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My Office Is Haunted

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 15:14
by CorpPunk
This morning I found that sometime between 5pm yesterday and 9:30am today, my three-bulb floor lamp stopped working. At first I assumed the electricity was out, but my overhead light still turned on, so it couldn't be that. Then I thought the outlet might be broken, so I switched the lamp to another, but with no joy. After a bit of faffing, I tried a new bulb and finally figured out the problem.

Someone unscrewed all three bulbs in my lamp just enough so they wouldn't work, but they'd still stay in the sockets. Creepy.


Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 15:24
by markfiend
* Twilight Zone music *

It could just be vibration (from passing traffic or something) that loosened them?

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 15:29
by hallucienate
real countries use bayonet globes

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 15:34
by CorpPunk
markfiend wrote:* Twilight Zone music *

It could just be vibration (from passing traffic or something) that loosened them?
I'm in the middle of the sixth floor, :lol: And they weren't just loosened--it took two good turns to get the bulbs back in. Do do do do.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 15:41
by hallucienate
Bayonet globes, I tell you.

The co-worker who loosened the bulbs will get such a fright when the globes pop out straight away that they'll never dare do it again.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 16:03
by Quiff Boy the echo of your last goodbye? ;D

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 16:17
by Obviousman
hallucienate wrote:real countries use bayonet globes
France does :innocent: (though I agree after seeing them there I believe it's the way forward too)

I remember when I still was at school we once got into the class before the lessons started and took all the TL-lamp's starters out. The teacher was quite angry because he was very sure the lights did burn when he first entered the class, so we got quite a shout :lol: (we didn't even get punished apart from having to sit in the dark because the head master thought it was a very good joke :lol: )

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 16:53
by CorpPunk
hallucienate wrote:The co-worker who loosened the bulbs...
How could a human being be so cruel?! No, I'm pretty sure this is the work of a supernatural force. Otherwise I'd lose all my faith in humanity.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 17:12
by MadameButterfly
CorpPunk wrote:
hallucienate wrote:The co-worker who loosened the bulbs...
How could a human being be so cruel?! No, I'm pretty sure this is the work of a supernatural force. Otherwise I'd lose all my faith in humanity.
Well I'll be darned if you loose your faith in humanity.....
I'm sure it's the work of a supernatural force....
Go bless your office with *holy-water*...if anything, that human being will start crapping themselves! :twisted:

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 17:18
by cyn
the house i grew up in was haunted.
when i was 3 i wud tell my mom about the lady in the living room that spoke spanish to me and repeat what she wud say i didn't know spanish.
also at night the dancing people by my bed.
as i got older i wud be in a room and the tv or radio wud turn off and on.
lights wud be turned on in the middle of the night and two most vivid memories is all four of us kids where in family room when a man walked thru the door and dissapeared up thru the ceiling.
and the worst...when i was 15 my bed was shaking violenty i did not sleep in my room for a year. my bro had many occasions of playing tug-o-war with the ghost and his blanket.
my mom being hispanic and very superstitious had the house blessed...
but claims it all stoppped when i moved out :evil:

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 19:06
by Izzy HaveMercy
cyn wrote:the house i grew up in was haunted.
when i was 3 i wud tell my mom about the lady in the living room that spoke spanish to me and repeat what she wud say i didn't know spanish.
also at night the dancing people by my bed.
as i got older i wud be in a room and the tv or radio wud turn off and on.
lights wud be turned on in the middle of the night and two most vivid memories is all four of us kids where in family room when a man walked thru the door and dissapeared up thru the ceiling.
and the worst...when i was 15 my bed was shaking violenty i did not sleep in my room for a year. my bro had many occasions of playing tug-o-war with the ghost and his blanket.
my mom being hispanic and very superstitious had the house blessed...
but claims it all stoppped when i moved out :evil:
Yup, that's advanced domotica to you...

You just hafta learn to live with the modern times...


Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 19:21
by CorpPunk
Thou needst an iBelieve.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 19:49
by Francis
I need some ibuleve. Or a good back rub... :innocent:

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 19:53
by Mrs. Snowey
CorpPunk wrote:Thou needst an iBelieve.
Can yer get upside-down ones? :lol:

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 21:35
by Johnny M
Oh Jennifer, you've not been taking your medication again, have you? Stop sneaking into Dr Wilson's office and accessing the internet. The parole board is only six weeks away. Don't spoil your chances. Please.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 22:08
by CorpPunk
Well I better not have been imagining it, cos after I sent out a threatening email to all my co-workers someone turned my chair upside-down. Do poltergeists use any of the internets?

It's the doughnuts, you see. They're the answer--more effective than garlic. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go check my light bulbs.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 22:22
by Johnny M

It's OK Jen, we're all here to help you. Honestly.

You've spoken about the doughnuts with Dr Crachen before. It's all in your medical file. It's fine. We only mean the best for you. We do. Please unlock the door to Dr Wilson's office. Let's keep it amongst ourselves. C'mon Jen. Please?

Posted: 26 Oct 2005, 02:02
by CorpPunk
You'll never take me alive, copper.

Posted: 26 Oct 2005, 03:31
by Johnny M

You're a fab lady Jen, but you just knew I had SWAT and ATF ( :lol: :lol: ) teams lined up to come and get you. We don't need our own HL Waco.

Apologises if I've said anything 'nice' to you. It was purely unintentional.

Nutter. "Take her down boys".

Again. :roll:


Posted: 26 Oct 2005, 08:59
by Dark
My office is haunted, by the memories of your last goodbye..


Posted: 26 Oct 2005, 09:39
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy the echo of your last goodbye? ;D
@ dark: indeed :lol:

Posted: 26 Oct 2005, 13:56
by Dark
Whoops.. cheers boss. :oops:

I've only listened to that song twice, though, and can't be arsed to dig out the compilation LP. :lol:

IIRC it's the memories that refuse to die?

Posted: 26 Oct 2005, 19:52
by CorpPunk
A marauding band of unsupervised babies stole my light bulbs!

Posted: 26 Oct 2005, 20:15
by timsinister
Heartland Creche strikes again!

People in offices really are that petty, Corp. Sorry to destroy any fantastic myths of long-dead poltergeists resurrecting themselves childish pranks.

Posted: 26 Oct 2005, 20:24
by CorpPunk
Thanks for straightening that out, Tim. I almost started to take myself seriously!