Gary Marx

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What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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I really like most of the songs on "1995 & nowhere".
"Zapruder" is a killer, a classic Sisters-tune in the "Body Electric"-style IMHO.
"Default" and "Black Eyed Faith" are also great, but I think my favourite is "1995", which reminds me a bit to the "Reptile House EP".
"Sound and Sound" is more like a Ghost Dance-ballad, but I like it.
Don't really know what to think about the other songs.

Cannot say anything about the lyrics, I'm just a stupid guy from germany who does not understand much of the words on that record. It would be great, if those lyrics would be published somewhere (here?).

The sound of the record is a bit 83-85-like - cheap drum computer, cheap guitar sound - but hey: that's the sound of THE classic Sisters-tunes ;-)
It's a shame if you think about what could have been if Andrew and Gary (with Adam, Mike/Chris and the good Ol' Doktor) really would have turned these demos into real Sisters-Songs.

Shame on you, Mr Eldritch! ;-)
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my copy arrived today :)
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Now, I WOULD have ordered 1995 And Nowhere, but I have 3 excuses.

1) I was spoilt for choice between 1995 and Pretty Black Dots
2) I've just spent £7 on Suicide [UK]
3) I've just spent another £7 on a Led Zeppelin CD. It's a secret gift for my dad, as he'll be starting his 30th year working at RAF Cranwell. I'll slip it into his briefcase on Thursday morning.
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@ all 3 "excuses": :notworthy:
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
Underneath the Rock
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Quiff Boy wrote:@ all 3 "excuses": :notworthy:
Well, for once, they're all true. And my next £15 weekly pay will be saved. And the next one will be either spent on White Light/White Heat by Velvet Underground, or saved. As I'm trying to save up for a cheap turntable with speakers installed. I mean, I'm only going to use it for "Gift" and the vinyls I found earlier. Should I buy them. Even if I don't get them all, I want Body And Soul a lot, because the remix of Body Electric is absobloodylutely amazing. I wonder if I should buy all the 5 vinyls at once...

That is, of course, unless the nice Mr Marx could send me a Ghost Dance single to add to my collection when I eventually buy 1995, and then PBD. ;)
((I personally like Can The Can and Both Ends Burning from the released songs, and from the website, Dr Love and Spin The Wheel))

I wonder if when my band finally try and make a single, I should send him it, as he's given such good music in the past, even if he does bin it after the first listen, it'd make me feel slightly better. After all, I -did- download all of the Gathering Dust LP, as it's nigh-on impossible to find. :oops:
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:notworthy: @ vicus' avatar
shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather....
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