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Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by nearmethexperience
so, like the title said, what's the best gig you've ever been to & why?¿?¿

sisters gig,
ok, the best sisters gig i ever went to was the 10 year birthday party gig at leeds poly (or possibly uni, but i think it was the poly coz the room only held 1-2 thousand ppl, not a lot considering the next gig was wembley!!).

anyway, got the tickets on the day from jumbo (or some other elephant related record store) records, spent all day in the pub quite near the place with me best mate.

got to the gig quite early, the von did his usual 'i'm a man of the people' walking around outside the front of the venue (except he wasn't in a very talkative mood, unless it was with the 'corp rock vultures' from mtv, he seemed to talk to them quite a bit.

can't remember many songs, erm, jolene, alice, mostly old stuff. but the best bit for me was the general lack of the presence of the 'hangers on', i.e., the von in the middle of the stage, barely visible and the rest of the band (or the cabbage patch kids as we liked to call them, i think (but i'm not altogether sure) it woz coz the guitarist had a name like a vegetable :wink: ) not visible at all at either side of the stage. anyway, great gig, great sound.

one thing i found slightly funny, was the fact they had a video camera and recording device attached to the mixing desk! (therefore proving that the von is in fact the origin of about 80% of all sisters bootlegs available on the market today)

best gig ever,
probably motorhead at newcastle city hall when i was 14, my first real gig, i went straight from school to a local legendary rock/goth/punk pub called the 'broken doll' (which i have also gigged in :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: ) and changed out of my school uniform in the toilets. had a couple of bottles of dog (which got me rather p*ssed to say the least!!) then onto the city hall.

can't remember much except is was loud 'n' sweaty!!! the music was great, the band lively(ish compared to goth bands!!) and i 'pulled'!!!!

gigs i wish i was at but missed :sad:

the m****n - newcastle city hall, i didn't go for obvious reasons (i.e. the m****n are nothing more than splitters really :wink:!!! lol) but i missed hussey throwing his guitar down and storming off stage coz certain sections of the 'horrible nasty dirty' crowd kept singing 'your not andrew eldritch' and requesting just about every & any song the sisters had recorded up to that date (i.e. incl floodland stuff, tracks from gift (again, more funny if you know the history, certain really nasty members where doing the '2 5 0 0 0' intro bit!!) etc etc, and yet more people doing the 'oooooh look, there goes the deadwood' and pointing etc etc (newcastle was always on the sisters side of the sisters / m****n divide).

the nephs - middlesborough city hall. i didn't get to this one (can't remember why, i'll have to ask someone!). anyway, as you know, the nephs are probably the only band to outdo the sisters on the whole 'opera' of the goth gig thing. imagine the scene, the smoke/dry ice machines have been going for the last 40-50 mins, the intro tape (gregorian chanting, strange noises, music fading in & out, etc etc, you know the thing!) has been playing for the last 20 mins (pulse starting to rise a little). for the last 2 or 3 mins you can see shapes in the dry ice (heart beating faster, hairs on the back of the neck starting to rise). ok, yes!!! this is it, the drums kick in, the first chord is played, carl looms out of the smoke like a god and, and, the entire sound cuts out, the sprinkler system cuts in and everyone is escorted outside the building for 45 mins while they make sure it isn't really on fire. apparently the gig was a little 'flat' after that!!!

this must be one of the most 'mysterious' events in the life of the sisters, shrouded in myth 'n' legend and perhaps we'll never know the truth :sad: :sad:, the few snippets i have involve the early sisters, s**t small venue, punks, spitting, the von saying something about not being able to swim, sisters leave never to play wales again?¿?¿?¿?¿? if anyone knows what actually happened maybe they could let us all know!

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Debaser
I find it really difficult to decide...Faithless a few years back at Rock City were pretty awesome......Leftfield the same year at Sheffield octagon were just LOUD and heart stopping. Fun Lovin Criminals at Rock City (can you spot a theme yet?)

Dead Kennedy's at the Nottingham Boat Club in 1980/1 were just fab and I'd had to shin op the outside of the club to get in which was rather an exciting experience.

Ramones at Rock City....need I say more...well I suppose I ought but can't.

Julian Cope...any time

Marilyn Manson at MEN last Feb was pretty special too.

Crass at Silvergate Ballroom , Lincoln 1979? LOL LOL

Pixies De Montfort Leicester 1987? WOW...blew my sox off and it only recently I've been able to wander back up near the front at gigs...severe claustrophobia set in at leicester I can tell you

Any of the Chameleons gigs I've been to....even the 'acoustic my arse ' ones...hee hee...especially the Derby Flowerpot one where Marc led everyone in a rousing 'Happy Birthday to me...awwwwwwwwwwww

I'll get me coat...


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
tough one. choice of two:

either the sisters @ york last feb 16th (the 20th birthday gig)

or the chameleons' comback gig(s) at the witchwood (think it was the tuesday i went to...but am not sure, may even have been the monday)

both were fantastic - electric atmosphere, bags of anticipation, and no feeling of let down! amazing.

i remember standing their with my mouth open at the chams gig, drooling when they started playing swamp thing! i couldnt believe after all this time i was seeing them! amazing. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Andy TG
The Sisters headlining Reading in 91 was Fan-F***ing tastic- Lots of memorys :grin:

Neph in Cardiff Uni - September 88 - my first gig - the start of the slippery slope })

Sisters and Depeche Mode - Crystal Palace -July 93 - Depeche live are outstanding - go see them !!! :von:

Marilyn Manson - December 97 - Forum London - his first time in the UK (and on my Birthday too! :P )

Sisters at NEC - June 27th 1992 - they came on with Comfortably Num/SKOS - Me near to tears

Rammstein - 18th May 2002 - Manchester Aplloo - I just know its gonna be "Life Changing" :eek:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Debaser

On 2002-03-14 23:32, AndyTheGoth wrote:

Marilyn Manson - December 97 - Forum London - his first time in the UK (and on my Birthday too! :P )

But did he sing 'Happy Birthday?'

Allow me to bask in my 'moment'........ :razz:

I forgot to add Clash - Sheffield Top Rank 1979/80

a night full of friends and bonding with 'new' frineds ;-)


Killing Joke - Rock City Kings & Queens tour I think...fanfeckintastic. A HUGE bank of white lights during 'Darkest Hour before the Dawn?'and a man with an axle grinder near his willy..oh the an...................................ti............................

................................pation of it slipping!!!!

Debaser's are easily amused!



Five cups of coffee just to be myself...when I'd rather be somebody else

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Justj0hn
Lush/Babes In Toyland('92)....the latter were insanely angry, baring their teeth and nails on stage and the former hurled about the same level of aggression....believe it or not.

Curve('92)...first show of their first U.S. tour....stripped back and raw. Great.

Wolfgang Press('96)...dark funk on record, mind hammering abrasiveness in the live forum.

The Creatures('90)....for their very first U.S. appearance as such....Sioux and Budgie were in top form.

Foetus('01)....uhhhm, daYum.


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Padstar
Ok.... you can have a good laugh at me...

Prince - various shows in 1990.... he is the live god !!

The Cure at Sheffield arena a few years ago were great.

The Wonderstuffs comeback show at the Forum in London last Dec

The Cult at Brixton Academy last year were also awsome....


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by rian
REM`s first gig in Sweden back in 89-90. Very good.
TSOM Stockholm 91. (only gig I`ve seen)
David Bowie in Gothenburg 88.
The M*****n Stockholm 95.
Radiohead and REM Stockholm 97 (Ithink).
Rolling Stones Stockholm Globe 99 (Ithink)

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Justj0hn
Padstar indicates:
"The Wonderstuffs comeback show at the Forum in London last Dec"

That's certainly doesn't warrant a chuckle.....saw the Wonderstuff open for the Banshees in '92. Great.....also got a chance to catch Miles on tour.....acoustic, highly energetic. What the hell is going on w/the "Stuffies" anyway? They've yet to release any studio evidence of being reunited...


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Debaser
THE Stuffies?????? weren't they at the Longest Day in Nottingham last summer? As were NMA. I recall the best band were on second in the line up rather early in the day.......


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Padstar

2nd band on the bill the best one.... dont be daft (and i am an army fan)
That was the worst NMA performance ive seen in years... that said, you could hardly hear them.

Sorry though, the stuffies were great, and on the night.... better.


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Debaser
On 2002-03-17 11:56, Padstar wrote:

2nd band on the bill the best one.... dont be daft (and i am an army fan)
That was the worst NMA performance ive seen in years... that said, you could hardly hear them.

Sorry though, the stuffies were great, and on the night.... better.

Wrong end of the bill.....second on that day.....after Mr 'Liberator' Brandon


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Padstar

point taken.....



Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Debaser
It was a fine day altogether really.....Always was a bit too old for Ned and atomic whatsits...but they certainly did make me wake up from my slumber.

Thought NMA were OK...but I felt they sounded a bit tired and lack-lustre where as Wonderstuff (although I can't say I was ever a big fan) tore the place apart somewhat!

Gotta go now, dates to write on the whiteboard, stuff to photocopy...

Roll on Friday END OF TERM!!!!!!!!! yeeeee haaaaaaa


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Drsisters
Hard to decide when it comes to the sisters, but i give it a go.

26 November, Wembley Arena

19 May, Hultfred

13 June, Berlin

21 December, Brixton Academy

Ochtroup wasn´t that good

20 July, Rendsburg

12 Februari, The Forum

Missed that one ;(

2 September, Barrowland

Missed the spring shows ;(
12 July, Arvika

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by RobF

Slayer (Donnington 92)
Public Enemy (Manchester 91)
Sissies (Glasgow recent jobby)
Motorhead (Some randon Rock City gig)
NMA (Rock City anniversary gig)
Skinny Puppy (Dresden reunion)
White Stripes (Upstairs at the Social in Notts last year)
Gold Blade (The Summat and Firkin in Notts abooot 5 years ago)

Brain hurts....

Too many to choose from.


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by DrDoom
difficult but....

PWEI - Sheffield Ledmill Summer '90
Psychic TV - Sheffield Ledmill
Cardiacs - Sheffield Ledmill '88
Bauhaus - Manchester Academy
Wonderstuff - Phoenix Festival
NMA - Leeds Town Hall steps
James Rays Gangwar - Manchester Underworld
FotN - Bradford Queens Hall
Voice of the Beehive - Sheffield Ledmill
SoM - Any except the Wembley Arena.


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Padstar

The Wonderstuff at the Pheonix Festival.....

Ide give a lot to have been at that one !


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Debaser
On 2002-03-26 15:29, DrDoom wrote:
difficult but....

PWEI - Sheffield Ledmill Summer '90

I think they did the warm-up for that tour here in sunny Lincoln, at a crappy little old building called th old school house. It is now a cheap 'n' cheerful chinese 'eat as much as you dare for £3.50' place.

I recall it being a good night...and the walls were sweating


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
I recall it being a good night...and the walls were sweating
always a sign of a good night! when i saw the neph in bradford it was raining with sweat that had condensed on the ceiling due to the heat!

lurvely! :grin:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by ez
radiohead 97 - bridlington spa, low key gig on week of release of ok comupter. spend quite a bit of the afternoon with thom and the band. it was a lovely day and we all got stoned. :wink:

ministry - notts rock city, atmosphere was great, had to wait a hour for them to come on stage. by the time they did people were already being carried out. remember the twin screens, one showing birth, growth etc and the other death, decay........very cool

frankside bottom - reading festival, new model army were on the big stage but i prefer a more intimate atmosphere for them. so it seemed did alot of other people, the tent was absolutely packed. in the end they closed the gates and locked everyone in


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Gary
My first ever gig was a 'Sisters gig!, erm, Manchester Academy 2000. review can be found on my website. but to summarise I had lots of fun, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

But my fave gig EVER so far, would have to be Muse at manchester astoria not so long back. Much fun! :smile:, vex red werent to bad a few weeks back either.

anyways enough ramblings from me :wink:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Lars Svensson
Hey, Gary...The more ramblings the better, that's why we're here!


BTW: I went to the selfsame Manchester Academy gig and have to say I was the least impressed I've ever been by the Sisters on that particular occasion...Was I missing something??? I was quite far at the back and quite possibly a little inebriated, however, so pls don't take this as a criticism of your opinion!!!!!! It's all about mood 'n' sh*t innit?!
:grin: :grin: :grin:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Gary
I was very close to the front at manchester, and had lots of fun. however it was my first ever gig, and my first ever sisters gig. so i was bound to enjoy it really wasnt i... :smile:.
london apollo-2001 (2nd night) was much better, during the exxile on euphoria tour. but that was only my second sisters show, so i was bound to enjoy it really.. hmmm. dave thomas and two pale boys (or whatever the hell it was called) were a 'interesting' support act. Tin star were ace though.

worst live show ive ever seen would have to be SPooks, at V2001, i fell asleep ina big field whilst they were playing...


Posted: 05 May 2003, 08:42
by Delilah
Best gig ever: DEPECHE MODE - Wembley Arena 2001
Best Sisters gig: Glauchau Open Air, Germany