these two for nick:

nick needs meds petition :urff:
nick needs a critique

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 07:58
by hallucienate
Lucien needs Alice to save him from the darkness of his m*****n.
Everyone agrees that Lucien needs to be taken down a few pegs
Lucien needs the help, whether he likes to admit it or not
Lucien needs to claim his identity
Eve knows that Lucien needs her

All a bit negative then :?

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 08:50
by Mrs RicheyJames
hallucienate wrote: Everyone agrees that Lucien needs to be taken down a few pegs
It's as if Google knows you. Totally uncanny. :lol: :lol:

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 09:12
by canon docre
Jessica needs to keep her effin hands off my boy. :twisted:

Jessica needs a better man, instead of sum backstreet boy wannabe! ... (..but it would be a start :roll: ....)

Jessica Needs Cash (too true)

Jessica needs a nice romance (...even more true)

Jessica needs fake titties and then she would be perfect. (now, that's gross :eek:)


Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 09:55
by Batfish
Batfish needs:

Your Help. :(
USS Batfish Website News. :|
Batfish Info. :?
Pet Solutions. :lol:
Biological Oceanographic Studies in the Pacific Ocean. :eek:

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 09:55
by Gottdammerung
Gott needs a summer job,
a wake up call
a two-parent family
experienced parents to help him develop his fullest potential
pizza and chinese food
a sense of purpose for his life..
to call you
to dowload and install both Ad-Aware and Spybot
a bit of re-education
a lot of help

Jebus! That's my life down to a tee! :lol:

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 10:13
by Batfish
One of my work colleagues just discovered that what she needs is to keep her dumb hoe trap shut before somebody shuts it for her. :eek: :lol:

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 11:17
by culprit
this is my best one...

Phil needs your help today to fight the Schwarzenegger fundraising machine!

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 12:26
by Quiff Boy
Barry needs to show what is wrong with my replies
Barry needs yet another
Barry needs to be knighted
Barry needs backup
Barry needs to pursue a new route
what Barry needs is a nuclear explosion :lol:
Barry needs to fly
Barry needs to develop a stronger identity in order to draw in the external shoppers
Barry needs an enema :o
Barry needs a rest (you're not kidding after that enema!!) :D
Barry needs to wear a suit
Barry needs no introduction :von: :lol:
Barry needs more steroids to make him look bigger :urff:
Barry needs things put away in particular places
Barry likes to settle down
Barry needs something like 190 more HR to break Aaron's mark
Barry needs to know about all the medications that you are taking, any allergic reactions you've had to medicines in the past, and your past and present health conditions.


Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 13:05
by straylight
Amber needs protection from strong sunlight

Amber needs 2-3 hours therapy a day

This is spooky, they know me so well..!