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The Vinyl Frontier...

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 04:22
by eastmidswhizzkid
...has been conquered!
after ten whole years i finally have all my records out of storage and a deck to play them on.i dont give a fu ck what anyone else thinks,my record collection is one of my most valuable treasures;especially my sisters records: currently being joyously reunited with my "GhostriderEP" .
to be followed by "The Last Magician...". :von:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 04:33
by nick the stripper
My Vinyl collection is mainly comprised of old Bowie records. Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats the sound of vinyl.

Out of curiosity, what Sisters of Mercy records do you own?

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 04:53
by eastmidswhizzkid
barring an original damage done ( i have a primary bootleg copy-no hitmen :roll: ) and body electric i've got all the official releases on vinyl (including giving ground and gift), in original sleeves ,with 7" and 12" copies if anything different thereon;and appropriate numbered boxed set singles/flexi etc and a load of botleg 7"ers -victims,last magician,floorshow ep,etc.etc.
oh, and a picture disc interview lp.
currently being joyously reunited with "you could be the one". :von:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 08:42
by Shadow_Smile
My vinal collection has even got " Simon and Garfunkel "

But mostly albums of The Sisters and Alice Cooper

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 08:59
by Pat
Lee,if you need to fuel your addiction
I've never had any problems with them.
Audiophile releases
of course theres vinyl tap,101cd,amazon etc,etc.

Don't they just smell great :wink:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 10:33
by Obviousman
My collection is rather small, about 20 or 30 vinyls I think, but I love 'em... I have a nice list on my site which always comes in handy if you're outdoors and want to check if you do or do not have something ;D

It's just great to collect this stuff. Perhaps you could've told that already knowing that I only started collecting this summer :lol: I even already bought stuff I did not like but just because they offered it on a festival and I could not resist :roll: :lol:

Now I have to keep calm a bit -my poor poor wallet- but it's going to be hard as radiojamaica just told me a load of Sisters stuff has just entered my favourite store...

Must... Control... Myself....


Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 11:38
by allfear
what i love about going on holiday to the states is the vast amount of NEW vinly that is in the shops!

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 13:33
by Dark
Shadow_Smile wrote:My vinal collection has even got " Simon and Garfunkel "

But mostly albums of The Sisters and Alice Cooper

Mine contains many Sisters 12"s, loads of classic rock, 80s synth, and most other genres you can think of.

I think at last count I had ~100 records. I'll check the actual number when I go home.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 14:06
by timsinister
Good man! Most of my vinyl's serving as a temporary bedside table. Must get a turntable.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 14:12
by Obviousman
timsinister wrote:Good man! Most of my vinyl's serving as a temporary bedside table. Must get a turntable.

How dare you :!:

That's a sacrilege :evil:

:roll: :lol:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 16:39
by eastmidswhizzkid
there's no two ways about it -vinyl is the fo rmat. yes, cd's are handy,especially with the evolution of home- recordable digital media;but the feel and sound and physical presence of vinyl is just right.

however to every silver lining a cloud;mine has become more apparent as the day has gone on.some thieving bitch of an ex-girlfriend,after promising faithfully to store my records safely whilst i lived on the road or until i had somewhere safe of my own again, obviously decided going back on this a few months later (new boyfriend on the scene) was not enough payback for living with me for eight years. so she helped herself to some of my records.
now i was expecting this to a degree: i knew the brave new world 12" would have gone -the only NMA record i owned before we went out,and one she didn't have. i took it as read that records we'ld bought "together" would automaticlly be hers...even though i paid for most of them.i even thought "f**k it" when i noticed the disappearance of "bleach" the first nirvana album,"nocturne" and "once upon a time" by siouxsie;they're not that hard to replace right?
then it started getting more subtle -a butthole surfers album (she hated them) a discharge album (likewise) a fudge tunnel album (not even mine technically but part of a life-time-lend of my mate mark's enormous thrash collection,even ziggy stardust ferchrissakes! the list is actually substantially longer,but though i was feeling more and more pissed off about it the fact is i still knew i'ld cope.i'ld checked all my sisters stuff straight off and she wouldn't have dared nick any of that anyway so i'ld just have to take it on the chiin .

then i realised with absolute horror (which quickly turned to violent anger) that apart from river of no return (which she had a copy of as well) and the grip 7" she has stolen all of my ghost dance records. :evil: :evil: :evil:

she couldn't have expected me not to notice -and she would have gotten away with the rest if she 'ld not taken those....i'm fucked if i'm letting that lie.
i'm going to start off with the only civilised behaviour i'm prepared to employ -a polite(ish) letter to her parents address requesting the return of my property.
if that fails she'ld better have good building insurance... :twisted:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 16:52
by scotty
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: she has stolen all of my ghost dance records. :evil: :evil: :evil:
:eek: :evil: I'll come down Lee and we'll hunt her down to get your Ghost Dance records back!.
* edit * Funnily {maybe not the best phrase in the circumstances :( }, but someone was selling all the Ghost Dance 12" on e-bay about ten days ago, now I'm wondering if they were yours :eek:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 17:42
by Johnny M
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: if that fails she'ld better have good building insurance... :twisted:
Oh dear. Unlucky Lee. :|

You know me, my petrol can and my Zippo are prepared to travel far and wide if it helps to aid 'negotiation'. :twisted: :wink:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 17:57
by RobF
Huzzah! Sensible people.

Albums come on Vinyl.

C.D.s are copies. And smelly. In a bad way.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 18:26
by Andie
i can't wait until i'm in my new room...i'll be able to get all my music out from it's current state of being boxed (vinyl, cassette and CD's)...

just feels so much better with 12 inches in my hand :wink: :lol:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:07
by pikkrong
My Sisters vinyls:

I Albums and compilations:

1. First And Last And Always
2. First And Last And Always (gatefold sleeve)
3. First And Last And Always (Japanese, includes lyrics sheet)
4. Floodland (includes lyrics sheet)
5. Floodland (Japanese, includes lyrics sheet)
6. Vision Thing
7. Some Girls Wander By Mistake

II Singles and EPs:

1. Damage Done (7 ")
2. Body Electric (7 ")
3. Alice (7 ", black / gold)
4. Alice (7", white / gold)
5. Anaconda (7 ")
6. Alice (12 ")
7. The Reptile House E.P. (12 ", includes lyric sheet)
8. Temple Of Love (7 ", 1983)
9. Temple Of Love (12 " 1983)
10. Temple Of Love (12 ", 1983, limited edition colored vinyl)
11. Temple Of Love (12 ", 1983, Brain Eater)
12. Body And Soul (7 ")
13. Body And Soul (12 ", black / blue)
14. Body And Soul (12 ", black / white)
15. Walk Away (7 ")
16. Walk Away (7 ") with Long Train flexi
17. Walk Away (12 ") with Long Train flexi
18. Walk Away (12 " Elektra promo)
19. No Time To Cry (7 ")
20. No Time To Cry (12 ")
21. This Corrosion (7 ")
22. This Corrosion (7 inch box set, 1987)
23. This Corrosion (12 ")
24. Dominion (7 ")
25. Dominion (12 ")
26. Dominion (12 ", black)
27. Dominion (12 " single box set)
28. Lucretia My Reflection (7 " USA promo)
29. Lucretia My Reflection (7 ")
30. Lucretia My Reflection (12 ")
31. More (7 ")
32. More (12 ")
33. Doctor Jeep (7 ")
34. Doctor Jeep (12 ")
35. Doctor Jeep (12 " limited edition)
36. When You Don’t See Me (12 ")
37. Temple Of Love (7 ", 1992)
38. Temple Of Love (12 ", 1992, includes free poster)
39. Under The Gun (7 ")
40. Under The Gun (12 ", includes free poster)

III Interviews:

1. Spiral Scratch
2. An Interview With Andrew Eldritch (limited red 7 " vinyl, Cross Talk Records)

IV Bootlegs:

1. First And Last And Always (Mexican picture disc)
2. The Last Magician Of Rational Thought 7“ (Palazzograssi)
3. Victims Of Circumstance 7“ (Palazzograssi)
4. Floor Show (Floorshow, Teachers, Lights, Adrenochrome)
5. Whistle Test Studios
6. Hard Reign, 12“
7. Enter The Sisters (blue), 12“
8. The Incredible History Of The Sisters, Vol. II, 12“
9. Live At The Danceteria, New York (14. 04. 84 – wrongly dated?), 7“
10. Ghostrider EP 7“
11. Knockin’ On Docks’ Door, 12“

Other Merciful Release vinyls:

1. THE SISTERHOOD: Giving Ground (7 " single)
3. JAMES RAY AND THE PERFORMANCE: Texas (12 " single, test press)
4. JAMES RAY AND THE PERFORMANCE: Texas (12 " single)
5. JAMES RAY AND THE PERFORMANCE: Mexico Sundown Blues (7 " single)
6. JAMES RAY AND THE PERFORMANCE: Mexico Sundown Blues (12 " single)
7. JAMES RAY AND THE PERFORMANCE: Dust Boat (12 " single)
8. JAMES RAYS GANGWAR: Another Million Dollars (12 " single)
9. JAMES RAYS GANGWAR: Without Conscience (12 " vinyl single)


2. KASTRIERTE PHILOSOPHEN: Toilet Queen remixed by Andrew Eldritch (7 "single)
3. DIRTY FUNKER: Mixes Of Alice

So I still don't have A SLIGHT CASE OF OVERBOMBING vinyl :(
And some MR vinyls :?

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:14
by pikkrong
I really don't know why but I've got some other (Ghost Dance, Siouxsie...) vinyls as well...

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:32
by hallucienate
pikkrong wrote: So I still don't have A SLIGHT CASE OF OVERBOMBING vinyl :(
I'm looking for that on vinyl. :? Seems to be a bit rare :(

On another note: My eight year old nephew is spending the night and was amazed to see my turntable and wanted to know if we could play some music on it :D I am so proud of him :lol: :lol:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:36
by pikkrong
hallucienate wrote:
pikkrong wrote: So I still don't have A SLIGHT CASE OF OVERBOMBING vinyl :(
I'm looking for that on vinyl. :? Seems to be a bit rare :(
yes, vinyl - that's what I meant. got it only on CD.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:37
by Obviousman
Didn't even realise Some Girls and A Slight Case would be around on vinyl... Ah, well, even more to look out for then :D

Just bought me a record brush thingy by the way, yesterday I played this record that was so dusty that my dust packed needle slided over to the middle in one go :urff:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:38
by Zuma
I'm on the "recovery" squad too if it helps Lee.

Now there is a picture - us lot in black suits and shades turning up on a doorstep :twisted:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:39
by Andrew S
Burn wrote:just feels so much better with 12 inches in my hand :wink: :lol:
I wondered when that one was coming. :lol: Yes, vinyl is indeed far superior to CD but unfortunatley on a day-to-day basis, convenience usually wins out for me. Listening to vinyl involves dragging various LP cases out the cupboard, and a long session lasting several hours, so I don't listen to records very often.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:41
by hallucienate
pikkrong wrote:
hallucienate wrote:
pikkrong wrote: So I still don't have A SLIGHT CASE OF OVERBOMBING vinyl :(
I'm looking for that on vinyl. :? Seems to be a bit rare :(
yes, vinyl - that's what I meant. got it only on CD.
I predict a showdown the next time one shows up on Ebay :twisted: ;)

I've also got it on cassette, but that doesn't count.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:44
by hallucienate
Andrew S wrote:Yes, vinyl is indeed far superior to CD but unfortunatley on a day-to-day basis, convenience usually wins out for me. Listening to vinyl involves dragging various LP cases out the cupboard, and a long session lasting several hours, so I don't listen to records very often.
The same for me, it's just easier to make a playlist in Winamp not have to worry about flipping a record over every 20 or so minutes.

But just knowing I have song on vinyl is a good feeling.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:45
by pikkrong
hallucienate wrote:
pikkrong wrote:
hallucienate wrote:I'm looking for that on vinyl. :? Seems to be a bit rare :(
yes, vinyl - that's what I meant. got it only on CD.
I predict a showdown the next time one shows up on Ebay :twisted: ;)

I've also got it on cassette, but that doesn't count.
I had a cassette but my old Russian tape recorder ruined it in the beginning of 90s. Then I got one cassette, made in Poland. Still not sure is it official although it has EW label.