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oh dear

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 08:49
by RicheyJames
constructive criticism not welcome then?

be seeing you

Re: oh dear

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 08:59
by aims
RicheyJames wrote:constructive criticism
That has to be the most appalling misspelling of "utter bollocks" that I've ever seen, Richey, but you you're forgiven since it's so early in the morning.

There was nothing constructive in his post unless you consider thinly veiled attacks on sections of Heartland users constructive of course :urff:

Re: oh dear

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 09:19
by MadameButterfly
RicheyJames wrote:constructive criticism
not welcome then?
let him bring it on, within the rules, we could play with him.

Re: oh dear

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 09:20
by paint it black
the Lord giveth and then the bastard taketh away again

Re: oh dear

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 10:04
by canon docre
RicheyJames wrote:constructive criticism not welcome then?

be seeing you
I could see some valid points in this post, but the praising of his buddies (or even his own aliases) in ryhme form was a bit silly, wasn't it?

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 10:41
by Quiff Boy
he always was a superior, arrogant bastard. i felt that post was taking p*ss just a little too much. out of me, and out of you lot. and not for the first time.

just being consistent ricardo. i'd do the same to anyone who came on here trolling ;)

but you must do as you feel. :roll:

tis the season to be flouncing, tra-la-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la....

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 11:23
by Master Margarita
Quiff Boy wrote:he always was a superior, arrogant bastard.
Heh. That's probably a little harsh, but I can see where you are coming from, and really don't mind the personal observations. And, QB, you are right- I don't care sufficiently to really make a meal of it. Two comments tho'.

1. I think you would have been better off not locking the post, and instead letting it either sink under the weight of its own self-important dullness, or bob briefly at the top like cr*p it apparently is.

2. It would be a shame if RJ were to go.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 11:45
by markfiend
Some of us do try to have the occasional intelligent conversation on here. Some of us even change our minds about certain issues due to those conversations.

IMO if you don't want to post any more, just don't. No need to be a drama queen about it.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 13:04
by Quiff Boy
Master Margarita wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:he always was a superior, arrogant bastard.
Heh. That's probably a little harsh, but I can see where you are coming from, and really don't mind the personal observations. And, QB, you are right- I don't care sufficiently to really make a meal of it. Two comments tho'.

1. I think you would have been better off not locking the post, and instead letting it either sink under the weight of its own self-important dullness, or bob briefly at the top like cr*p it apparently is.

2. It would be a shame if RJ were to go.
1) aye, point taken. i'll give you that. :oops: :D

2) its a shame when anyone goes. usually. obviously in the past there have been several well-publicised examles of when this isnt the case, but usually it is. ;D

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 15:08
by Francis
Players come and go, but the team carries on.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 15:41
by RicheyJames
calm down dears, it's only a forum.

and, for the record, i'm going nowhere so you can all dry your tears. i'll always be here. watching. waiting...

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 15:44
by markfiend
You'd better be.

We all know that under that gruff exterior there's a fwuffy wickle bunny trying to get out.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 15:47
by RicheyJames
fuck off


Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 15:49
by markfiend

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 16:00
by Francis
RicheyJames wrote:it's only a forum
Oh no, it's much more than that.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 16:07
by Quiff Boy
now now, girls. :lol:

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 16:28
by CorpPunk
All right, let's get something straight here: I'm better than you. All of you. I doubt you realize it, but that is merely the most obvious example of your total ignorance beyond what you are currently eating/drinking/thinking and whose birthday it is. Whether or not you are a year older today is no concern of mine.

My middle-class disdain for anything other than myself prevents me from posting something I might find of interest, or that might steer the conversation in a direction I wish it to go, so would you mind if I just bitch for a second? I'm feeling in need of a little attention today. Thanks ever so much.

How embarrassing to appear on a list like that, although I'm sure my bad attitude warrants it. Meow!

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 16:34
by Izzy HaveMercy
CorpPunk wrote:All right, let's get something straight here: I'm better than you. All of you. I doubt you realize it, but that is merely the most obvious example of your total ignorance beyond what you are currently eating/drinking/thinking and whose birthday it is. Whether or not you are a year older today is no concern of mine.

My middle-class disdain for anything other than myself prevents me from posting something I might find of interest, or that might steer the conversation in a direction I wish it to go, so would you mind if I just bitch for a second? I'm feeling in need of a little attention today. Thanks ever so much.

How embarrassing to appear on a list like that, although I'm sure my bad attitude warrants it. Meow!
You look stupid without an avatar. Change it.

And I want some attention too. I just had my first week of work this year and I am tired. On the other hand, I have money to spend. Nice chicks in chainmail please apply to above address.

Thank you.

Nothing in this post shall be copied for personal use. It is the property of the owner's genius alone.

Keep up the good work, you all. ;D



Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 16:34
by Quiff Boy

morning jen ;)

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 16:52
by CorpPunk
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:All right, let's get something straight here: I'm better than you. All of you. I doubt you realize it, but that is merely the most obvious example of your total ignorance beyond what you are currently eating/drinking/thinking and whose birthday it is. Whether or not you are a year older today is no concern of mine.

My middle-class disdain for anything other than myself prevents me from posting something I might find of interest, or that might steer the conversation in a direction I wish it to go, so would you mind if I just bitch for a second? I'm feeling in need of a little attention today. Thanks ever so much.

How embarrassing to appear on a list like that, although I'm sure my bad attitude warrants it. Meow!
You look stupid without an avatar. Change it.
Unfortunately for you, I don't care enough to respond to that.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 16:57
by hallucienate
CorpPunk wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:All right, let's get something straight here: I'm better than you. All of you. I doubt you realize it, but that is merely the most obvious example of your total ignorance beyond what you are currently eating/drinking/thinking and whose birthday it is. Whether or not you are a year older today is no concern of mine.

My middle-class disdain for anything other than myself prevents me from posting something I might find of interest, or that might steer the conversation in a direction I wish it to go, so would you mind if I just bitch for a second? I'm feeling in need of a little attention today. Thanks ever so much.

How embarrassing to appear on a list like that, although I'm sure my bad attitude warrants it. Meow!
You look stupid without an avatar. Change it.
Unfortunately for you, I don't care enough to respond to that.
Nor do I.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 16:57
by Izzy HaveMercy
CorpPunk wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:All right, let's get something straight here: I'm better than you. All of you. I doubt you realize it, but that is merely the most obvious example of your total ignorance beyond what you are currently eating/drinking/thinking and whose birthday it is. Whether or not you are a year older today is no concern of mine.

My middle-class disdain for anything other than myself prevents me from posting something I might find of interest, or that might steer the conversation in a direction I wish it to go, so would you mind if I just bitch for a second? I'm feeling in need of a little attention today. Thanks ever so much.

How embarrassing to appear on a list like that, although I'm sure my bad attitude warrants it. Meow!
You look stupid without an avatar. Change it.
Unfortunately for you, I don't care enough to respond to that.
But you noticed my posting! Yay! ;D


Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 17:30
by CorpPunk
hallucienate wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: You look stupid without an avatar. Change it.
Unfortunately for you, I don't care enough to respond to that.
Nor do I.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 18:17
by James Blast
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:I just had my first week of work this year and I am tired.
lazy bastard

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 18:18
by eastmidswhizzkid
markfiend wrote:
We all know that under that gruff exterior there's a fwuffy wickle bunny trying to get out.

afterthought: i'm sure the publisher's name has only coincidental relevance to the thread that inspired this one. :eek: