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Techy FF Question

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 00:26
by Obviousman
Err, I seem to have a slight problem with Firefox:

Every now and then, when I try to open a site instead of opening it, a download pop-up appears and it downloads the site instead of opening it. Any clues on what could be wrong? :urff:

And another one: Sometimes when opening a page with images, it crashes completely (eg. when I search google for sisters of mercy when I'm too lazy to remember the URL)

Perhaps I just have a faulty edition of the browser, or? :? (though it appears to be the latest one)

Re: Techy FF Question

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 00:59
by lazarus corporation
Obviousman wrote:Err, I seem to have a slight problem with Firefox:

Every now and then, when I try to open a site instead of opening it, a download pop-up appears and it downloads the site instead of opening it. Any clues on what could be wrong? :urff:
That usually happens when a web server has been incorrectly configured, and the server is setting the wrong Response Headers / content type for a particluar file suffix.

(it's not a Firefox problem)
Obviousman wrote:And another one: Sometimes when opening a page with images, it crashes completely (eg. when I search google for sisters of mercy when I'm too lazy to remember the URL)

Perhaps I just have a faulty edition of the browser, or? :? (though it appears to be the latest one)
Sounds like too little RAM - how much have you got in your PC?

FF 1.5 is the latest version

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 01:24
by Obviousman
Thanks :notworthy: Never had the not-FF problem with MSIE or Opera though, but if you say so it must be right :D

Got 512RAM, used to be my pride back when I got it (at the place where I bought it they told me I was crazy to put so much in) :lol:

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 08:29
by Dark
There I was thinking you had a techy "friendly fire" problem. Shows how many FPSes I play. :lol:

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 08:34
by lazarus corporation
Obviousman wrote:Thanks :notworthy: Never had the not-FF problem with MSIE or Opera though, but if you say so it must be right :D

Got 512RAM, used to be my pride back when I got it (at the place where I bought it they told me I was crazy to put so much in) :lol:
512MB RAM should be plenty :?

It may be that there's a slight corruption in your installation of FF - maybe reinstalling it will fix that.