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It'll never catch on...

Posted: 16 Jan 2006, 20:53
by James Blast
... wil it?

Posted: 16 Jan 2006, 21:11
by Silver_Owl
I expected to see Barbara Wintergreen any moment.
'This is the nooooooooos' :lol:

Posted: 16 Jan 2006, 21:20
by boudicca
'member when it was called the "Information Super-Highway"?

Oor hoose got t'internet early, in '96... but I remember before that, saying myself that "it'll never catch on." :lol: :lol:

If only I'd known!

Posted: 16 Jan 2006, 21:29
by Obviousman
The what?


Let me see, we got internet ourselves somewhere about '99 IIRC, though my father had this very hightech thingy called a "MODEM" back in '90 for banking stuff :lol:

Love the movie :notworthy: