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Gibberish? I beg your pardon!

Posted: 24 Jan 2006, 17:55
by boudicca
I see we have new fancy-pants descriptions of the forums (forae?) today.

Gone are airborne swine and Jonathan Woss' better half... and in their place is the shocking... nay, repugnant... suggestion that the majority of conversation which takes place in General Chat provides less than satisfactory cerebral stimulation :eek: .

As if that weren't enough, to slander the denizens of HL by suggesting that many of us are lacking in that precious commodity known as A Life.

The very cheek! :innocent:

Posted: 24 Jan 2006, 18:20
by scotty
An eponymous thread boudicca? :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 24 Jan 2006, 18:24
by Obviousman
With a bit of luck I'll be having a live more or less soonish ;D

Don't think I've ever seen an airborne swine around here, but that'll probably just be me missing the point :lol:

Posted: 24 Jan 2006, 18:43
by emilystrange

and anyway, who said general chat HAD to be cerebral? take the rough with the smooth..

Posted: 24 Jan 2006, 18:52
by Dark
We don't do intelligent speech here?

How very dare you? :lol:

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 00:03
by boudicca
@Zeno - pregnant sow piloting a 747? :innocent:

As a matter of interest, who writes these little blurbs?
Is it the Quiffster? And I thought he was such a nice man! :cry: :innocent: :lol:

Or Bux?

Or maybe... just maybe... someone else... :von:

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 00:20
by Obviousman
Ah, yes, that rings a bell :lol:

Conspiracy theories all over again then? ;D

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 00:26
by boudicca
Obviousman wrote:Ah, yes, that rings a bell :lol:

Conspiracy theories all over again then? ;D
:eek: On Heartland?

NEVER! :lol:

Re: Gibberish? I beg your pardon!

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 01:32
by Johnny M
boudicca wrote: is the suggestion that the majority of conversation which takes place in General Chat is bollox ...
Yep. With a vengeance.

Re: Gibberish? I beg your pardon!

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 01:54
by boudicca
Johnny M wrote:
boudicca wrote: is the suggestion that the majority of conversation which takes place in General Chat is bollox ...
Yep. With a vengeance.
:lol: I believe I put it slightly more delicately!

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 03:01
by timsinister
Far too inebriated to directly comment, but inclined to agree with Claire's suspicions, and Johnny's claims.