The night the Smurphs died.

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Brutal honesty time:
The Smurphs are fantastic - and that's something VERY special for a tribute band. Everytime I've seen tham (t'other night included) I've had a fantastic time and the band have sounded great.
But you've gotta do summat with that singer. In Morcambe I was informed he'd been away a while and might be a bit lyrically rusty - that was september. If he can't learn the words in 5 months, he's a lazy bugger.
Remember when Sid left there was a QUEUE of people willing to "Von it up" with the smurphs - get auditioning!
You never took it this seriously after SG at the Crewe gig (Runs VERY VERY FAST) I think the singer's at fault and the rest of the band is suffering for it.
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Perhaps some perspective...

Maybe the post-mortem of this gig is being taken a little too seriously? The Smurphs always have been and always will be the best tribute band on the circuit. Granted, i've seen them better - but you're always guaranteed a good gig, hearing the songs you want to hear, played well.

They're a good bunch and good friends and i'm not being biased when i say i'd be prepared to travel further to see this lot than the real thing.

I've only ever been disappointed at hearing a live set of Sisters songs once. And that was the Sisters, Manchester, 2000.
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d00mw0lf wrote: You never took it this seriously after SG at the Crewe gig (Runs VERY VERY FAST)
What the bloody hell do you mean by that BLUE hair?
Only a paand.
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It's green. Alpine green if you wanna be picky. And it's alpine green because I ARE TEH ZOMBIE PIRATE VIKING OVERLORD OF SAYING THINGS THAT ARE ACTUALLY TRUE AND RIGHT!

Would it make it any better if I said at least you never fooked up marian by making up words as you went along? Because that's surley a far worse crime than hitting a few wrong notes.
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My tuppence worth -

Obviously missed the gig this time, on past experience, the Smurphs are in my humble opinion better usually at the Sisters than the Sisters themselves are....

Keep the faith Paddy!
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DerekR wrote:don't let it stop you giving him the mother of all slaggings
I reckon discovering that while he was tucked up in bed pushing out the zzzzzzzzzs Gary Marx was downstairs in the hotel bar is punishment enough. Instant karma. :wink:
And you know that she's half crazy but that's why you want to be there.
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Thanks all for the feedback.

Still playing guitar - sometimes weird shaped ones.
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Well, as one ex-bandmember to another...

Eh, sorry ;D not yet...

Just doing some bad gigs is no reason at all to call it quits, Pads.

At the contrary, it's what drives you, to learn form your mistakes and try to avoid them the next time.

A drum machine going out of sync and a vocalist with a bad day is only a problem when it occurs every damn gig.

And I second Mr Blast: don't even TRY to quit on me afore I saw you guys live! :twisted:

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I wasn't there but now kinda wish I was just so I could've experienced this bad show. In the past the Smurphs have always done a good show when I've seen them (apart from that time with Comfortably Numb/SKOS when the drum machine slowed down imperceptibly, causing the band to slow down to match it. To me everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion as I looked around the room, and until the next song started and normality returned I thought someone had slipped something into my drink.)
d00mw0lf wrote:Remember when Sid left there was a QUEUE of people willing to "Von it up" with the smurphs - get auditioning!
That made me think of a great idea. How about getting enough people who want to audition and then doing a "Smurph Idol" gig where each person does a song or two. Sure, there'd be some (a lot?) of bad ones, but it'd be damn entertaining.
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Dan wrote: That made me think of a great idea. How about getting enough people who want to audition and then doing a "Smurph Idol" gig where each person does a song or two. Sure, there'd be some (a lot?) of bad ones, but it'd be damn entertaining.
Only if we can get :von: himself to judge! :lol: :lol:
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Paddy you can't let the Smurphs die now, I want to see them live again when they're at their best! :-)

And besides, I enjoyed myself anyway, cause you peeps have power/energy/drive. :notworthy:
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You are worried about the thoughts of Gary Marx?

"Transgressions" such as this small performance could have been witnessed by parties far more critical than that, and but for circumstance that may have been the case....

Heat and kitchens.

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Chairman Bux wrote:
Heat and kitchens.

THE Chairman
No, smoke and floods.... and you know what about good live performance?

Paddy ;)
Still playing guitar - sometimes weird shaped ones.
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