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Posted: 26 Jan 2006, 16:45
by Master Margarita
Where did you go?
It has been too long, so

And when RicheyJames is gone
There will be no more fun on

With the continued exception of CP
And due reverence to QB

But none to lines that may scan
And even less to those that rhyme

I miss those who wrote with attitude
but without your usual platitude

So who do you miss then?

I miss

1. Mugabe
2. RJ having a decent rant
3. Major de Coverley

I continue to enjoy

1. CP (Yup, I'm not going to NY or any other gigs, including the one in London)

But I go limp at

1. Any post which contains the words "going concern" "product" or "viable business proposition". Purrlease boys and girls. Borrowing cr*ppy business phrases doesn't make you any more grown up or well informed, and just sounds silly.

2. Any post which seeks sympathy or comfort for the utterly mundane. So, your boyfrined left you Bob, or your gerbil died, or this friend you knew was on a bus which had the same digit in it as a bus that wasn't blown up in an explosion that didn't happen in Uzbekistan. We don't care.

3. All the half baked half informed humourless and talentless quasi serious clap trap which comprises 90 % of the non-birthday / welcome to / recently listening to posts on general chat.

4. The recently listening to / birthday / birthday posts on general chat.

Posted: 26 Jan 2006, 16:50
by Quiff Boy
it isnt .com
you obviously dont enjoy it
we were happy to have you gone


Posted: 26 Jan 2006, 16:53
by markfiend
It strikes me that perhaps bemoaning "half baked half informed humourless and talentless quasi serious clap trap" on here, is in itself "half baked half informed humourless and talentless quasi serious clap trap".