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Toronto, March 10th

Posted: 06 Jan 2006, 15:17
by Llamatron
...busily rounding up every other Sisters fan I can find.

Anyone here going?

Posted: 06 Jan 2006, 18:02
by Brad
Myself and another fan from Winnipeg will be hitting Toronto and Montreal.

Posted: 06 Jan 2006, 18:12
by Petseri
Methedrome wrote:Myself and another fan from Winnipeg will be hitting Toronto and Montreal.
Is he bringing his trampoline?

Posted: 06 Jan 2006, 18:15
by Brad
LOL :lol:

Different friend. One that does not actively participate as my mischevious doppleganger.


Posted: 09 Jan 2006, 01:35
by Jack Young tell the rest of us.

Your Hotel

Posted: 11 Jan 2006, 21:09
by Jack Young
Are you staying at Lambda Resorts (again) while in T.O.?

Posted: 18 Jan 2006, 14:06
by deathofthephoenix
Hey. A friend and I will be there. So excited!

biting the platinum bullet...silver hurts my teeth

Posted: 20 Jan 2006, 22:12
by kurtz
wouldn't miss it for the world. any pre-church festivities planned? i mean, apart from staking out tour buses and s**t...not so much into that myself...


Hello people!

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 06:39
by DrG
A great time at Kool Haus is only two nights away! :lol:

Like most of you on this forum, I’ve heard many recordings of their performances – but this is my first live Sisters gig! I wish I could afford Montreal… that would be very nice. Anyway, I hope everyone has a blast!

I’m coming up from Rochester, NY. I haven’t been to Toronto in years (Dead Can Dance… mid-1990s?)! I just hope it’s not too cold. :x


P.S.: I started another thread a while ago… “The Sisters Bite It In Toronto�.

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 13:46
by Brad
I checked the forecast, looks like rain, but it will still be t-shirt weather coming from the prairies. We will see you all there in Toronto. I'm the guy in front with short dark hair and a Motorhead shirt.


Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:09
by kurtz
there are sisters fans in the prairies? i thought anyone stuck in the prairies with half a brain got the f**k outta there....

anyway, you're right. it will rain. seems appropriate.

keep in mind, we've been promised mid-teen temperatures for the weekend (unless of course, someone's lying to me) so clothing will be optional.

i actually may have an extra ticket if anyone wants it. 40 bucks even.

Can I get a small recording device into Kool Haus?

Posted: 09 Mar 2006, 06:25
by DrG
Or is that just a bad idea... I've never been there. Any suggestions?


Posted: 09 Mar 2006, 16:12
by Francis
Right then. Gonna chill out now for a couple of days then get drunk and rowdy at my last gig this side of the pond. I'll try and check back later to find out where to meet so you can all buy me a drink. I'll be the one with the English accent, PRWY t-shirt, glasses and monobrow answering to the name of Bert. I've deliberately booked a late flight back on Saturday so I can take full advantage of your legendary hospitality. :lol:

Tonight's the night!

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 14:42
by DrG
I just posted in the "The Sisters Bite It In Toronto!" thread.... my friend and I will show up early, check out the security and decide if we can record the show.

Also, are there any after gig parties? We're easy going guys just wanting to have a little crazy fun in Toronto... let me know. I look like this....


and will be in the mosh pit with the other thirty-something fans. Have fun and see you all there!


Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 15:03
by Francis
If someone can tell me of a not-goth-but-not-karaoke-either-bar which serves cider, then I can make an extremely thirsty man with a dodgy beard very happy.

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 17:53
by kurtz
Francis wrote:If someone can tell me of a not-goth-but-not-karaoke-either-bar which serves cider, then I can make an extremely thirsty man with a dodgy beard very happy.
actually, some friends and i are going to be meeting for drinks at the Jason George pub (corner of Jarvis and Front streets....) around seven.

i believe they sell cider.

i assumed everyone served cider.

and i'm quite certain that there will be very few g*thlings there.

it's two blocks from the venue and it has a patio, which may be nice, seeing as it stopped raining about six minutes ago.

if not, C'est What on front street at church street (one block west) has the best beer selection ever, but i don't remember if they sell cider. and i'm sure there will be no g*ths there. mind you, there will probably be some more than questionable people of other allegiances at both places...

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 02:00
by Francis
I don't care what they say about you Mr Kurtz, you're a good man. Might be late though cos just got back from a helicopter ride round Niagara Falls. Yes, be jealous again you bastards, cos I'm gonna have to work til I'm 50 to pay this lot off. Please don't miss the show waiting for me though. I'll catch up with you later when I see you standing at the bar with your wallet out. Oh yes, and I won't be in my PRWY shirt, the blue silk shirt's getting an airing. I feel lucky.

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 02:09
by Silver_Owl
Francis wrote:I don't care what they say about you Mr Kurtz, you're a good man...
I still think his methods are unsound.

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 06:44
by Brad
Temple Of Love
Will I Dream
Crash & Burn
When You Don't See Me
Giving Ground
Flood II
Something Fast
Top Nite Out
Vision Thing

Unbelievable gig! Great sound, decent crowd, band was in top form.
Holy Christ does Ben Christo ever alter the sound of The Sisters. Can't wait for Montreal!
Larger review to follow at some point...

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 06:58
by Silver_Owl
Methedrome wrote:Setlist:
Temple Of Love
Will I Dream
Crash & Burn
When You Don't See Me
Giving Ground
Flood II
Something Fast
Top Nite Out
Vision Thing

Unbelievable gig! Great sound, decent crowd, band was in top form.
Holy Christ does Ben Christo ever alter the sound of The Sisters. Can't wait for Montreal!
Larger review to follow at some point...
Echelente Ambassador :notworthy:
Same setlist as Phili I see. But if they're reaching critical mass who gives a f**k. :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 07:12
by 6FeetOver
Nothing like Dominion/Mother Russia live from 500+ miles away... Thanks, Mistah Kurtz, you made my night. :notworthy: :von:

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 09:36
by lachert
Thanks Methedrome for quick setlist, waiting for some nice pictures :P

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 11:40
by Brad
I was able to get some seriously great pictures. I must give a big shout out to the security to the Kool Haus who were beyond competent and extremely professional.
Getting ready for the quick flight to Montreal on an hour's sleep...

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 14:13
by Badlander
Thanks indeed for such a quick setlist. Glad to see When you don't see me and Burn are still in the mix. Hope they're here to stay. Keep fingers crossed.

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 17:00
by kurtz
SINsister wrote:Nothing like Dominion/Mother Russia live from 500+ miles away... Thanks, Mistah Kurtz, you made my night. :notworthy: :von:

mistah kurtz will make your morning, too, if you're lucky.

for what it's worth, i was trying to time that better, but i think dominion was timing good enough....