1959 and all that

Got any interesting thoughts on a set of lyrics? Any that don't involve the word "indeed"? Find yourself struggling to decipher all those obtuse references Von makes? Read "1959 And All That" and still no clearer? Nope, us neither. Postcards found lying in a skip around the back of the Chemists can be found here... Don't say you weren't warned.
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Is this site still active and taking submissions?
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The Green Lantern
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Nay, it's been dead for some years now. Pity really.
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Road Kill
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i read through that site a little bit

could Mr Eldritchs songs really be just totally filled with these references and quips and quotes from obscure literature that ive (cause im just a little kiddy compared with the rest of you folks) never heard of?

i dont know about alot of the stuff that was on that site
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Don't worry about it. The simple answer is Yes.

The more extended answer is: it's a song. Form your own opinion and interpretation. If you think he's singing about discarded twentieth-century philosopy, fine. If you think it's about having a bloody good night on some bloody expensive nasal pastry, fine. If you think it's something in the background whilst you get you're rocks off, you can stay the hell away from me, pal.
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And all those who got it wrong at the printer stage (and kept the brick) are quids in. See another post elsewhere. :von:
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as a general rule i learned somewhere

freedom of enterpretation is a load of hippie s**t

the author had a purpose in writing something; enterpretation is figuring that out what the purpose was.

but whatever makes you feel good.... hippies
just keep your nose to the grindstone they say..
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Rabbit wrote:as a general rule i learned somewhere

freedom of enterpretation is a load of hippie s**t

the author had a purpose in writing something; enterpretation is figuring that out what the purpose was.

but whatever makes you feel good.... hippies
... being a bit of an 'old hippie' I take exception to your second 'sentence' ... Also couldn't find "enterpretation" in any dictionary,
but I understand the concept of 'freedom' - 'oldies' like me and Mr Blast for example, know what this used to mean and are I suppose, a bit 'nostalgic' for it ... Not sure about these days though.

Anyway, in my usual contrary way I have decided to pick up on this thread, and even 'revive' it - if that is possible? :wink:

Like the Grand Master himself (AE) and some other Heartlanders, I was born in 1959 - it was a very special year, and has a multiplicity of significancies - The Chinese Year of The Boar (Bore? - ;) to name just one ... It was also a very fine year for Champagne, Cadillacs too ...
Perhaps of more obvious interest would be the end of a reputedly rather dull decade (in Blighty anyway), before the 'dawn' of the 'Age of Aquarias' in the 1960s. One might obscurely view the lyrics as an obscure lament for times lost ... Certainly it was the end of real Style and Haute Couture - just check your fashion books ...

My real motive here, if you haven't already sussed it, is to re-open this thread - As a lapsed Art Historian, I am especially interested in 50's Music, Culture, Art, Literature, Philosophy etc ... It is much neglected decade, and just maybe this is what Mr E is hinting at?

Your thoughts pretty please? (Especially from the Raven Queen - if you will Sinnie? ;) - I reckon there might be some existentialism in here somewhere ... :wink:
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Thread necro! :lol: :P

I wouldn't worry about ol' Rabbit, reactiv8 - I don't think he/she comes around here very much, anyway... :roll: :lol:

ETA: Wow, that was incredibly rude of me! I posted the above blather without having fully read your post!

Hmmm...I'm not too keen on anything from the '50s, so I dunno how much I can contribute to your discussion. Maybe a few guidelines or specifics might help..? ;D
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SINsister wrote:Thread necro! :lol: :P

I wouldn't worry about ol' Rabbit, reactiv8 - I don't think he/she comes around here very much, anyway... :roll: :lol:

ETA: Wow, that was incredibly rude of me! I posted the above blather without having fully read your post!

Hmmm...I'm not too keen on anything from the '50s, so I dunno how much I can contribute to your discussion. Maybe a few guidelines or specifics might help..? ;D
Wow, an 'apology' from The Sinful Queen? :wink: :lol: ... I'm stunned - only for a moment, you understand? :wink:

No, I'm not at all 'bothered' by 'ol' Rabbit' - just using that as an excuse to pursue my own twisted thread (as usual - you know me by now surely?!)

Rude? - Not at all :lol: - Just showing that you are thankfully 'still alive' (unlike some ...) - Yes, please do read my post (it took me quite a while on a very slow dial up ...)

Give the Fifties another chance (pretty please?) - I reckon you might even be the re-incarnation of a certain Vampira?! - I'm sure you know her well? :wink: :lol: 8) ... Guidelines/Specifics not necessary my dear - feel free to wax lyrical as you always do, and more power to you! You know your literature & philosophy, and that is only part of what I hope might be a very interesting thread ... OK, I couldn't resist it - I'm presently reading Barney Hoskyns' 'Waiting for the Sun' - an enjoyably twisted history of LA music - I KNOW you'd enjoy it (if only you would give books a chance!!!)
This (i.e. the book) started me off ...

So over to you, you Raven Minx ...
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reactiv8 wrote:Wow, an 'apology' from The Sinful Queen? :wink: :lol: ... I'm stunned - only for a moment, you understand? :wink:
Why, reactiv8? I always apologize when I'm in the wrong - sometimes, it needs pointing out, though... ;) :innocent: :|
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The only thing I really enjoy about the '50s is tiki kitsch, unfortunately... :|
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SINsister wrote:
reactiv8 wrote:Wow, an 'apology' from The Sinful Queen? :wink: :lol: ... I'm stunned - only for a moment, you understand? :wink:
Why, reactiv8? I always apologize when I'm in the wrong - sometimes, it needs pointing out, though... ;) :innocent: :|
I know Sinnie :wink: - I try to as well ... at least we have a sense of humour
... Que? 8)
They (The Establishment) use sex as an addiction for control, just as they use alcohol and drugs ...
- A programme of systematic frustration in order to sell this crock of s**t as immortality, a garden of delights and love. ...
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SINsister wrote:The only thing I really enjoy about the '50s is tiki kitsch, unfortunately... :|
Shame ... reactivating (?) what I have already mentioned, I still think this decade had a lot of style, which has been oft copied & usually badly too ...
Ultimately, just about everything is kitsch, surely? :wink:
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Rabbit wrote:as a general rule i learned somewhere

freedom of enterpretation is a load of hippie s**t

the author had a purpose in writing something; enterpretation is figuring that out what the purpose was.

but whatever makes you feel good.... hippies
Yes, because the New Critics of the 1920s, and the Russian Formalists of the 1930s, were picking daisies and smoking weed when they denied the author any authority in shaping a reader's literary interpretation. :wink:
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The 50's didn't just have style 8) Style emerged from the era and the fragments of formality, ettiquete and a phenomenon we call elegance. fleeting in glimpses, head rushes

todays style seems to be about breaking with tradition, last week that was all part of a growing difference :roll:

I don't know about 1959 and all that, I like the depth of reference but does it mention how the lyrics have a rounded, ballad-like quality?

maybe that's what I mostly like about them...
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