Hello. just wondered if wnyone had any info on Ben Gunn? What's he up to these days, why did he leave the sisters (I once read it was his own choice, as he thought the sisters were 'selling out'), and which of the early singles did he actually play on? Seems to be the most esoteric sister
Oh, and is it true that Von recorded The Reptile House EP entirely on his own?
Forgive my ignorance
For some unbeknown reason, Juggling upsets me great deal, as do poi, and street theatre smelly bugger activities in general, to paraphrase (and wildly misquote) Chuck D: " Ben, How low can you go?"
Ben Gunn wrote:Ben Matthews (Gunn) is a juggler as part of the Danger Brothers, they seam to be highly regarded in juggling circles and go all over the world.
Anyone have any more info on the reason for messr. Gunn's exit? I'm sure I once read somwhere that he left off his own accord as he thought the band were "moving too far away from their original vision" or something similar. Has he ever been interviewed?
I must seem to be a Ben Gunn obsessive- I don't know why but I'm always strangely curious as to the whereabaouts of members of groups who leave before the band achieves major success. There's something tragic about it - Or am I just full of crap?
I believe he left the band sometime after the two US dates - citing creative differences (more commercial direction and AE perfectionism). He apparently went to the University of Liverpool after that and played in the band Anabas who released a couple of singles (Romance & Barricades). After that he went into Televsion production I believe.
The sheet that came with the Reptile House EP clearly indicated that it is written and produced by AE. Chris Sampson says on 1959 that he thinks Craig has written some bass lines for it. If so, he's not credited.
Found AE saying this about the Reptile House EP:
AE: [...] I thought the 'Reptile House' was, like, our finest hour yet, because it was the most serious record we ever made, but it was also the most perverse. Everything about that record is perverse. It's really slow, it's really long, and I just love the way all the, like, the lead lines hidden in the mix, involved in the effects, completely submerged, you really have to fight with that record. And the last track starts like it's going to be a up-pot number, and the voice just slithers back into the mix, and the tune distorts itself, and when that's finished you just get a reprise of the beginning, it takes you right back full circle. It's a very perverse record, it's part of the concept of the thing that there's no escape from the 'Reptile House'. A lot of this does go over people's heads, they just think "Oh yeah, a long slow record."
LOL, he wasn't born in 1972, that would make him 9 years old when he joined the Sisters. LMAO!
Ben Gunn was interviewed in ZigZag, Aug'84.
First, let's have the truth about the Sisters.
"I left because of personal differences."
Come now you naughty boy, there's more to it than that.
"The general band policies, which are obviously derived from one member began to stink."
So you set up a record label?
"'Flame On Records'. The first release was in October, with a band called Anabas."
Did the label you set up with the Sisters pay off money?
"Let's get this straight. I've received no money whatsoever. I'm owed hundreds of pounds and intend suing them shortly."