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Something Interesting...

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 11:54
by Surekill 1311
Hi check this out...

Just thought some might be interested...
P.S. Where's the new album... Been waiting for 13 years now and getting pissed off... Waiting quietly and seeing the new tour... I think it may be time to pipe up... Ever thought about adding New Zealand to the tour list Mr Bux...
P.S If you ever need anyone to fly the corporate jet look me up...



Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 12:53
by markfiend
... and we wait in vain. :|

Nice link though :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 13:03
by Ozpat
Thanks for the link :notworthy:

That 3rd question is one of the boring kind though.....wouldn't be my choice to ask that... :urff:

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 14:57
by Obviousman
Thanks for that :notworthy:

Lovely up to date picture by the way ;D

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 16:07
by eastmidswhizzkid
cheers for that :notworthy:
didn't some journo on the SBTSB thread say no interviews were being granted....? :lol: he's obviously writing for some darkling rag that von wouldn't wipe his elbow with. :wink:

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 16:19
by Ozpat
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:cheers for that :notworthy:
didn't some journo on the SBTSB thread say no interviews were being granted....? :lol: he's obviously writing for some darkling rag that von wouldn't wipe his elbow with. :wink:
I asked it and yes that was the answer...."no interviews this tour".

:lol: :lol:

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 17:13
by eastmidswhizzkid
DerKoyote wrote:I want to make an interview with the Sisters, but the tour-manager says that there'll be no interviews at all. :(
this was the "journo" i was on about -i didn't mean you pat

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 17:21
by Ozpat
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:
DerKoyote wrote:I want to make an interview with the Sisters, but the tour-manager says that there'll be no interviews at all. :(
this was the "journo" i was on about -i didn't mean you pat
I know... :wink:

Koyote answered my question...

Re: Something Interesting...

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 18:01
by DomConway
Surekill 1311 wrote:Hi check this out...
Good work, nice link

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 18:48
by Dark
It's good to hear he appreciates good drummers, like the almighty Budgie. :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 21:03
by James Blast
Mr. E wrote:We've got a bit of a band birthday on February 16—our 25th—which does deserve a bit of a marker. I wanted to do it somewhere outrageous, and Vegas is pretty outrageous. It's not quite like the rest of the planet. And it's a fantastic place to spend one's birthday, particularly if one's coming straight from an English winter.
surely Baghdad would have been more outrageous, and had that certain edge over Las Vegas?

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 22:05
by eotunun
James Blast wrote:
Mr. E wrote:We've got a bit of a band birthday on February 16—our 25th—which does deserve a bit of a marker. I wanted to do it somewhere outrageous, and Vegas is pretty outrageous. It's not quite like the rest of the planet. And it's a fantastic place to spend one's birthday, particularly if one's coming straight from an English winter.
surely Baghdad would have been more outrageous, and had that certain edge over Las Vegas?
:lol: :!:
That would have been it! Add a Blitzkrieg Bop cover to the setllist, and the party starts!!

Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 22:31
by Electrochrome
I love how 'the band' is 25 years old, according the Von (a band birthday), you know 'they' put him in the front, etc, etc. It's not 'his' band or anyhing, at all. :wink:

He doesn't know why they haven't toured the USA since '99? Lack of promoters? Money? Tough to tour in the land of Clear Channel? No product?

Haven't seen a peep anywhere regarding shows here yet...the Village Voice carries the Webster Hall shows page, not even a logo for The Sisters though (at least they wrote The Sisters).

Posted: 18 Feb 2006, 01:37
by James Blast
consider yourself stabbed Electrochrome

Posted: 18 Feb 2006, 03:08
by Electrochrome


Posted: 19 Feb 2006, 04:29
by DeWinter
25 years would indeed be a marker if the "band" had actually done anything for at least half of those years!But as it stands It's a bit like saying "25 years of Strawberry Switchblade".

