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the merry thoughts

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 03:56
by EricSweden
looks like the merry thoughts might be back:

great band!

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 07:38
by pandemon
Yup! could be rather interesting...

If ever there was a band with a sound like SoM...

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 07:53
by aims
Bloody hell. They do sound very much like the Sisters. And that voice is eerily familiar :eek:

And this is bloody scary :|

If the 2004 pic of "Marvin" didn't have hair, I'd be throwing conspiracy theories around now ;D

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 09:01
by timsinister
There must be a common denominator. Germany = high cheekbones, cowboy hats, sneering dismissal and sunglasses.

Downloading now...


Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 11:30
by Quiff Boy
pandemon wrote:a band with a sound like SoM...
with all the life sucked out of them.

dear oh dear. identikit sisters sounds with weedy guitars and a singer who tries so hard that he isnt actually able to let loose - he's too studied and self-consciously von-esque. there's no "him" in there. no power or feeling. he cannot howl or scream.

they're s**t.

pale empress? pale wanker more like.

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 11:45
by markfiend
Image what QB said.

Pale imitation even.

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 13:06
by pandemon
Quiff Boy wrote:
pandemon wrote:a band with a sound like SoM...
with all the life sucked out of them.

dear oh dear. identikit sisters sounds with weedy guitars and a singer who tries so hard that he isnt actually able to let loose - he's too studied and self-consciously von-esque. there's no "him" in there. no power or feeling. he cannot howl or scream.

they're s**t.

pale empress? pale wanker more like.
There's some life, not much though... too studied and self-consciously von-esque - definitely!

they're s**t - nah, I wouldn't go that far...

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 13:38
by boudicca
I downloaded some of their stuff a while back, and haven't yet listened to enough of it to discern whether they are great or complete cack.

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 16:05
by Erudite
Quiff Boy wrote:
pandemon wrote:a band with a sound like SoM...
with all the life sucked out of them.

dear oh dear. identikit sisters sounds with weedy guitars and a singer who tries so hard that he isnt actually able to let loose - he's too studied and self-consciously von-esque. there's no "him" in there. no power or feeling. he cannot howl or scream.

they're s**t.

pale empress? pale wanker more like.
Oddly in accord with my opinion of Rosetta Stone.

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 16:13
by Quiff Boy

heathen :lol:

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 16:17
by Erudite
Quiff Boy wrote::o

heathen :lol:
Unashamedly so. :wink:

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 18:58
by lazarus corporation
Erudite wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
pandemon wrote:a band with a sound like SoM...
with all the life sucked out of them.

dear oh dear. identikit sisters sounds with weedy guitars and a singer who tries so hard that he isnt actually able to let loose - he's too studied and self-consciously von-esque. there's no "him" in there. no power or feeling. he cannot howl or scream.

they're s**t.

pale empress? pale wanker more like.
Oddly in accord with my opinion of Rosetta Stone.
I'm in complete agreement with Erudite on this one - compared to the Sisters' amphetamine fuelled rock 'n' roll, Rosetta Stone churned out Nescafe-fuelled jingles, lacking in any power, passion or meaning.

Just my opinion, mind.

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 19:12
by nick the stripper
They sound alright to me, but nothing special. Too bland.

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 19:15
by James Blast
markfiend wrote:Image what QB said.

Pale imitation even.
the two I could stand before hitting 'stop' sounded nowt like a certain English beat combo.

No redeeming factors, please move along.

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 22:28
by timsinister
Whoops, I've left it on the creaking heap of neolithic s**t I'm forced to call my workstation. According to The Boss, all this 'porn-surfing' is what's jiggered my machine.

And not the fact that it's running '98 without a service, overhaul, or defragment in the three years you've owned it? Shurely shome mishtake?

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 23:09
by James Blast
have one of these Timothy

the wee box on the right is the choice item, BTW

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 04:07
by Petseri
James Blast wrote:have one of these Timothy

the wee box on the right is the choice item, BTW
Is a wee box so you do not have to stop surfing if you need to go to the bathroom?

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 06:20
by sultan2075
Quiff Boy wrote:
pale empress? pale wanker more like.

This is without a doubt the smartest thing I've ever seen written on this forum. It reflects THE WAY IT IS. There's no point in discussing them any further.

Sweet fancy Moses, someone needs to cram a boot up the ass of this s**t. Or a gun.

EDIT 2 (and unrelated): Don't ever claim I never gave you people anything. Revel in the glory:

EDIT 3: Damnable filters, that should be sh1tbag.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 09:30
by Pat
sultan2075 wrote: Don't ever claim I never gave you people anything. Revel in the glory:
Put your fingers in your ears and you'd really think Bruce Dickenson was in the room with you.
I wonder what it sounds like backwards :twisted:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 11:10
by Johnny M
But back on topic, the pile of cack this thread is about actually feature in HLs very own photo gallery here

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 14:10
by timsinister
James Blast wrote:have one of these Timothy

the wee box on the right is the choice item, BTW
Ah, you had it in your avatar a while ago, eh? Classy. As long as you don't advise me getting the thing on the left of the picture *shudder*

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 14:11
by timsinister
Johnny M wrote:But back on topic, the pile of cack this thread is about actually feature in HLs very own photo gallery here
I like Andy TG's beard. Other than that, the muppet in the middle really doesn't look like AE.

Cheers, Mr. M!

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 05:04
by DeWinter
Well,I daresay there are many Lou Reed/Cohen fans out there deriding Eldritch as a copyist..
I'm pissed out of my skull right now and have no reason to post..
Last band I can think of who sang about drugs and cheap sex as well as TSOM were Suede..

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 07:59
by Silence is platinum
Nothing special and no need to bother about them

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 14:38
by boudicca
DeWinter wrote:Last band I can think of who sang about drugs and cheap sex as well as TSOM were Suede..
...and didn't they do it well... :notworthy: