EU army?

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Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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Most people on this board are brits, so i would like to know your opinion on this one. The other ones obviously can share their views too.
Is the EU a lesser of two evils? Is it better to join european forces against the only superpower in the world, by this i mean in the economic, politic and cultural levels of course, i'm not talking about war. Would it be better if we didn't have to belong to the United States of Europe and each country be on their own, and this is just a thing we must do in order for us to have a more prominent role in the world, is the EU ultimately a good idea?
Since, like it or not, we're all together now (some more together than others hu Blair), and will be for the time being, shouldn't Europe once and for f**king all start their own joint armed forces? Given the choice i for one would much rather be a part of the US of Europe than the other US, that's for sure. Shouldn't EU countries, once and for all, get the hell out of NATO? How can we have our own army being in NATO still? Is NATO a way of americans to postpone any european thoughts of an EU army?
On a different note, after taking into account the good and the bad i think the admission of new european countries to the EU is a very good thing. Welcome to the new countries and enjoy your stay. Turkey on the other hand is a different story. I have several reasons for thinking like this, and yes, the fact that they are a muslim country does weigh a lot in my opinion. Maybe someday, when they choose to have a laic government and change a LOT of their internal and foreign policies. And if human and drugs traffic are horrendous and out of control already i can just imagine what it would be like if Turkey were to join in. There are no borders between EU countries, remember?
And why is that most people i meet and talk to are more interested in soaps and stupid tv shows or football or getting drunk and don't give a damn about any of this?
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Childlike Empress
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Hey, Ziggy!

"And why is that most people i meet and talk to are more interested in soaps and stupid tv shows or football or getting drunk and don't give a damn about any of this?"

Because they're probably Americans... :o ;) :P
I left my heart in Ballycastle... :cry: :cry: :cry:
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