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XmASS & New Year

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 22:40
by Delilah
Am I the only one in here who does not like Xm-ASS? This year it is going to be lots of time-management for me as it is the 1st christmas that me and my ex-husband are spending separately and we need to share time with our child... I find Xmass overrated and pointless anyway... especially in this country (it is more traditional in Poland). Made an effort this year - got a Xmass tree, hahaha!

I am looking forward to New Years Eve though - my boyfriend and me as well as a few Turbojugends from Germany are going to invide Prague for 2 days! Drink and Destroy - Cannot wait! What are everybody's plans for New Years Eve?

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 22:43
by lazarus corporation
I've never been too keen on xmas

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 22:52
by Obviousman
Around these parts it's always a very pleasant eat-feast, which I don't mind having, but in your situation I certainly wouldn't be to pleased with it either... Time-management on holidays :?

For me it's new year I'm not looking forward too. We used to do it with a couple of friends, but you know the score. One gets a girlfriend and drops off, another one gets other friends, etc. Now I most probably will be spending it with the last survivor of the group, at some stranger's place with his friends in the place he goes to Uni... Don't know if I'm looking forward to that :urff:

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 22:56
by Brideoffrankenstein
I don't mind Christmas as far as a few bonus days off work but apart from that I really couldn't care less - it's all become so distorted and I don't mean from the Christian bits and pieces.

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 22:59
by scotty
I fuckin' HATE Christmas, it's PISH PISH PISH :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: . OK.

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 23:13
by Thea
I like Christmas. I like the tacky music in shops and the pretty lights.

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 23:14
by TwinKle
scotty wrote:I fuckin' HATE Christmas, it's PISH PISH PISH :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: . OK.
I'll second that... Bah HuMbugggggggggg! :evil: Ive beeen wrapping presnts till they're coming out me ears... :cry:

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 23:17
by Delilah
Obviousman wrote:Around these parts it's always a very pleasant eat-feast, which I don't mind having, but in your situation I certainly wouldn't be to pleased with it either... Time-management on holidays :?
hell yeah. Xmass eve at mine, and X-mass am, te back at mine at bpxing day... I'm only celebrating xmass because of my kid, i wouldn't bother anyways...
For me it's new year I'm not looking forward too. We used to do it with a couple of friends, but you know the score.
now, you future Turbojugend member :twisted: :wink: ! Come and join us in Prague for some heavy drinking, sex and rock'n'roll.And maybe some d**gs too! :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 23:29
by Izzy HaveMercy
It is one of those periods of the year that people have the decency to pretend all is peace and loving, and actually try to ACT as if they mean it for at least a week.

Which is fine with me. I like presents, I like a good dinner, I love the light-therapy and we have a luverly Christmas Tree.

And since I have a very nice family and in-laws, these are the times they tend to forget about old age, imminent death, incureable diseases and overall depression. Which makes me smile and feel good a lot.

And there is a speaker right under my apartment window blurting out Nat King Cole, and I just figured out I only have to rewire two cables to let the whole street hear some System Of A Down instead.


Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 23:30
by aims
Delilah wrote:now, you future Turbojugend member :twisted: :wink: ! Come and join us in Prague for some heavy drinking, sex and rock'n'roll.And maybe some d**gs too! :innocent: :wink:
Wee d*gs? And a coo? ;D

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 23:42
by Andie
xmas sucks

new year roools

now let me get on with being depressed for a further week...

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 23:45
by James Blast
well I feel good, so I'm not bothered

Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 23:50
by lazarus corporation
it's the falseness of people at xmas that pisses me off - but I've said enough of that elsewhere.

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 00:00
by Delilah
lazarus corporation wrote:it's the falseness of people at xmas that pisses me off - but I've said enough of that elsewhere.
haha... tell me about it! I had to spend several XmASSes with my mother-in-law. So I really had to pretend to be nice... which was not easy! :lol:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 00:38
by nick the stripper
Presents - gooooooooood!

The rest of it - s**t.

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 00:43
by boudicca
Growing up it was always my favorite time of year. Not this time round.

If you can't be with loved ones - for whatever reason - you only feel it more keenly. And it all starts to seem like some evil conspiracy dreamt up to remind you of this. :|

New Year I've never liked. "Well, last year was awful - let's hope this one's better... awww f**k who am I kidding, I'm off to watch Jools' Hootenany"... Always been seriously under-celebrated by me.

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 01:03
by Francis
Christmas is great. Cos they play Slade a lot. New Year's Eve, on the other hand, is full of amateurs puking up on your shoes and fat slappers trying to tongue you at midnight. Consequently, I shall, as usual, be baby-sitting and, most probably, playing Mousetrap. I might even splash out on a few humbugs.

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 01:54
by boudicca
Francis wrote:fat slappers trying to tongue you at midnight.
It's that aftershave you wear Francis. I could barely control myself when we were on that grand tour of Leeds... :innocent: :kiss: ;D

(But I'm not fat, or a slapper, let's just make that clear...)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 03:29
by Andrew S
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:And there is a speaker right under my apartment window blurting out Nat King Cole, and I just figured out I only have to rewire two cables to let the whole street hear some System Of A Down instead.
Go on I dare you. You know you want to. :innocent:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 04:37
by Petseri
I prefer Christmas over X-mas. ;D (I also like the time of year.)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 06:33
by eastmidswhizzkid
i don't mind christmas day now that i've got kids; got robo-raptor to play with this year and i might even get out of cooking (yeah,right! :roll:) ; everything before and during "the christmas period" and the anti-climax of new year is bollocks.

at least this year i don't have to do the relatives -i haven't got any left and mrs whizz's all hate me nearly as much as i hate them.

our car's just burnt out the clutch (timing!) and charlotte's still breast-feeding so for new years i doubt i'll make it much further than -oooh! sat here! :roll:

you've got the right idea ania going to prague. sodium based nazi-crank amphetamine cheap steak-houses practically free beer and the 50p "shine". :twisted: :lol:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 08:54
by Ozpat
Love and peace for everybody....for 2 days. Very hypocrit IMO.
It's got hardly anything to do with celebrating the birth of the Child.
It's got everything to do with food and presents....

Like Izz I do like the lights during the dark days. When I go to work, it's still dark. Back home, it's dark again.

New years eve is fine with me. At least one of the worst years of my life comes to and end....
And I'm gonna have a drink on that one!!! 8)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 10:29
by canon docre
Christmas died for me when my mother died.

Nowadays I just try to sneak in other peoples families to not be completely alone on that day.

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 11:45
by Obviousman
Delilah wrote:
For me it's new year I'm not looking forward too. We used to do it with a couple of friends, but you know the score.
now, you future Turbojugend member :twisted: :wink: ! Come and join us in Prague for some heavy drinking, sex and rock'n'roll.And maybe some d**gs too! :innocent: :wink:
Prague, doesn't sound too bad :lol:

But got to be home the next day, so I can't get out of the country, I'm affraid :|

Will try to do some serious drinking nevertheless ;D

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 12:11
by markfiend
It's not Christmas itself I dislike, it's the month-and-a-half lead-in sorting out the shopping for presents etc.

Christmas itself: Presents, booze, too much food, booze, more food, presents... :notworthy:

And of course James Bond movies on the telly ;)