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No Smoking Law taken to far?

Posted: 03 Feb 2006, 23:38
by scotty
Just seen on the Scottish News that Truck Cabs will be covered by the Scottish No Smoking in public act, so any Lorrie driver will have to stub out his/her ciggie before they cross the border and pull over, stop and get out of the cab if they want a smoke while driving in Scotland :urff:,. WTF :roll:

Posted: 04 Feb 2006, 00:25
by boudicca
Mah hair wiz stinkin' when I came oot that Bawhoose gig... thank you chainsmokers, you know who you are :innocent: :wink: .

I don't mind it personally, being around smokers, as long as I'm not eating. But even if I was, that law's ridiculous anyway. D'you ever see lorry drivers with someone else in the cab? :urff: :roll:

Posted: 04 Feb 2006, 17:51
by Brideoffrankenstein
That is a teensy bit OTT in my opinion.

Posted: 06 Feb 2006, 11:25
by markfiend
I understand that part of the proposed legislation is also that if a medical worker (health visitor, doctor on call, midwife, etc.) is at your house, you wouldn't be allowed to smoke while they're there.

Posted: 06 Feb 2006, 13:12
by aims
Nothing's changed. Afaik, smoking at the wheel is illegal under the same laws that ban you from using your mobile or eating a kitkat...

Posted: 06 Feb 2006, 14:40
by Al
Currently, in Scotland, a council worker can refuse to work in a house if someone has been smoking within the last four hours. :?

Posted: 07 Feb 2006, 17:31
by Andrew S
Al wrote:Currently, in Scotland, a council worker can refuse to work in a house if someone has been smoking within the last four hours. :?
That seems a bit much to me, but I do think it's only polite to at least have some fresh air in the house when people call - unless they smoke too. I just wish similar legislation could be passed regarding body odour in public places. There were 2 guys on my flight yesterday and they were stinking. :evil: I made damn sure I sat well away from them.