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A Wee Post-Burns Night Poem

Posted: 01 Feb 2006, 19:04
by boudicca
OK, I'm a bit late with this, but I'll share it with the McClass anyway... in an attempt to raise the tone of this place a little, I thought we'd have a bit of poetry.

One of Burns' finest hours, I'm sure you'll agree :innocent:

Tae A Fert

Oh whit a sleekit horrible beastie,
Lurks in yer belly efter the feastie,
Jist as ye sit doon among yer kin,
There starts tae stir an enormous wind.

The neeps and tatties and mushy peas,
Stert workin like a gentle breeze.
But soon the puddin' wi the sauncie face,
Will have ye blawing all ower the place.

Nae matter whit ye try tae dae,
Ae'body's gonnae have tae pay.
Even if ye try tae stifle,
It's like a bullet oot a rifle.

Hawd yer bum tight tae the chair,
Tae try and stop the leakin' air.
Shift yersel frae cheek tae cheek,
Pray tae God it doesnae reek.

But all yer efforts go assunder.
Oot it comes - a clap o' thunder
Ricochets around the room,
Michty me, a sonic boom!

God almichty it fairly reeks,
Hope ah huvnae pooed ma breeks!
Tae the loo I'd better scurry,
Aw who cares, it's no ma worry.

Ae'body roon aboot me chokin,
Wan or two are nearly boakin.
I'll feel better for a while,
Cannae help but raise a smile.

"Wis him!" I shout with accusing glower,
Alas too late, he's jist keeled ower!
"Ye dirty thing!" they shout and stare,
I don't feel welcome any mair.

Where ere ye go let yer wind gang free,
Sounds like jist the job fur me.
Whit a fuss at Rabbie's perty,
Ower the sake of wan wee ferty!

:twisted: ;D

:Translations available on request: :wink:

Re: A Wee Post-Burns Night Poem

Posted: 01 Feb 2006, 19:06
by Izzy HaveMercy
boudicca wrote:
:Translations available on request: :wink:
Not needed! ;D ;D ;D (a hankie would be nice, tho.... or a new monitor)


Posted: 01 Feb 2006, 19:09
by Izzy HaveMercy
BTW, reminded me of THIS song ;D

(Dutch People only, but translations available on request ;) )

zwaar geroffel komt vanonderaan mijn rug
't gevaar verspreidt zich pijlsnel door de lucht
landgenoten, knijpt nu snel uw neuzen dicht
want het komt als den donder na een bliksemschicht
hmm, het drijft al binnen in mijne neus
inhaleren zult ge want ge hebt geen keus
't gevolg van drie dagen rotten in mijn darm
de gaswolkt die 't vervoert is nog warm
ogen sperren open, kopkes worden groen
het moment om er nog een schepke bij te doen
nutteloos, die zakdoek voor uw mond
gevoelige zielen liggen meurg op de grond
op dat moment geen gentleman nimeer
ladies first, of na U, meneer
geen levende ziel blijft ook maar even staan
als de deuren van de lift opengaan
krak, scheet, gaswolk in de lucht
hulp, ren, alle beestjes op de vlucht
geel, blauw, groen, rood en paars
mannen, wat een rotlucht uit mijn aars


Posted: 01 Feb 2006, 19:11
by scotty
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: superb Claire :lol:

Posted: 01 Feb 2006, 20:18
by Obviousman
Smakelijk Iz :lol:

And :lol: @ Claire too :lol: