W Hussey (who cares?¿?¿?¿?)

Know the whereabouts of any ex-Sisters members or hangers-on? Got any amusing anecdotes about members of the band, past or present? Post 'em here...
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ok, not so much of a 'where is he now?' as a 'what did he do?' thing.....

ok, mate of a mate (which makes it about as credible as it gets, trust me :wink: :wink: ) was in a 'very interesting' band (if it was a person it'd have a very nice personality), called (something like) 'beautiful happiness' or some other such rubbish (but, they did have a record contract & european tour (b*stards!!)) around the time of the happy mondays etc etc, same kind of musical thing. anyway, they played a gig in leeds (or possibly london, i can't remember now, it all seems long long ago), and who should turn up, but hussey.

he walks up to a rather good looking girl at the bar (who just so happened to be the drummers gf) and gives it the 'hi babes, i bet you know who i am?' 'smile' 'smile'...

'yeah' she says 'your that big nosed t*at that USED to be in the sisters' (much laughter between her 'n' mates!)

15 seconds later she's wearing a pint of lager and he gets promptly sued by girl/band (for the publicity) for ABH!!!!!!!

anyway, made me laugh :grin: :grin: :grin:
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found this on *ahem* "another forum" about the mish gig in newcastle last night:
....i was getting the train home reading my m****n set list for the gig tonight and turned over the piece of paper that was used for it...it humbled me...as follows

"......recompense for working. One thing you have to realise is that whilst we were once a big band we are no longer and we can't command the fees we once used to..,.we also don't have the facility of tour support...we have to make these things pay and we need to earn money from records and publishing but the reality is that the record isn't selling and we've not seen a penny in publishing and when we do i don't expect it to be very much. We can't compete with bands on major labels with tour support and consequently we can't pay the wages that those bands can...believe me, if we could i would do it...i know this represents a cut in your wages from the last tour but i have to make these things pay for themselves...as you know....Letme know your thoughts on this and everyhthing else

Peace and Love


i have to say i found this very touching..the guy could have easily tanked the british tour with the bass payer leaving but kept the show going..i respect that. Whilst the guy probably pissed most of his money up the wall in their heyday, i think he has to be applauded for keeping the flame alive...nice one
looks like none of our old fave bands are doing too well these days...

love them or loath them, its a shame when a band like the mish have this trouble too. they always seemed like a more profitable concern than the sisters :sad:

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<font size=1>[ This Message was edited by: Quiff Boy on May 23, 2002 10:39am ]</font>

Very sad that Wayne has to go solo.The Mish won't be quite the same without Craig. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Craig leaving will he be back?

Any of you met The Mish in their glory days?

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Dream Weaver
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Very sad indeed, I met the mish in their hey day the day after Simon left. Nice bunch of blokes.
(Last met Wayne in Chelms two weeks ago when he willingly posed for pics with about ten of us after the show.)
To add to the bit about the old bands not doing so good, it was mentioned 'on another forum' about trying to get some of these old great bands back together for at least an all dayer.
Would be interesting to see.

Whadaya think?
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I'd go
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I was at Chelmsford and it looked like us (including Huss) were possing for a photo with Dream Weaver!

On Jul 27, 2002 7:38pm, Dream Weaver wrote:
Very sad indeed, I met the mish in their hey day the day after Simon left. Nice bunch of blokes.
(Last met Wayne in Chelms two weeks ago when he willingly posed for pics with about ten of us after the show.)
To add to the bit about the old bands not doing so good, it was mentioned 'on another forum' about trying to get some of these old great bands back together for at least an all dayer.
Would be interesting to see.

Whadaya think?

Welcome Dream weaver from the *other* list!
I also went to Chelmsford!
A great night and very entertaining.

Btw. You had a little chit chat with Wayne when he spotted you in the crowd if I'm correct? :smile: :smile:

Did you hear Wayne's remarks to the girl with a Sisters t.shirt on?! :von:
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That was Alice, on this list as Clucker.

I said "Hey Wayne, say hello to Alice"

At which point he said "Alice in her party dress?"

And played the riff to 'Alice'

Later she said

"Wayne do you like my Sisters T-shirt?"

<Tye-dyed with a picture of the 1990 line up on front>

He just paused then said "Who are they?"
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On Jul 28, 2002 11:17am, Ben Gunn wrote:
That was Alice, on this list as Clucker.

I said "Hey Wayne, say hello to Alice"

At which point he said "Alice in her party dress?"

And played the riff to 'Alice'

Later she said

"Wayne do you like my Sisters T-shirt?"

<Tye-dyed with a picture of the 1990 line up on front>

He just paused then said "Who are they?"
fair play to wayne. that is quite funny ;D
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We often get a bit of Marian.

We've now got a bit of Alice.

By the end of the year Clucker and I are going to get a full Sisters set out of him!
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He sounds like a nice guy
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Oh he is a nice chap!

In fact Huss is looking after my cat whilst I'm on holiday next month.

And he's even promised not to fiddle with it!

What a guy!!!!!
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Yes, I have to agree, he IS a nice chap.

It was good of him to do a bit of 'Alice' for me at Chelmsford (which really highlighted the evening actually, as I'd had an absolutely HORRENDOUS journey over), and yes, Ben and I will definitely be trying to squeeze a Sisters set out of him at some point.....

Also, he was really nice when he emailed me about ordering some bogroll cosies for himself and his friend Gary Numan.
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Ms Cluckers picture features Da Weavers Wayne doll...nice one Alice ;D
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On Jun 1, 2002 6:07pm, Vanessa wrote:
Any of you met The Mish in their glory days?
In 1988 I chatted with Craig at Liverpool Planet X. I'll just backtrack to earlier that evening to say that it was a fanclub gig, and after the gig, videos were being shown on the tv's near the bar. As the night drew on, the Mish videos ran out and so some bright spark put on Sisters at the Royal Albert Hall. Wayne didn't seem to mind but Craig was a little worse for drink and went into a massive rant - "Look at his hair..." (referring to Eldritch), "...he looks like a f***ing poodle." Then later Craig is talking to a friend and mentions Fear And Loathing, to which the friend said "oh he was talking about that earlier" (referring to me), then Craig comes over and chatted about various things including Fear And Loathing, touring in USA, Elvis's Sun sessions, and the time he met Elvis while on "substances". He insisted it wasn't just a hallucination, but that he ACTUALLY met him!
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That Guitarist..Live and unplugged at Fibbers in York
13th December 2002 :eek: :eek: :eek:
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And in Glasgow (at the Barfly) on 11th December

Yep I'll be at the York gig!
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A brand new two-part interview with Wayne can be found here:

(Part 1) http://www.and-the-dance-goes-on.de/int_wh1.htm

(Part 2)

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I read both those interviews and from it all I feel bad for Wayne and the future of the Mish. I guess we have to wait for another revival/reunion tour in the near future but, to say Wayne and co released 3 albums in the last 4 years and toured numerously and a very updated website on the bloke's happenings.
Says alot, when the sisters only release 2 treats for us fans to make up for the last 10 years? (given they tour yearly but, not as much as we hoped for)
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I agree with that Body. I have never really understood the Wayne bashing thing. OK, his lyrics are a load of nonsense, but he doesn't pretend otherwise, and you never get the feeling that he has any airs and graces. Wayne likes a song, a good drink, and to entertain. Andrew likes to pontificate about the way of the world but does little about it other than find excuses in the system which he claims prevent him from doing anything. Bah, humbug!
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love the mish. hussey rocks. off to see him again next month. saw him in august and it was really great. tables and chairs and things, but still really good.
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Mr. Hussey (hak put!) :evil:

Will be playing Cardiff - http://www.ms1club.com on the following date -

Wed 21st That Guitarist + Karnataka - (ex The m*****n) - £10

and I am still waiting for the sniper rifle to arrive in the post - hope it turns up in time for gig :wink: (only joking honest!)
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hussey's alright - although I haven't seen him since the Club m*****n days - he was rolling round the floor trying to sing deliverance (I think he forgot where the stage was)

I think I should get out more
Have Fun!

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Have a look at the 'Unidentified Flying Song' thread in 'Sisters Chat' for some little-known Wayne trivia.

Now, you never knew that, did you....?
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Wayne plays this years M'era Luna in Germany-

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