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Posted: 14 Oct 2005, 23:31
by rian
7 of them right now. As topics.

Where's this world going?

Currently wondering.......

Posted: 14 Oct 2005, 23:36
by Brideoffrankenstein

I like them generally

Posted: 14 Oct 2005, 23:44
by rian
Brideoffrankenstein wrote::lol:

I like them generally


Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 00:02
by Thea
I like them too.

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 00:03
by Brideoffrankenstein
Well I don't dislike them - that puts it better

(oooh I just got the HL Midnight Error)

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 00:04
by Thea
The midnight error? :eek:
Wossat then? :|

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 00:10
by Brideoffrankenstein
I seem to remember it's some sort of glitch that comes up at midnight that says " php error" or something, then when it's finished being midnight it goes again

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 00:30
by canon docre
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I seem to remember it's some sort of glitch that comes up at midnight that says " php error" or something, then when it's finished being midnight it goes again
must be the built-in g*th-alert. :lol:

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 00:37
by Planet Dave
canon docre wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I seem to remember it's some sort of glitch that comes up at midnight that says " php error" or something, then when it's finished being midnight it goes again
must be the built-in g*th-alert. :lol:
Could've done with one of them last week. :lol:

Mind you, there'd have been hardly anyone left. :eek: :lol:

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 00:38
by Thea
I thought midnight was just when everyone turned up at once? Or is the fabled "midnight glitch" there to stop that? :lol:

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 00:49
by boudicca
Planet Dave wrote:
canon docre wrote:must be the built-in g*th-alert. :lol:
Could've done with one of them last week. :lol:

Mind you, there'd have been hardly anyone left. :eek: :lol:
FOFF! :P :evil: :lol:
I get those bloody errors all the time. Does this mean I'm gother than everyone else? :eek: :? :oops:

As far as "currently" threads go... :roll: zzzzzzz.... haven't we been here before? A lot of people obviously like them, since they get so many replies, and they're good ones for wandering off topic and then coming right back.

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 01:30
by Thea
best way to get an impressive post-count! :lol:

Re: Currently?

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 11:39
by Obviousman
rian wrote:7 of them right now. As topics.

Where's this world going?

Currently wondering.......
There used to be a currently wondering thread too :lol:

As one where someone gave comments, like this one, on that one :lol:

Anyway, I don't really mind them, they cover a lot and you don't have to start new topics all the time this way, which makes it all a bit more clear (at least that's what I think)

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 16:28
by eastmidswhizzkid
currently feeling better,thanks for asking.
i dont mind currently threads (i think this has been done before but..) however any impressive post counts fall screaming into the abyss when a currently thread hits 1000 or so try not to make them too popular :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 21:37
by emilystrange
it's somewhere to type my rubbish

Re: Currently?

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 23:58
by Thea
Obviousman wrote: There used to be a currently wondering thread too :lol:
currently wondering where that went to...

Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 09:48
by MadameButterfly
Currently....feeling the Lunar Eclipse that is taking place today in Aries and tonight needs to be celebrated!


Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 10:33
by eastmidswhizzkid
MadameButterfly wrote:Currently....feeling the Lunar Eclipse that is taking place today in Aries and tonight needs to be celebrated!

is that buenos aries? :innocent:

Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 10:35
by MadameButterfly
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: is that buenos aries? :innocent:
:lol: No!!! Aries as in zodiac sign...

Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 11:36
by eastmidswhizzkid
>>knew that! arent we in libra at the moment?

Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 11:38
by Gottdammerung
Currently considering starting a thread titled "Currently most wanting to kill..."

Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 11:39
by MadameButterfly
Indeed we are in Libra at the moment, although the eclipse has the sun in Aries....

Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 11:40
by eastmidswhizzkid
....buenos aries? :lol:

Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 11:43
by MadameButterfly
:lol: going to put my shades on and have a smoke and try to see how many planents I can count during the day.... :innocent:

Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 11:48
by markfiend
I'm guessing that the moon's in Aries? :lol:

Anyhoo, we can't see the eclipse in Europe :(