Posted: 19 Feb 2006, 15:39
by eastmidswhizzkid
being critical of the sisters is of course "allowed" when it comes from heartlanders- but is it just me or are they some of "us" who constantly moan/whinge/slag them off? i don't know why they don't go somewhere that they do like the subject under discussion. :roll:

Posted: 19 Feb 2006, 16:00
by Obviousman
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:being critical of the sisters is of course "allowed" when it comes from heartlanders- but is it just me or are they some of "us" who constantly moan/whinge/slag them off? i don't know why they don't go somewhere that they do like the subject under discussion. :roll:
I have to agree, I'm affraid folks. Criticism is okay, and none other than healthy IMHO, and the humorsome way many among us deal with the Sisters is one of the things that make me absolutely love to be a fanatic, but if you just come on here to air off the frustration you got because they haven't released an album the last couple of centuries/didn't play in your shitty hole of choice this year or any year before: There are other places to do that...

Posted: 19 Feb 2006, 16:02
by Ozpat
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:being critical of the sisters is of course "allowed" when it comes from heartlanders- but is it just me or are they some of "us" who constantly moan/whinge/slag them off? i don't know why they don't go somewhere that they do like the subject under discussion. :roll:
Aye... :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Feb 2006, 18:37
by James Blast
its not like we don't have cause Lee, be honest if it wasn't for this place keeping things alive, we'd all be somewhat more jaded

Posted: 19 Feb 2006, 18:46
by eastmidswhizzkid
i agree on both points james -but there are some people who revel in the downside of it all and haven't got a good thing to say when something positive does happen.

Posted: 19 Feb 2006, 18:52
by Izzy HaveMercy
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:there are some people who revel in the downside of it all and haven't got a good thing to say when something positive does happen.
That sounds very Goth to me! :eek:

*run awaaaaaaayyy!!* ;D


Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 01:47
by DeWinter
"being critical of the sisters is of course "allowed" when it comes from heartlanders- but is it just me or are they some of "us" who constantly moan/whinge/slag them off? i don't know why they don't go somewhere that they do like the subject under discussion. "

If that was directed at me..
I'm perfectly willing to admit the brilliance of The Sisters,as and when they are.FALAA is almost permanently on my cd player,and I think "We are the same,Susanne" has the most addictive guitar lick since "Sweet child o' mine" by GnR.
The band seem to be an almost pure "for the money" outfit these days.You may well be willing to hear the same setlist many years in a row,but I'm not!!
The band could be something special,and as is,seem to be on auto-pilot.When something happens that's worth celebrating,I'll be amongst the rest of you cheeering,but as is,I see no reason to celebrate a case of same old,same old.


Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 12:06
by Ocean Moves
DeWinter wrote:"being critical of the sisters is of course "allowed" when it comes from heartlanders- but is it just me or are they some of "us" who constantly moan/whinge/slag them off? i don't know why they don't go somewhere that they do like the subject under discussion. "

If that was directed at me..
I'm perfectly willing to admit the brilliance of The Sisters,as and when they are.FALAA is almost permanently on my cd player,and I think "We are the same,Susanne" has the most addictive guitar lick since "Sweet child o' mine" by GnR.
The band seem to be an almost pure "for the money" outfit these days.You may well be willing to hear the same setlist many years in a row,but I'm not!!
The band could be something special,and as is,seem to be on auto-pilot.When something happens that's worth celebrating,I'll be amongst the rest of you cheeering,but as is,I see no reason to celebrate a case of same old,same old.
I don't really get all this logic about being "out for the money".

As it is, they havn't released a sodding thing in years and years,
and yet play a load of new songs that havn't been made commercially
available, but apparently that being 'out for money'....

If they released a new album every year, did a shed load of world
tours and merchandise, then would that NOT be being 'out for the money' ??

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 13:57
by canon docre
Vision Thing was probably the last thing he did because of the money, (I mean musical concessions therein for the US market) but every band tried this at one point of their career. Otherwise TSOM is a fine example for artistic integrity rather than for a cash-machine.
Just imagine on how many Goth-festivals they could cash in if it wasn't for this little word.

AE might be a bit eccentric but he never sold out.