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Smokers don't get jobs...

Posted: 02 Dec 2005, 23:42
by Izzy HaveMercy

Pure discrimination or another step towards a smoke-free world?

Disc us.


Posted: 02 Dec 2005, 23:44
by Francis
Seems fair enough to me. Don't just talk the talk. I wasn't planning on applying for a job there anyway.

Posted: 02 Dec 2005, 23:50
by James Blast
<----- sparks up another B&H Superkings Lite
now rebranded as B&H Superkings Smooth

Posted: 02 Dec 2005, 23:50
by Brideoffrankenstein
It makes sense being the World Health Organisation...

Posted: 02 Dec 2005, 23:52
by Johnny M
If I've ever been asked the question in interview, I've said "no". Having not smoked for three weeks I say "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"

Thank you. That feels so much better. :wink:

Posted: 02 Dec 2005, 23:59
by Francis
A round of applause for Mr. Mernor.

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 00:16
by Johnny M
Francis wrote:A round of applause for Mr. Mernor.
Thank you Mr. Barton.

Anyone else wanna post their real name in open forum?

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 01:11
by Francis
No doubt you've used one of your many pseudonyms down the benefit office. :wink:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 01:30
by biggy
I caught one of the female personal trainers at my gym hiding behind a wall in the car park having a fag a while back. I now shout and throw things at her.
How the f**k can she train someone to be fit while she's coughing black s**t up all day long ?

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 01:52
by boudicca
Johnny M wrote:
Francis wrote:A round of applause for Mr. Mernor.
Thank you Mr. Barton.

Anyone else wanna post their real name in open forum?
I did, in replying to the "Stewart Morrow's new band" thread the other day. :wink:

Now the FBI will be on to me... :von:
Or maybe just Buxcorp.

Either way I'm not that fussed... wait, was that a knock on the door I just heard? At this time of night... ?:eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 02:02
by Johnny M
boudicca wrote:
Johnny M wrote:
Francis wrote:A round of applause for Mr. Mernor.
Thank you Mr. Barton.

Anyone else wanna post their real name in open forum?
I did, in replying to the "Stewart Morrow's new band" thread the other day. :wink:

Now the FBI will be on to me... :von:
Or maybe just Buxcorp.

Either way I'm not that fussed... wait, was that a knock on the door I just heard? At this time of night... ?:eek: :eek: :eek:
Claire Morrow is fab. Says Johnny Mernor. :wink:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 02:44
by boudicca
Johnny M wrote:Claire Morrow is fab. Says Johnny Mernor. :wink:
Yer I know. :innocent:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 04:52
by eastmidswhizzkid
boudicca wrote: Now the FBI will be on to me... :von:
Or maybe just Buxcorp.
a typo Claire,surely? we wouldn't want anyone to think our errant chairman and baxcorp are in any way connected. :wink: :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 04:55
by Mr. Wah
biggy wrote:I caught one of the female personal trainers at my gym hiding behind a wall in the car park having a fag a while back. I now shout and throw things at her.
How the f**k can she train someone to be fit while she's coughing black s**t up all day long ?
Sisters gegen smoking Nazis?

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 07:22
by Ozpat
Smoking causes health it says on my package,,,,,T should quit but I todayy..I'm so fecking addictive to these ciagarettes. Oh well....let's stjay LIVE.....


Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 11:20
by Debaser
biggy wrote: How the f**k can she train someone to be fit while she's coughing black s**t up all day long ?
What was the name of that British althete (think she was a hurdler) who used to smpke over 20 a day...was it Shirley Strong?

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 15:26
by boudicca
So this is what happens to HLanders' typing skills in the wee small hours... :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 15:33
by Petseri
Johnny M wrote:Claire Morrow is fab. Says Johnny Mernor. :wink:
I was about to do some editing for you like last time, Johnny, but then I came across this post. :? :D

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 15:35
by Mrs. Snowey
boudicca wrote:So this is what happens to HLanders' typing skills in the wee small hours... :innocent: :lol:
Either that, or just lack of nicotine :lol:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 15:59
by Obviousman
Johnny M wrote:
Francis wrote:A round of applause for Mr. Mernor.
Thank you Mr. Barton.

Anyone else wanna post their real name in open forum?
Guess mine would get swear filtered :lol:
Mrs. Snowey wrote:
boudicca wrote:So this is what happens to HLanders' typing skills in the wee small hours... :innocent: :lol:
Either that, or just lack of nicotine :lol:
Or being just slightly drunk? :innocent:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 17:59
by aims
Mr. Wah wrote:
biggy wrote:I caught one of the female personal trainers at my gym hiding behind a wall in the car park having a fag a while back. I now shout and throw things at her.
How the f**k can she train someone to be fit while she's coughing black s**t up all day long ?
Sisters gegen smoking Nazis?
Sisters gegen Rauchen?

Von wegen :von:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 19:29
by taylor
>Pure discrimination or another step towards a smoke-free world?

another step towards a smoke-free world

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 21:32
by Debaser
HHHmmmnn, think I've just read about some German guy who's firm offer a bonus for 'fit, healthy non-smoking workers' The guy ticks the 'of course I am a non-smoker' box each month - but fellow workers sent an investigator round to spy on him, the investigators took photos of him having a ciggy in his back yard and now he's been sacked.

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 22:04
by Johnny M
I'm always slightly bemused between the paradox of smoking and drinking. One is ostracized and the other is socially acceptable. As the former used to be. How long before the latter is ostracized as well?

I can't be arsed to do any research on the seperate subjects as I'd rather lose myself in Emily. 8)

Easy Jo, you're fine. :wink:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 23:11
by scotty
boudicca wrote:
Johnny M wrote:
Francis wrote:A round of applause for Mr. Mernor.
Thank you Mr. Barton.

Anyone else wanna post their real name in open forum?
I did, in replying to the "Stewart Morrow's new band" thread the other day. :wink:

Now the FBI will be on to me... :von:
Or maybe just Buxcorp.

Either way I'm not that fussed... wait, was that a knock on the door I just heard? At this time of night... ?:eek: :eek: :eek:
I'll be alright, nobody will ever figure out my real name from posts on here :innocent: