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Happy Birthday Dark!

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 00:05
by Delilah
All the best! God, you are only sixteen! Enjoy your day! :D

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 00:07
by lazarus corporation
happy birthday, Korin

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 00:08
by aims
Damn you for being in a country where he's 16 already, I wanted to post this :lol:

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Korin, hope it's a great one :kiss:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 00:10
by scotty
Aye, have a Happy Birthday Korin :D

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 00:20
by MadameButterfly
@ Motz - you are not the only one.... :lol:

ok, now imagine a sexy husky voice singing

"Happy Birthday to you dear Korin!" 8)

Have a wonderful day and of course may all your dreams come true!

MB :kiss: :kiss: and another :kiss:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 00:36
by nick the stripper
Happy Birthday! 8)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 02:03
by boudicca
Happy Franceing burfday to the youthfullest of the Heartland Yoof... :notworthy:

... AND...

...get your arse back here pronto! It's like a bloody old-folks home round here these days... :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 03:24
by Andrew S
Yet another Sagitarian. :notworthy: Have a good one.

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 06:20
by eastmidswhizzkid
happy birthday Korin -have a wicked day! 8)

and hurry on back dude -your other half could have you locked in his cellar for all we know! (though not neccesarily against your wishes... :wink: :innocent: :lol: )

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 08:11
by Ozpat
Have a great day! 8)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 12:02
by markfiend
Happy birthday. ;D

I typed "brithday" at first; are these my fingers?

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 12:18
by Obviousman
Happy Birthday :D

And get back on here :von:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 12:49
by Izzy HaveMercy
Have a good birthday, Young One!

And like wot the others said...

Get out of that homestudio and start an interesting life again, here on HL!




Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 13:00
by Eva
Happy Birthday from here too! Have a great one... :D

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 13:17
by ruffers
You know you're looking at this thread, we know you're looking :wink:

Happy Birthday young man, 20 Marlboro Lights please. :lol:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 17:35
by emilystrange
happy birthday, darling korin, love mum...

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 19:18
by Brideoffrankenstein
Happy birthday! 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 19:58
by Dark
MadameButterfly wrote:Have a wonderful day and of course may all your dreams come true!

MB :kiss: :kiss: and another :kiss:
I opened your present this morning. Absolutely gorgeous, Debbie, and my family thank you for the kind wishes in the card. :notworthy: :kiss:
ruffers wrote:You know you're looking at this thread, we know you're looking :wink:
I've only been back reading HL in the past few days. You know me too well, ruffers. :P

I had to keep off here for a while, mostly due to work commitments and other such matters (my attempts at a social life failed).
I've also been a little busy on another, slightly more interesting project*.
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:happy birthday Korin -have a wicked day! 8)

and hurry on back dude -your other half could have you locked in his cellar for all we know! (though not neccesarily against your wishes... :wink: :innocent: :lol: )
What are you implying, good sir? :lol:
Not to worry, Lee, we're not quite up to locking each other up yet, we're quite content with the occasional date and kissing. What am I saying, "quite content"? "bloody ecstatic" is more the case. ^_^

Thanks to all for the kind wishes. I'll try to post more frequently on here, when I can.

*We got our CD printed. With any luck, the first pressing of about 30 copies should go on sale on New Years Day. We've also started work on the Nosferatu EP, the first track of which, "Project MKULTRA", will be featured on a compilation CD of Lincoln Bands, sometime soon.
Our website and forum are back up and running too, now.

(shrunk cos it's a plug :P)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 22:33
by Mrs. Snowey
Happy Birthday lil' Dark :wink:

Don't worry about these old fossils :innocent: remember, the Lincoln music scene needs all the help it can get 8)

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 22:37
by Obviousman
Glad to have you back :wink:
Dark wrote:*We got our CD printed. With any luck, the first pressing of about 30 copies should go on sale on New Years Day. We've also started work on the Nosferatu EP, the first track of which, "Project MKULTRA", will be featured on a compilation CD of Lincoln Bands, sometime soon.
Our website and forum are back up and running too, now.

(shrunk cos it's a plug :P)
The only bad thing about that is that I have to sign up again :lol:
And why does the confirmation mail take so long again :urff:

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 23:15
by TwinKle
Many happy returns Dark...... :)