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Deep sigh

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 22:44
by Debaser
After much deliberation....I've handed in my notice at school (well declared my intention to do so to the Head). I've not thought about what I'm going to do after Christmas because I'm on a bit of a sticky wicket as I was supposed to have done it on by the 31st Oct. There IS a legal loophole I can call on BUT it means that it's highly unlikely I can apply for any other jobs in the LEA (For the Spring term anyway) as I will have been deemed to have broken my contract.

Am awaiting news from my Union.

I'm smoking more than I EVER have done in my life, I've almost chewed away my nails (after giving that up 7 years ago) and have picked and picked at the soles of my feet until they are raw, bleeding and I can't put any weight on the heel of my left foot. I literally shake as I enter the building. If I stay until the end of the school year, I KNOW that will be the end of my teaching days - I hate is sooooo much.

If I get out now I think I'll be able to salvage a bit of what I think I used to be good at.

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 22:47
by Brideoffrankenstein
Good luck Debaser! It sounds like you think you are doing the right thing for yourself though

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 22:51
by Obviousman
Save whatever you can, indeed :wink:

The best of luck, and do whatever seems the right thing to do.

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 22:53
by emilystrange
awww honey.. just.. *everything*...

Re: Deep sigh

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 22:55
by MadameButterfly
Debaser wrote: I'm smoking more than I EVER have done in my life, I've almost chewed away my nails (after giving that up 7 years ago) and have picked and picked at the soles of my feet until they are raw, bleeding and I can't put any weight on the heel of my left foot. I literally shake as I enter the building. If I stay until the end of the school year, I KNOW that will be the end of my teaching days - I hate is sooooo much.

If I get out now I think I'll be able to salvage a bit of what I think I used to be good at.
Dear teacher :notworthy:

The above mentioned things you are doing to yourself are stress related but look after yourself! HL is here for you and take deep breathes and try to stop picking, I get the itchy thing and scratch until I your body and do the mind clicky-thingy.

Above all else lots of luck and good vibes!
An ace lady like yourself can do it and support is here.


Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 22:55
by Zuma
Just to add by good luck thoughts!

I'm sure everything will be fine - especially if you hate it that much.

And for the only good reason I can think of, I have a chance to say Cheer Up it's nearly Xmas!

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 22:58
by F--kwit
f**king hell Debaser!! I have no idea why I even came on here tonight, I'm not a regular visitor (I'm just a bit bored right now) and now I don't know what to say... only that last time I saw you your common sense was definitely still intact and I have no doubt that you are doing the right thing.

I can sympathise to an extent as my own job has brought me almost to the point of collapse this year, and if I could get out I would - but there's not a lot going in my line of work these days and I'm just that little bit too scared to plunge into the unknown. Brought up by two teachers I know what makes a good one and that you definitely are, so hopefully it won't be too long before you can make a new start somewhere that's a bit more worthy of your talents and effort.

Maybe I should have sent this in a PM, I dunno... Seems I'm missing a lot these days... spotted you over at custard central earlier though, send us a PM there or something...

Look after yourself. Long term this must be the ebst thing to do. Nothing is worth tearing yourself apart over.

All the best


PS N will be joining you at Pure York, I'm otherwise occupied...

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 23:15
by Johnny M
Must be the Dave - Emily - Lee - Johnny effect. :wink:

Brave girl. If you're not happy you're not happy. And it's not worth destroying yourself over it. It isn't, trust me. Talk to me fair lady. :kiss:

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 23:30
by eastmidswhizzkid
sorry to hear things are shit at the minute Ness, but i know for a fact you are doing the right thing. it's soul destroying when you hate your work situation so much that you dread going in everyday. especially when you feel commitment to your profession i suppose (being a work-shy git i've not had that but i've been in the same situation depending on the wage to pay the motgage.) but teaching is/should be a vocation and as you're obviously one of the good guys it would be a shame to continue working where you are now to the point of depriving the country of much needed good it's all for the best mate,stop fretting. :kiss:

good luck and hugs.

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 23:31
by James Blast
The forum of things falling apart :oops:

I'm in the same boat Ness :oops: pt.2

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 23:57
by paint it black
best wishes Ness, brave move but by the sounds of it, the correct one. :?

i'm working my notice now and it feels very strange after 15 years in the same place. to be honest sometimes i s**t myself about the next move, but it'll be cool, you'll be cool, we all love you :notworthy: :notworthy:


Posted: 11 Nov 2005, 00:05
by aims
Good luck Ness, hope something better comes your way soon. Hang in there 8)

Re: Deep sigh

Posted: 11 Nov 2005, 00:16
by Andrew S
Debaser wrote:If I get out now I think I'll be able to salvage a bit of what I think I used to be good at.
If it's that bad, stuff the contract and get out when you can. No job is worth that amount of grief. Stating the bleedin' obvious I know but all I can think of to say really.

Re: Deep sigh

Posted: 11 Nov 2005, 08:04
by Ozpat
Andrew S wrote:
Debaser wrote:If I get out now I think I'll be able to salvage a bit of what I think I used to be good at.
If it's that bad, stuff the contract and get out when you can. No job is worth that amount of grief. Stating the bleedin' obvious I know but all I can think of to say really.
I agree.

Get out ASAP. Not worth it. You live once (I guess). You will feel relieved. Believe me!

Good luck!

Posted: 11 Nov 2005, 11:43
by markfiend
Why do they do it?

The schools I mean; why do they drive the good teachers barmy? They seem to do it on purpose.

(Kerry was the same before she left her old school. The place she's at now is starting to get to her too.)

Go on the sick. Any doctor in the country would sign you off with stress.

Posted: 11 Nov 2005, 20:24
by Debaser
Awwwwwwww you guys the monitor is positvely red hot with lovin' vibes... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:


After long long discussions with various people (including Union rep) I need to do a spot of damage limitation in that, if I go at Christmas it will be virtually IMPOSSIBLE for me to get another job in the LEA and possibly surrounding LEA's. So, what I'm going to do, is to write to the Chair of Govenors stating that it was intention to leave at Christmas due to whatever reason I was going to put....but add that I realise what a predicament it would leave the school in and that I am willing to stay on until the Easter break in order that they can find a suitable replacement....

or something along those lines....I've also got to put a few other bits and bobs in that will cover my back if it becomes totally impossible to stay due to pressure from Governors and the LEA, which may necessitate me leaving before Easter

Yesterday, emotions took over and the cold light of day, and a quick peruse of the bank statement meant that I really had to listen to what was being offered.

I predict a rocky ride and I think I'll have to wear mittens all night to stop the gouging and gnawing. Gaz is removing all sharp mplements from around the house as we speak.... :lol:

My undying gratitude and love


Posted: 11 Nov 2005, 20:25
by Debaser
Debaser wrote:

My undying gratitude

Hey Johnny...that double undying whatsits for you now.....I may live to regret such a rash statement :lol:

Posted: 11 Nov 2005, 20:40
by Johnny M
Debaser wrote:
Debaser wrote:

My undying gratitude

Hey Johnny...that double undying whatsits for you now.....I may live to regret such a rash statement :lol:
As long as that thought doesn't bring you out in a rash you'll be fine. :wink:

Posted: 11 Nov 2005, 23:09
by Planet Dave
Cripes Ness, do what you feel is right sweetheart. Is this a HL phenomenon or what?

I hope everything goes well for you, no doubt in another job.

Why do the people doing 'worthwhile' jobs get shat on the most? :urff: Sh1t fcking country / world. I wonder of Greek sponge-fishermen are stressed with their work?

Take care Ness.

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 02:19
by eastmidswhizzkid
Planet Dave wrote: I wonder of Greek sponge-fishermen are stressed with their work?
naah,they're to absorbed in what they're doing... :innocent:

(one for yor dad!) :wink:

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 11:03
by Eva
@Ness: Wise choice to try and stay there until the proper end of the schoolyear. :notworthy:
I've been in a similar situation once and I know how hard it is to stay until the bitter end, but it's worth it - for legal reasons and for your own sake. Finishing the school year makes your leave a "clean" cut. Rather have a long holiday afterwards to recover than backing out at the wrong moment. And try to withdraw as much of your own energy from this job as possible while your presence is still required. Meditation, or whatever else helps you to cool down and gain some "inner" independence. The clean cut might cost you more now, but you'll feel much stronger later.

I wish you strength and nerves like steel. And cold-blooded patience.

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 12:01
by JansenClone
Debaser wrote:If I stay until the end of the school year, I KNOW that will be the end of my teaching days - I hate is sooooo much...

If I get out now I think I'll be able to salvage a bit of what I think I used to be good at...


After long long discussions with various people (including Union rep) I need to do a spot of damage limitation in that, if I go at Christmas it will be virtually IMPOSSIBLE for me to get another job in the LEA and possibly surrounding LEA's. So, what I'm going to do, is to write to the Chair of Govenors stating that it was intention to leave at Christmas due to whatever reason I was going to put....but add that I realise what a predicament it would leave the school in and that I am willing to stay on until the Easter break in order that they can find a suitable replacement....
On a practical level that would also mean you can start applying for posts from Easter from a position of actually 'working' in a school. I use the term loosely as there's nothing more de-skilling than banging your head against the proverbial brick wall. All too easy for teachers to forget how valuable they are and how effective they can be.

Beyond that getting a new post in a sideways direction can be easier said than done, primary schools aren't, as you know, much given to encouraging fluidity for their staff. It may take some time... But, if something is wrong then it's just wrong. Life really is too short! :wink:

In the interim there'd always be supply. Despite it's haphazard nature, the one common factor amongst supply teachers is an absence of stress or the telltale signs of someone whose spirit is being ground away continually. And if the riot management you might be sent to cover doesn't look appealing for a return visit you don't have to go!

Take care, remember Saturday is a good day for drinking... :D


Posted: 14 Nov 2005, 01:31
by Zuma
"there's nothing more de-skilling than banging your head against the proverbial brick wall"

Gawd, I know that one, well said Mr!

Posted: 14 Nov 2005, 01:35
by nick the stripper
You have my best wishes, Debaser. :kiss: