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to record, or not to record

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 23:41
by nick the stripper
I've been given a chance to record some of my songs for free, and I have to let the person know by Monday weather I want to or not.

The only thing is that I don't really think any of my work is up to recordable standards.

Should I except the offer and record something that is possibly craply embarrassing, or decline and try to perfect my songs and risk never recording on anything except a tatty old cassette recorder?

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 23:48
by eastmidswhizzkid
accept's free so you are under no financial obligation to do anything with the recordings if they're crap or you don't like something .however it's invaluable chance to listen to what you have got and have a fixed version from where to develop/tweak/re-write the things.and you can play it other people who you want to give an idea of it to without having to do a one man performance.s'a free demo and recording is an "experience". :innocent: it's a gift horse whose mouth you may as well not look in.

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 23:49
by scotty
'course you should record it :urff: , what are you thinkin' about, IT'S FOR FREE!!, if it's pish....bin it, if it's no''ve a record for free :D , it's a no brainer!!

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 23:52
by Pat
Yep! exactly what Lee and Scotty said,it's a win -win situation ,you'll either have a great recording or you will have learnt something (which will come in very handy when you come to put your hand in your own pocket).


Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 23:54
by lazarus corporation
take the opportunity

even if the single is crap, then you'll have gained loads of experience of the recording process which will help you

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 23:55
by Ozpat
Would be nice for a guy called Von.....3.000.000,-- included?

No kidding...I'd go for it!!!

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 23:58
by aims
Do it. If I can make an allegedly listenable record with a laptop's onboard soundcard and a £10 mic then you can certainly make good use of some studio time. And if you don't? Well it was free, wasn't it? ;)

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 00:10
by Izzy HaveMercy


Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 00:12
by Andie
record it FFS

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 00:20
by nick the stripper
Record it I shall.

If it's crap I'll do what Von probably wished he could of done with The Damage Done, I'll sweep it under the mattress.

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 00:26
by Andie
thank fcuk for that

just give it 100% and it will turn out fine...then you have something to look back on and go awwwww at :lol: :wink:

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 00:49
by Brideoffrankenstein
Welcome back!

Go for it - don't miss this opportunity

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 00:56
by Obviousman
Go for it indeed!

If you don't like it you can still pull out because of 'artistic integrity' :lol:

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 02:24
by MadameButterfly
Hi nick the stripper!!

Yes just do it and enjoy doing it and let us know when it's done.

Good luck honey.

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 02:35
by Johnny M
Bear in mind that when you're famous, the NTS demos will be freely available in the Weeding Section. :lol:

Good luck! 8)

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 18:38
by James Blast
is this just an oblique way of letting us know you'll have some product?

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 21:47
by Petseri
Nothing more to add, unless you really need another voice leaning toward the record option.


Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 22:08
by ruffers
I voted decline, just so it didn't look like a fix.

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 23:45
by nick the stripper
James Blast wrote:is this just an oblique way of letting us know you'll have some product?
You could look at it like that. :innocent: