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Noisy Neighbours

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 02:38
by Debaser
How noisy does noisy consitute? Someone has complained to the Council about Gaz's 'drumming' He only ever dare drum when I'm out and usually it's between 2.30 - 3.00pm ( he can only cope with half an hour coz it's bloody cold in the garage) and about 2 or 3 times a week at the most.

Hee hee - I await an ASBO.

I'm gonna nip out to the shops to buy him a Burberry Baseball cap and a hoodie

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 02:47
by Dark
I dunno, but half an hour every so often, in the middle of the afternoon when many would be at work hardly constitutes a "breach of the peace".

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 03:23
by nick the stripper
My neighbours told me off for playing the Main Title song to Dead Ringers too loud at one in the morning, which is understandable. So I promptly turned it down. But drumming once in awhile in the afternoon isn't, as Dark put it, "a breach of the peace."

What isn’t understandable, however, is calling Howard Shore’s work “noise pollution.”

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 11:14
by markfiend
Aye 2-3 pm is fine.

What is not fine is 2-3 am shouting in the bloody street like our bloody neighbours. Inconsiderate student twats think that just because they've finished for Xmas, so has everyone else. :evil:

This is in no way intended to imply that all students are inconsiderate twats.

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 11:29
by Gottdammerung
Anything post 10pm is verboten, though I'm not sure what the time in the morning is at which you can start again..

Thing is, it's meant to be the number of complaints that generate the noise abatement or whatever..

If your neighbour does have a problem tell him to phone the council and get a noise officer round to monitor it and tell them the hours..

your neighbours having a laugh by the looks of things...

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 16:10
by Debaser
If we knew which neighbour it was.... do I go round all of them and ask them why they didn't come to us first as we could have worked someting out?

I'm LONGING for it to be the people who live behind us - who band-saws every summer for hours upon end....or the people next door who restore cars (but have seemingly done a moonlight flit) and use a generator to re-spray and constantly rev their souped up engines (hhmmmnn perhaps I could ask them where they get their Burburry...) Or the people over the road who hover mow and leaf blow on a Sunday morning at 8.30 am?

I truly DO understand how annoying those drums are - he once bought a set years ago and they lasted one whole day before he actually did as he was told and sold them on. he's tried to sound-proof the garage but there really is very little else apart from a 20" concrete shell that can keep thump-crasha-boom out!

I wonder if gaz has done a crafty....he's been chuntering on a bout an electronic drum kit.....and mentioned it at least 9 times during our 'heated' debate...

gaz needs his own power station to run the amount of electrical goods he 'requires' for daily living :roll:

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 17:37
by Jaimie1980
I have similair problems. The chavette living below me (not underground, though that might be appropriate) will start screaming hysterically at the sound of me walking about my own flat. As with many things it's a question of balance, though some people are far too sensitive to a bit of short noise. Annoys me abit as this was the very same person who woke me up at about 4 one morning with a pissed rendition with her mates of Total Eclipse of the Heart. :x One might complain but this being Plymouth one would probably end up with a kicking.

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 18:41
by Brideoffrankenstein
My last neighbour when I lived in a wormhole of bedsits used to play the Beautiful South all night extremely loudly and extremely regularly. I thought I wouldn't really mind at the weekends but there did come a point where I really had to get some sleep at some point. I went round to ask if he could turn it down and got told to go forth and multiply. I could have bloody punched him! :evil:

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 18:45
by nick the stripper
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:My last neighbour when I lived in a wormhole of bedsits used to play the Beautiful South all night extremely loudly and extremely regularly. I thought I wouldn't really mind at the weekends but there did come a point where I really had to get some sleep at some point. I went round to ask if he could turn it down and got told to go forth and multiply. I could have bloody punched him! :evil:
I’d kill myself if I had to hear big fat northern lager-louts singing about perfect tens all night long. :eek:

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 18:46
by Brideoffrankenstein
nick the stripper wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:My last neighbour when I lived in a wormhole of bedsits used to play the Beautiful South all night extremely loudly and extremely regularly. I thought I wouldn't really mind at the weekends but there did come a point where I really had to get some sleep at some point. I went round to ask if he could turn it down and got told to go forth and multiply. I could have bloody punched him! :evil:
I’d kill myself if I had to hear big fat northern lager-louts singing about perfect tens all night long. :eek:
It was one of the reasons why I had to move :lol:

Posted: 23 Dec 2005, 18:50
by scotty
Not much noise out of our neighbours, just the odd MOO :D


Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 16:13
by Big Si
Last month, my flatmate and I got back from clubbing about 3am, put some music on full blast and opened some more beers. 5 minutes later someone started banging loudly on the front door.

"Awrite pal, youze guys huvin a party? Can we come in!"

It's great when your neighbours are 8)


Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 00:40
by Andrew S
Big Si wrote:Last month, my flatmate and I got back from clubbing about 3am, put some music on full blast and opened some more beers. 5 minutes later someone started banging loudly on the front door.

"Awrite pal, youze guys huvin a party? Can we come in!"

It's great when your neighbours are 8)

As long as you know them! My neighbour got murdered in his living room by 2 guys he'd invited back for drinks. My own noisy downstairs neighbour's choice in music is currently Celine Dion and Jennifer Rush. :urff: It seems to be the new country music among West of Scotland women.

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 00:46
by Blondelass
The bloke who lives in the house behind me can get noisy sometimes, eg watching Star Wars at 10pm (considering it goes on for about 2 hours). He doesn't have any carpet down (noticed when I once complained) so the sound really travels.

I used to feel sorry for the neighbours when I was younger. Every Sunday afternoon was band practice in my bedroom. My mum never minded, she used to bring us tea & sarnies "in case we were hungry" :D

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 00:53
by Debaser
We have a 'mole' at the city council...once we find out which neighbour it is, we will plot out our plan of action :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Saying that...I wouldn't want to live next door to Gaz either :lol: frickin surround sound :roll:

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 00:56
by Blondelass
If you need help with names/addresses, I have free access to 192 at work :twisted:

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 03:19
by Francis
Think on. You'd never see a Nazi wearing Burberry. :innocent: