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Griffin and Collett

Posted: 03 Feb 2006, 14:36
by Quiff Boy
too mean to die, too stupid to live?


Posted: 03 Feb 2006, 16:11
by markfiend
I'm not trying to defend them in any way, but I'm not entirely sure that it's possible to "incite racial hatred" at a BNP meeting.

How can you incite hatred in people that are already full of hatred? Image

Not that it would wash as a legal defence, I'm sure.

I'm also slightly uneasy about the way that the evidence was obtained by the BBC. I know that it's not quite on the same level in that presumably BNP meetings are at least in theory open to the public, but is it tantamount to sneaking a camera into someone's house to record their private conversations?

Furthermore, is it wrong to be worried about the spread of anti-Western ideologies within Islam, and to voice those concerns?

That being said, I do believe that their defence has tried to paint this trial as being about freedom to express their opposition to Islamic anti-Westernism, when in fact they have made some disgusting and crass generalisations about all sorts of people, Muslim or not, anti-West or not.

And at the end of the day, the only good fascist is a dead fascist. :twisted:

Posted: 03 Feb 2006, 16:54
by Quiff Boy
doesnt matter what particular issue they are trying to sidetrack you with, their core beliefs are based on intolerance, hatred and the vilification of anyone that is different to them

they are thugs, bullies and basically nasty people.

their supporters are no better.

Posted: 03 Feb 2006, 17:23
by markfiend
Aye. And in some ways I'm being conned by their side-tracking aren't I? :|

markfiend wrote:At the end of the day, the only good fascist is a dead fascist. :twisted:

Posted: 03 Feb 2006, 17:51
by Jaimie1980
They are indeed loathsome individuals and their supporters too. I think their game is about sidetracking people, though I think for them to be able to do so you would have to be a bit unaware.
I hate to say it but I think that their support is going to grow in coming years as our society deteriorates and people start to search for someone to blame. This will likely to be minorities rather than the powerful (mainly white Anglo-Saxon) who are the real cause of people's problems.
The sad fact is that the failure of the left in this country and elsewhere has meant that in some areas people look to the likes of the BNP as an alternative. :(

Posted: 03 Feb 2006, 18:48
by Dark
If I gave a flying f**k about being British, they'd make me ashamed of being so.

Posted: 04 Feb 2006, 15:21
by RicheyJames
freedom to speak only inoffensively is not worth having.

and since a statement such as:
markfiend wrote:At the end of the day, the only good fascist is a dead fascist.
could be seen as incitment to murder, perhaps mr fiend should be expecting a knock on the door in the near future...

Posted: 04 Feb 2006, 16:32
by Zuma
I'm sure we can all expect a knock on the door at some point, meanwhile perhaps you mean "incitement".

Posted: 06 Feb 2006, 11:23
by markfiend
RicheyJames wrote:freedom to speak only inoffensively is not worth having.
I agree totally.
RicheyJames wrote:and since a statement such as:
markfiend wrote:At the end of the day, the only good fascist is a dead fascist.
could be seen as incitment to murder, perhaps mr fiend should be expecting a knock on the door in the near future...
Good point Richey.

If you were on the jury, would you convict me?