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Dear Doktor

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 20:38
by James Blast
I've just seen Madonna's boney ass on Top of the Pops, I feel ill.
Can you help?

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 20:48
by Obviousman
All her songs are plagiarism anyway, so forget about her.


No stabbing for her then :?:

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 21:06
by boudicca
I don't mind Madge, but someone should tell her that Gimme Gimme Gimme's been done... :von:

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 21:18
by James Blast
Dear Doktor,
I started a thread on Heartland where I thought we could air our problems and maybe get an answer. It didn't work.
What did I do wrong?

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:15
by ruffers
James Blast wrote:Dear Doktor,
I started a thread on Heartland where I thought we could air our problems and maybe get an answer. It didn't work.
What did I do wrong?
I've underlined the problem

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:16
by Andie
James Blast wrote:Dear Doktor,
I started a thread on Heartland where I thought we could air our problems and maybe get an answer. It didn't work.
What did I do wrong?
you started said thread on Heartland... :lol: and it went wrong? :?

:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

in answer to your original question James...

don't watch Top Of The Pops! :innocent:

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:25
by James Blast
Okay, serious
I have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
The Nurses and drugs will sort me out, but my life is gonna go 't over a'

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:27
by ruffers
I have no idea , better advice will surely follow. All I can suggest is to watch TOTP, Madonna's boney arse may help take your mind off things.

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:31
by canon docre
James Blast wrote:Okay, serious
I have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
The Nurses and drugs will sort me out, but my life is gonna go 't over a'
I don't know what "t over a" means, but this is seriously bad news, James. :( All I can say is that: do what the doctors say, even at the costs of some joy of life (such as good food, drinks etc).


And I know bloody well what I'm talking about.

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:38
by aims
To go 't over a':
Colloquial expression (literally, tit over arse) meaning "To royally f**k up" ;)

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:39
by James Blast
't over a' = tit over arse

talk to me Jess

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:42
by Mrs. Snowey
James Blast wrote:Okay, serious
I have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
The Nurses and drugs will sort me out, but my life is gonna go 't over a'
You're just wanting the Nurses to "sort you out" aren't you :lol:

Best wishes hon, and keep yer end up (tho' obviously not by watching gap-toothed, boney-arsed, which-persona-am-I-going-to wear-today bints on t'telly 8) )

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:43
by eastmidswhizzkid
shit James -i'm bloody sorry to hear that. :( my missus has made me promise to get tested for diabetes and it's horribly likely with my vices so i keep putting it off.
i :?

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:53
by canon docre
James Blast wrote:'t over a' = tit over arse

talk to me Jess
My only advice: be aware of the disease and live after the rules and you can have a long and good life with just a few minor restrictions.

I was the daughter of someone who gave a s**t about the disease. :(

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:54
by Obviousman
Of course very sorry to hear it, but I'm sure you'll manage, the drugs and nurses can only make you feel better than you did in the recent past, isn't it?

Whenever you have a problem I (guess I can as well put we here) am (are) here for you :wink:

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 22:56
by Izzy HaveMercy
It is going to put some pressure on your life fot sure, James.

But a couple of people around me just prove time and again that it is not the end of your life.

Just watch out for some things as people pointed out earlier here, and keep on enjoying.

(tongue in cheek) or is this just another attempt at getting a get-well pressie from me, you sneaky b'stard? ;) Just have some patience...

Anyway, hang in there big guy! Think about big teats and arses! ;D

All the best,


Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 23:01
by aims
Having just read the 't over a' post properly, I'm kicking myself for such an insensitive bastard with my reply. Had the clear-thinking Mike read the post the first time the response would be (and now is):

Ouch :| Hope you can make the best of it. I know someone who is diabetic (not sure which type) and other than the obvious dietary restrictions, it seems not to be bothering him too much. Obviously it's not the same for everyone, but I guess it shows that it can be done. Best wishes anywho 8)

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 23:08
by canon docre
Motz wrote:Having just read the 't over a' post properly, I'm kicking myself for such an insensitive bastard with my reply. Had the clear-thinking Mike read the post the first time the response would be (and now is):

Ouch :| Hope you can make the best of it. I know someone who is diabetic (not sure which type) and other than the obvious dietary restrictions, it seems not to be bothering him too much. Obviously it's not the same for everyone, but I guess it shows that it can be done. Best wishes anywho 8)
I still thank you for helping me out vocabulary wise. :P :notworthy:

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 23:09
by paint it black
James Blast wrote:Okay, serious
I have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
The Nurses and drugs will sort me out, but my life is gonna go 't over a'
sorry to hear that, serious lifestyle changes required now i'm afraid.

no messing. i can point you in the direction of... but you don't need to know that yet....take care...accept it, live it

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 23:20
by Planet Dave
paint it black wrote:
James Blast wrote:Okay, serious
I have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
The Nurses and drugs will sort me out, but my life is gonna go 't over a'
sorry to hear that, serious lifestyle changes required now i'm afraid.

no messing. i can point you in the direction of... but you don't need to know that yet....take care...accept it, live it
What PIB said. Life can be such a bitch. Take care James mate, and learn to love those injections. Mind over matter. My missus thinks I'm a twisted b@stard (she ain't wrong) because I adore trips to the dentist. Don't let it get to you, you'll be fine.

Posted: 20 Nov 2005, 23:49
by boudicca
Got an aunt who was diagnosed with Type 2 a few years ago... but she's managed to control it without drugs or injections. She was quite unwell with it for a while, but now you wouldn't know she has it, apart from she claims to enjoy eating fruit :eek: :urff: .

Might be different for you James, don't know if there are different degrees of this disease, but since it's on the increase I'm sure there will be a lot of information out there for you.

Best wishes from over here, anyway... :)

Posted: 21 Nov 2005, 08:16
by Ozpat
Best wishes to you Mr. Blast!

Posted: 21 Nov 2005, 09:51
by Eva
Best wishes from me too, James. (And I thought "t over a" meant "tea instead of acohol"... :roll: ) It is a hassle insofar as that you have to change certain habits, but that's a question of getting used to, and if you do, you can enjoy your life as much as before.

Posted: 21 Nov 2005, 10:44
by MadameButterfly
Oh dear Mr. Blast,

One of those *illnesses* that can happen to anyone and has happened in my family too. Just adding to the good wishes, your life may change with regards to your diet and intake of alcohol but it is indeed mind over matter.

Lots of luck and just look after yourself!

We are here for you though.

Posted: 21 Nov 2005, 11:38
by emilystrange
well at least you know what it is... and if you didn't know, things could go so much more wrong. and we don't want to be without our JB, do we?