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Why does the flu exists ?

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 15:47
by Shadow_Smile
I got the flu, and now i'm forced to stay at home, in my bed, with my laptop surfing the internet !!!

So why does the flu exists ? ? ?

I feel sick

- heb last van spetter poep :urff:
- some headache's
- warm, cold, warm ,cold,......... in wave's
- dizzyness
- feels like i'm a snail when walking to the bathroom
- zo nu en dan lekker brokkelen met wat ik net gegeten heb !
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggg,................

any one got a cure ?

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 15:58
by Obviousman
Why don't you share the unapetising details only with us, the Dutch speaking bunch :urff: (BTW Spetterpoep :lol: Lang geleden dat ik die nog hoorde, ook racekak? :lol: :lol: )

Go really public or don't, :P

Still, hope you get better soon but hang around here a bit in the meanwhile, will you :D

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 16:04
by Shadow_Smile
I think the Ducht understanding people can handle it better the English !

They still need to get used to some of the Dutch things

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 16:05
by Obviousman
Smart move :von: :lol:

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 16:06
by Johnny M
Well I sincerely hope it's not catching. It all sounds rather ghastly and nasty. I certainly don't want to end up speaking Dutch ... :innocent:

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 16:13
by markfiend
If you want a biblical answer, the 'flu is part of God's punishment for the Fall of Adam and Eve back at the beginning of time circa 4004BC.

Or if you want a more probably correct answer...

The 'flu exists because there's a lovely ecological niche (your nose and throat) for it to grow and reproduce in.

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 16:15
by Shadow_Smile
markfiend wrote:If you want a biblical answer, the 'flu is part of God's punishment for the Fall of Adam and Eve back at the beginning of time circa 4004BC.

Or if you want a more probably correct answer...

The 'flu exists because there's a lovely ecological niche (your nose and throat) for it to grow and reproduce in.
I feel much much better now :eek:

Hmmmmmmm,............... remind me to never open a bible. Maybe the man upstairs has given us much more trouble then we know

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 16:26
by emilystrange
it was all fine until the man downstairs got involved, apparently. or until pandora opened that box.

i haven't got flu, but i can feel it coming

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 16:32
by Shadow_Smile
emilystrange wrote:it was all fine until the man downstairs got involved, apparently. or until pandora opened that box.

i haven't got flu, but i can feel it coming
for me it was, waking up at night, instant reaction to run at the toilet and making it just in time,...........

then I knew, this is gonna be f*** up week :cry:

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 16:51
by boudicca
Obviousman wrote:Why don't you share the unapetising details only with us, the Dutch speaking bunch :urff:
Don't worry Zeno... my p*ss-poor knowledge of your fine language plus a bit of initiative has helped me work it out, I think... :innocent: :eek: :urff: :lol:

These bugs are kinda groovy. Darwinism in action - adapt and survive and all that 8) ...[/in-depth scientific analysis, I don't feel like it today...]

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 20:12
by Dark
The man upstairs and the man downstairs are having a competition.

Satan gave us the flu, and natural disasters.
God gave us Fundamentalist Conservative Christians.

Who's the more evil?

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 21:19
by Francis
I blame global warming. And Emily. ;D

Posted: 18 Oct 2005, 22:09
by boudicca
Dark wrote:The man upstairs and the man downstairs are having a competition.

Satan gave us the flu, and natural disasters.
God gave us Fundamentalist Conservative Christians.

Who's the more evil?
God also gave us plagues of locusts and that, didnee?
Total knowbwand. :twisted:

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 08:10
by hallucienate
I'm sure QB would find your spetter poep quite interesting :lol:

I'm also bloody sick.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 08:14
by Ozpat
hallucienate wrote:I'm sure QB would find your spetter poep quite interesting :lol:

I'm also bloody sick.
Is that also the Afrikaans word for it? :roll:

Hope you feel better soon.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 09:27
by hallucienate
Ozpat wrote:
hallucienate wrote:I'm sure QB would find your spetter poep quite interesting :lol:

I'm also bloody sick.
Is that also the Afrikaans word for it? :roll:

Hope you feel better soon.
ek weet van poep en kak, ja. :?

I just guessed what spetter is. :urff:

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 09:35
by Ozpat
hallucienate wrote:
Ozpat wrote:
hallucienate wrote:I'm sure QB would find your spetter poep quite interesting :lol:

I'm also bloody sick.
Is that also the Afrikaans word for it? :roll:

Hope you feel better soon.
ek weet van poep en kak, ja. :?

I just guessed what spetter is. :urff:
:lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 09:52
by Obviousman
boudicca wrote:
Obviousman wrote:Why don't you share the unapetising details only with us, the Dutch speaking bunch :urff:
Don't worry Zeno... my p*ss-poor knowledge of your fine language plus a bit of initiative has helped me work it out, I think... :innocent: :eek: :urff: :lol:
Feel free to explain what it means :innocent:
hallucienate wrote:I'm sure QB would find your spetter poep quite interesting :lol:

I'm also bloody sick.
Also spetter poep, or worse things :lol: ?

Not sick (yet) myself, I'm just bloody tired, so wouldn't be surprised if the flu came up in the near future :urff:

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 10:10
by hallucienate
Obviousman wrote: Also spetter poep, or worse things :lol: ?
Nope :D
Just a sore throat and snotty nose. :?

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 10:49
by MadameButterfly
@ Shadow_Smile....hope you got through the night alright...
Second day....drink tea and as much liquid - do not want to dehydrate.
To get some of your strength back try tea and "beschuit" (dutch word).
Get as much sleep while your body is fighting the virus.
A few more days and it gets better....make sure there is enough toliet paper (get someone to stock it up).

@ hallucienate....for a sore throat....tea with fresh lemon or honey
and for the snotty nose....lots of tissues although keep the area around your nose in tact by using vaseline.

And get well soon.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 10:52
by Shadow_Smile
hallucienate wrote:I'm sure QB would find your spetter poep quite interesting :lol:

I'm also bloody sick.
I hope we feel better soon !!!

i'm still in bed now, so finaly my old pII laptop is paying off

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 10:54
by Mrs RicheyJames
Is it proper flu or just a slight cold? I know what you men are like.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 10:57
by MadameButterfly
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Is it proper flu or just a slight cold? I know what you men are like.
:lol: yeah......

MB :notworthy: that was for Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 10:59
by Shadow_Smile
MadameButterfly wrote:@ Shadow_Smile....hope you got through the night alright...
Second day....drink tea and as much liquid - do not want to dehydrate.
To get some of your strength back try tea and "beschuit" (dutch word).
Get as much sleep while your body is fighting the virus.
A few more days and it gets better....make sure there is enough toliet paper (get someone to stock it up).

@ hallucienate....for a sore throat....tea with fresh lemon or honey
and for the snotty nose....lots of tissues although keep the area around your nose in tact by using vaseline.

And get well soon.
been in bed for 2 day's,....... hate going out couse I have high bed, so I can use the space below it (hoogslaper van de "ikea") So every time when I have to go, I have these small mini stairs on my bed and go down by it, that take's 20 seconds. Once I nearly made to Mr. toilet, and was lucky that I have a good aim ! :roll:

But i'm sure you don't wanna know the rest of that one ! :urff:

beschuit is net een hap lucht, ik houd het wel by wat crakers.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 11:00
by eastmidswhizzkid
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Is it proper flu or just a slight cold? I know what you men are like.
hypochondriacs.every single one of us.its a good job we dont have to give birth...etc.etc. :roll: :lol: