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Hello Twinkle

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:15
by scotty
Just thought I'd say Hello & Welcome :D

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:17
by Zuma
Welcome aboard!

Re: Hello Twinkle

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:19
by TwinKle
scotty wrote:Just thought I'd say Hello & Welcome :D
Hello there scoTTy and thank you.... :wink:

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:20
by Andie
mad dugs and scotsmen

who'd a thought it! :wink: :lol: :notworthy: :innocent:

welcome lil Star...

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:20
by TwinKle
WaVes to Zuma toooooooooo...... :)

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:25
by Obviousman
Welcome, I guess :D

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:36
by lazarus corporation
I thought I'd join in


Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:38
by TwinKle
I should of popped in before now methinKs.... hellos to everyoneeeee.....

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:39
by Zuma
lazarus corporation wrote:I thought I'd join in



Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 22:41
by scotty
Love the Avitars Guys!!!.

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 23:20
by Johnny M
'Hello TwinKle'? It's all starting to sound a bit Frank Butcher, innit? :lol:

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 23:22
by TwinKle
Johnny M wrote:'Hello TwinKle'? It's all starting to sound a bit Frank Butcher, innit? :lol:
It is a tad... but fanKs all the same :P

Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 23:50
by Obviousman
Johnny M wrote:'Hello TwinKle'? It's all starting to sound a bit Frank Butcher, innit? :lol:
You should become a conspirationologist, you always seem to see links to all sorts of things :lol:

(hope you don't mind I just made that word up :innocent: )

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 00:51
by James Blast
TwinKle wrote:I should of popped in before now methinKs.... hellos to everyoneeeee.....
:innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
aNd pleaSe Behave wIth thE capiTals, Please

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 00:55
by TwinKle
James Blast wrote:
TwinKle wrote:I should of popped in before now methinKs.... hellos to everyoneeeee.....
:innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
aNd pleaSe Behave wIth thE capiTals, Please
BuT they're beaTifuL JaMes... I'm tryinG i reaLLy am! :wink:

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 01:17
by James Blast
TwinKle wrote:I'm tryinG
i dO hoPe noT

47 posts in 3hrs, that's gotta be a new record

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 03:47
by Debaser
Allo :D

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 06:04
by Petseri
James Blast wrote:
TwinKle wrote:I'm tryinG
i dO hoPe noT

47 posts in 3hrs, that's gotta be a new record
James, we were thinking the same thing.

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 14:30
by Izzy HaveMercy
Even James ain't that productive! :eek:

Welcome, by the way ;D


Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 15:33
by Eva
Welcome to the jungle! :D

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 15:34
by Brideoffrankenstein
Hello 8)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 07:55
by Ozpat
Welcome....enjoy your stay!!! 8)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 08:08
by eastmidswhizzkid
Wotcha Twinkle ...welcome to HL! 8)

and which particular part of the midlands are you sufferin'? the "yam-yam" side or the "fourforfifftis"?

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 23:10
by TwinKle
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:Wotcha Twinkle ...welcome to HL! 8)

and which particular part of the midlands are you sufferin'? the "yam-yam" side or the "fourforfifftis"?
I'm languishing in Leics...... :(

Posted: 20 Dec 2005, 00:15
by eastmidswhizzkid
leicester born and bred, me. wouldn't want to live there again after ten years (not very far) away. theres worse places to live though.
are you from there -do i know you? :?: