Fake "heartland admin" email

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Quiff Boy
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Some of you may have recently received emails claiming to come from admin@myheartland.co.uk with a subject of "Account Alert"

These are *not* genuine emails (there is no such email address) and contain a link to download what looks like a virus.

Do not click on the link, and do not pay any attention to the so-called "alert" in the mail.

Its just some random, auto-generated spam bollocks that is doing the rounds, making up email addresses and recipients as it goes along.

Please ignore, and please delete ;)

Any official Heartland emails will come from either info@myheartland.co.uk or from quiffboy@myheartland.co.uk

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Not to be a pedant, but is it wise to state that official emails will come from address x@y.z? Unless something's changed since my less mature days (:roll:), forging an email address could be done by a three year old :|
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Quiff Boy
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they're usually all harvested from registered domain names automatcially, and if you notice i used some bbcode in the middle of the HL email addressese so they arent in the page as valid email addresses ;)

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Quiff Boy wrote:they're usually all harvested from registered domain names automatcially, and if you notice i used some bbcode in the middle of the HL email addressese so they arent in the page as valid email addresses ;)

You tricky bastard you...

So that's why my mailbombs keep bouncing back...


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After I've finally persuaded my spam filter to let mail from @myheartland addresses come through?


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