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This is a local forum for local people....

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 11:04
by Gottdammerung
God I wish...

First we have "The Sisters use DAT..."


"The Sisters need a drummer...."

Amazing how some people just don't get it...

Perhaps its time we introduced some kind of initiation ceremony/citizenship test??

Sample questions for said test on a postcard to.....

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 11:07
by Quiff Boy
all applicants must reside mentally and culturally, if not physically, within close proximity of the the M62 ;)

using a dat. bless. :lol:

whatever will they be saying next! that uncle andy can actually sing quite well? :roll: :P

not to worry. diversity of opinion, however wrong (:lol:) is what makes us thrive. or something. :|


Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 11:11
by Gottdammerung
Quiff Boy wrote:all applicants must reside mentally and culturally, if not physically, within close proximity of the the M62 ;)
I hope past residency counts!

I lived closed to it for about eight months back in '93..

Though part me always will...

(cue sloppy sentimental music!)


Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 11:57
by Badlander
I was a student at Uni of Leeds in 97-98 (politics). And now an official alumnus of this fine institution. I kept my student card as a souvenir. :D

And of course the Dok stays IN.

He's a founding member and the irresistible force behind the gang.

Wadda think boys, I hate drum machines that miserably try to pass as real drummer. On the other hand I love boom boom boxes that do exactly what they're supposed to.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 12:42
by Obviousman
I've never even been near to the M62 :(

Well, perhaps mentally, but where is it then? :lol:
Badlander wrote:He's a founding member and the irresistible force behind the gang.

Wadda think boys, I hate drum machines that miserably try to pass as real drummer. On the other hand I love boom boom boxes that do exactly what they're supposed to.
Well, :von: was the drummer originally, wasn't he :P

Still, nothing to add on the second paragraph :cool:

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 13:23
by Dark
The point of a drum machine is to add percussion, NOT to sound like a drummer. Any band that uses a drum machine to replicate a drummer has failed.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 13:35
by canon docre
I dont live close to the M62, not even mentally. (...and I'm not too sad about it either :wink:)

I dont think the mentioning of a drummer or a DAT is something heretic.

I think people give up their good manners a bit too fast.

I think I should better pack my things and RUN.
Quiff Boy wrote:not to worry. diversity of opinion, however wrong (:lol:) is what makes us thrive. or something. :|
Too true.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 14:08
by markfiend
There's diversity of opinion, and there's trolling...

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 14:21
by Badlander
Obviousman, you got me on this. But Dok was on the first single. That means something !

As for the rest, of course everyone is entitled to his own opinion. It's just that :

- False accusations (the DAT affair) are no opinion. It's just defamation.

- Some may be fed up with the "Dok vs. human drummer" argument. It's been going on for centuries. (sorry if that sounds too sententious. Okay, that does)

Point is : Dok is in no way supposed to sound like a human musician, and that's why we love him !

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 18:06
by sarah_orange
my postcode is LS6 1HL
can I stay?


Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 18:11
by scotty
Does the A9 count?.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 18:11
by scotty
Does the A9 count?.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 18:22
by eotunun
Some of my best records come from near the M 62. I guess that`s what it was all about. :wink:

Re: This is a local forum for local people....

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 18:29
by Mrs. Snowey
Gottdammerung wrote:

Perhaps its time we introduced some kind of initiation ceremony/citizenship test??

Sample questions for said test on a postcard to.....
So that's how you get a P.R.W.Y. T-shirt... 8) :lol:

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 21:00
by SomeKindOfStranger
Quiff Boy wrote:all applicants must reside mentally and culturally, if not physically, within close proximity of the the M62 ;)
well i only live down the road.

'the road' being the M1 :D

still the in-laws are in Ilkley - thats gotta be close enough to count?

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 21:09
by Ozpat
I've got a PRWY shirt. Does it count? :D

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 21:13
by Obviousman
What's a PRWY :?:

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 21:20
by EvilBastard
Obviousman wrote:What's a PRWY :?:
People's Republic of West Yorkshire?
I lived in LS6 & 4 for 3 years, and still miss the Burley Park chippy, Hyde Park Picture House (Hallowe'en All Nighters, anyone?) - used to drive from Liverpool over the Pennines to Leeds, when you get to the top there is/was a great big white rose painted on the rocks on the side of the M62. Used to tell me I was coming home...[sigh].

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 21:21
by Dark
Badlander wrote:But Dok was on the first single. That means something !
It would, if it was true. Eldritch played drums on the first single.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 21:42
by Badlander
Gosh you're right ! :oops:
Now I know why this piece of vinyl sounds so awful. No Dok.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 21:42
by nick the stripper
Is it just me or is this influx of new people actually one man with many accounts?

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 21:50
by Dark
Damage Done apparently sounds awful because it was recorded by someone who wasn't sure of his recording techniques, with the band being comprised of a drummer who could not drum, a guitarist who had only recently started playing guitar, and a 3-watt amp through which they played.

Personally, I like it.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 21:55
by Badlander
Dark : Uh ?!

Nick : Nah. You just can't believe that so many people want to join the forum, can you ? :lol:

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 22:00
by robertzombie
Dark wrote:Damage Done apparently sounds awful because it was recorded by someone who wasn't sure of his recording techniques, with the band being comprised of a drummer who could not drum, a guitarist who had only recently started playing guitar, and a 3-watt amp through which they played.

Personally, I like it.
Damage Done is definitely one of my favourites... in fact, the whole single is pretty good.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 23:19
by eotunun
nick the stripper wrote:Is it just me or is this influx of new people actually one man with many accounts?
Do you sometimes meet EvilBastard to play Moulder and Scully with him? :lol: