Interview in Argentina

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Road Kill
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Hi everybody, I found this on internet a couple of days ago..

Here is the translation. I apologize for mistakes in translation. From English to Spanish was not good ... and on the contrary I believe that neither was.. but you can understand the general idea. This is my first post and I hope you can enjoy it

Q: What is your expectation for this show in South America?

A: No idea. I've never been in Argentina

Q: Tsom is a rock band, as you define it?

A: I said that because people sometimes tend to foist any title to say that we, particularly a dark barley, and we're a rock band, we are closer to Motorhead, Neil Young and The Smiths

Q: I interviewed Lemmy and said he enjoys listening punk, you liked other music?

A: Yes, we hear some heavy metal and some punk

Q: What bands?

A: Ask the other guys, I do not usually listen music. Craig and Chris listened to much music too much rock.

A:Why do not you like to be listed as a gothic band?

A: In our first question I told you we had the same family of rockers Motorhead fans. Do not know where all these things out, means nothing to me.

Q: But why do not you like being a goth band, when everyone Tsom registers as a reference of this kind.

A: First: no end to understand why this whole thing, and second, all the comparisons that may exist in that area are not valid. But I really can not compare ourselves to other bands about seeing if we move one way or another because I'm the one listening to music, I'm the one who is making music.

Q: Tsom has some very positive points compared to other bands darks ....

A: We are not the typical heavy metal band playing tracks on reality, if compared to those bands! We are more positive. But they also sing about bad things as well as good, the world is not always best.

Q: What is your inspiration when composing?

A: I fight the politicians and I am very happy with that. I was not writing a lot in recent years because the truth is I was thinking of writing but I really did not want. Not that I had no ideas, sometimes had an idea, but I wanted my exact song ... but there was someone who had to correct my song. But recently, I started thinking that my ideas were better, so I wrote about politics. The last two or three are well and I'm delighted with that.

Q: And what is your opinion on what is going on politically England for example, at this time.

A: Sucks.

Q: And in the U.S.? Where Obama seems to be an illusion for people?

Answer: At least they have hope, and at least the guy is smart. I do not agree with everything he does and does not agree with everything it does but it's great to have an intelligent man in the world is watching. We've been through times when science was undervalued, decency was devalued by idiots who relied on God, or their policies and what they convey to the masses and that was a bad idea.

Q: What is your favorite band, comparing a bit with Tsom s letters?

Answer: Maybe Neil Young, maybe his style. I like much and seem to me to be very very good.

Q: I read you had a contract to make a new album, and broke it, what happened?

A: It is not that I broke it, something delivers to the record company that they could not launch onto the market, but not, I did not break the contract.
And this was after many years of disagreements thoughts, and one day I thought: Wow!
Anyway maybe I'll take it because otherwise we'd be on strike since then until today, we had nothing to lose, so we just signed. Only the company sold him what we had to sell and took them as promised and were surprised when they heard it was basically .. ........ they also told me that he had no sense but I would have been very stupid for anything ....( interruption)

Q: What is the idea of Dr Avalanche and not hiring any drummer?

A: When we started we were fine and we could not pay for rehearsal space, and the drums sound very strong and you could not rehearse in your room with a battery. In fact, I just think there are very few good drummer just ... There are many competent bass players, many competent guitarists, but drummer ..... ummm even I am a very incompetent drummer.

Q: and the character of the drummer is also very strong!

A: Yes,

Q: And you? As your character in Tsom, you're a person with whom it is difficult to work?

Answer: Not at all. And we had guitarists in the band for a long time and others very little. The last one was in the band lasted longer than any marriage lasts English quite well. But ask me how I should be back after 25 years in the same job, does not cause a loss of imagination that terrible of me? Probably yes, it is not natural to be 25 years in a band.

Q: Do you think there is still time to innovate and create?

Innovate never interested me ... I am all the time with people say: Tell me the difference between the recordings, as they progress ,explain us how the songs sound different now than before, I do not think they are, just try to make them better, I'm just trying to write better ...

Q: .... but they are different ..

A: .. . is what you're asking and I did not say that. I did not produce the first is maybe why it sounds different, and not sound like the first album by Sisters ..

Q: You're going to play a new song in your concert in Buenos Aires?

A: Yes, provided half of the concert are songs that are not already on the market, but according to the songs that still are not recorded we see a few days, or one day before that we are going to play songs that still they are not yet recorded . And the other half of the concerts, always has songs already recorded and brought to the sale, people probably know, people like to hear, but of course there will be new songs.
Q: It will be difficult to fill so if they are songs that have not left!

A: We had already begun to put some lyrics on the web so people can know, can do a search from our list of topics.

Q: What is the concept of the letter on the theme "I was wrong"?

A: It is an ironic view of others, all have a neighbor, obviously. In theory, we all want and love our neighbor, but in theory if you're a person, you've got the need to choose: "I like that, no, maybe that, not that other ..."

Q: I heard you put that name to the band for a song of Leonard Cohen, Leonard inspired you?

A: No, but I read many stories about that. Everyone has a story about it, but do not believe everything you read on Wikipedia.

Q: What can you say about all the myths about Tsom, who do not give interviews, do not go on TV etc etc?

A: Do not get involved with what they say on radio or television out, I think it's useless

Q: Why?

A: Because it helps sell tickets, it is useless. I spent an hour talking to someone and it is ridiculous to think that someone will go home to listen, if you do not hear it then after you go into wikipedia and read the things that someone might have written about it and not think there is a real interest in talking with you, the interest is upload it to wikipedia and I lost another day of my life.

Q: Ok, but you're the source ...

A: Yes, many interviewers do have interest in hearing what I have to say, and it is also true that many of them know nothing and only know of my songs and not much rock. For example, if you have a good mechanic, and goes not ask your mom, you just ask to fix the car! That's enough, is his work and tells you if something really interesting about his mother, that either helps you fix your car, then the next time instead of seeing this guy, I will find another mechanic. And I have the same view on the pre-show promotion.

Q: Ever thought about writing a biography?

A: No, I do not think is relevant or interesting. Over the past 25 years my life was pretty boring, I was in a band and did much more, I did not find treats it for a common flu, I did not even give a plane to a band. Only I was in a band.

Q: What do you think about the Goth bands lately are becoming more electronic?

A: I dont know, do not pay much attention to music, maybe you should ask the other guys, they do listen to music, I really do not.

Q: Your favorite bands are The Ramones and Motorhead?

A: I think you have to stay, and that's what they say.

Q: You have difficulty in the band?

A: Crisis, of course, I had a crisis recently with the band.

Q: There are possibilities to play with Motorhead?

A: We never put that option in the head.

Q: But the public is different from Tsom

A: No, in Germany the same audience. Do not know how it is here, not to wait, sometimes depending on where you play, sometimes the audience is quite large, sometimes the average is 25 years. When you play in Europe, are all. There are transvestites, housewives, cyclists, kids .. ALL. But sometimes in other countries is such that there are people of one sort or another, and that surprises me sometimes.

Q: On stage Tsom is very minimal, why the decision of zero production?

A: Only 3 musicians, oddly enough, today, this kind of concerts.
It is cheaper, we have no planes, only guitars, for example we can not afford plane tickets to travel to Mexico, we have no plane, For everything that we need we pay ... if we want to have ballerinas and elephants, the tickets would go out for us two thousand dollars.

Q: you do not like to be listed as a goth, then why do some project that really interests you? Something different?

A: Maybe I do, but if I told you, then it would be effective. Really, if they do, not tell you. Question .... the cuts you off .. .. the truth is that if you think it would be a good idea!

Q: do you think young people who listen to Tsom understand the message or you have to change things?

A: When the band first played outside England, I was surprised how interested they were the people on the words in the message, obviously in some places than others, such Americans are not accustomed to reading books in fact are not even used to read anything, so for them it is a little difficult. The Germans in East Germany, they have nothing else to do except read books, so they pay close attention to the words .... is different in each place. I prefer to play outside of England, because I think outside, people pay more attention to what you have to say.

Q: I am very impressed with the music video "Dominion" in Jordan ...

A: I fail to do that, it is very expensive and I do not think that is relevant, has nothing to do with music. We try to be funny, but no one saw the fun. Since Internet exists, there are not very good proposals to see on TV, so I do not see the point.

Q: What was the worst moment of Tsom?

A: I do not think one really. Sometimes we play bad gigs, but I think that's important because I think you have to have some risk, if something is nothing risky then it can not be that good unless you are a band dedicated to risky and bad things, but , the thing becomes flat and predictable and unexciting. I think it must have a touch of excitement, exciting, that means you have to be able to be bad. I do not regret that, I think it is not something to repent. It's sad that some concerts sometimes sound worse than others, but it is a band ... that's life.

Q: The bad concerts, for you are like a lesson that you have to learn?

A: Yes. Although sometimes there are good reasons, for example when we are very tired after a long day of traveling and sometimes that happens is the equipment that really is useless. But just try to learn from all that, the truth is that it's annoying but at the same time is .... we have to take some risks to make things a little more exciting and sometimes it is dense, like a football team strikes ... (interrupted)

Q: You like football?

A: I love football.

Q: What is the most important dream of Tsom?

Answer: Well, I was quite pleased last month when the new song tended to be very good, that I think is a great achievement. Sometimes it can be easy to be reluctant to write a new song, because you know that you write has to be better than before. But I am very happy with how it worked that song. That's my dream. I have no big plans as playing on Mars or be number one on MTV because that's not important to me.

Q: What is your favorite Tsom album?

A: Vision thing.

Q: I was told that Floodland ..

A: That was last week. Well, that changes, but definitely NOT the first, the first does not sound like us .... The first fails to shine

Q: And why, what's the difference?

A: I like words, others are a touch cheaper, fun

Q: And what is the most important song, the most representative of your personality. ..?

A: The last, which is still not play ... a touch opera, the lyrics are for a concert

Q: What concert?

Answer: Bad Project ......... .. is about bad policy. And that is my favorite, perhaps because it is the latter, but I think it is very good.

Question: How did you think of the Sisters of ......... .. especially (disrupted. ...)

A: That is on the page, and is a response very long story, is political, it is the policy of the band, has to do with it .. the truth is not very exciting ...

Q: And I want to know the meaning of the numbers of the song "she had" ..

A: I can not ... I think if I go to the white pages ...... would not be good for me to tell you, it would be extremely careless.

Q: What would you recommend to young people who start playing music.

A: Turn it your hobby, I would not seek to be a professional musician now, it's pretty difficult to take the life of a musician that's why I really think you have to take it as a hobby. I would not recommend playing an instrument now because they are all turning to computers and music is not really what they do .. is like painting with a limited selection of colors and even the greatest painters in the end decided they had to paint with one color, but only recently after having tried all colors could make that decision and decide who was right. Otherwise it would be like: I like math version and rock, rock and math but the idea of figurative art has a single color, not even one, because that is flat, there would be texture ... and not figurative art has much to do with abstract art. That's why I think people start to learn to play an instrument and technical improvements with a computer, if people could ever make music with the playstation.

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: I really like British color, which for us is the growing green is the color of growing gardens in England, the color you have to have ... 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and beyond. . .. what you see in gardens sometimes expensive.

Q: You said you do not hear music, but you watch movies. These films inspire you when composing?

A: I doubt it, but I suppose that somehow it, as when I read a book, so the same with the movies I see. I do not watch TV, not much, but I read many books and watch movies. I think my favorite films in recent times are mostly Japanese films and am a huge fan of ... but I think if you read the lyrics of the songs are not going to say "ah! Like such ... .. but I think there's a wild side behind you, perhaps. Just yesterday I finished rereading the book and watch the movie on which it relied and Stocker's all pure science fiction and I think maybe they can hear a bit of science fiction letters, but not Japanese gangsters.

Q: What are your future projects, but personal, not Tsom?

A: uuhh return home, stay home a couple of weeks and take care of my animals.

Q: What animals?

A: Cats, and washing and cooking, I love washing and cooking
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Thanks for that! :notworthy:
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Why thankyee all veruh kindly! :notworthy: :D
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Thank-you :P :notworthy:
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cheers, interesting read 8) :von:
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Thank you very much ... :notworthy: ...
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nice first post. thank you :notworthy:
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Thank you :D
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Simone wrote: Q: On stage Tsom is very minimal, why the decision of zero production?

Thanks for translation. :D
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Something new :eek:

Thank you for translating and posting! :D

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Thank you and welcome! :notworthy:
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is it first time he's mention ballerinas and elephants on stage? me think not :eek: will not suprise me if we see them dancing at 2011 tour :lol:
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Thanks a lot. :)
I would love to get hold of the original version word for word, it seems there are some interesting bits there. :notworthy:
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Road Kill
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Im glad you like it!! :D
Thanks for the welcoming!!!
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Simone wrote:Im glad you like it!! :D
Thanks for the welcoming!!!
What's it like to be so popular? :lol:
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Thank You for Translating and sharing with Us :notworthy: :notworthy:
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yep - thanks for the effort
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Any more of that and we'll be round your front door with the quick-setting whitewash and the shaved monkey.
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