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Vista, is it worth updating a Home 'putor?
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Apparantly you need quite a powerful machine to power even the basic version.
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Dont do it just yet, wait till they iron out all the problems.

Give it a couple of months
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Image :innocent:
Well do you wanna argue with Henry? :eek:
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sistersvisions wrote:Dont do it just yet, wait till they iron out all the problems.

Give it a couple of months
Exactly, as there are minor issues to solve on the app sides too for compatibility, not to mention the lack of some drivers or full acceleration on them (as with audigy cards etc).
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I got new Windows not so long ago..never mind having a powerful machine and extra strong processor to run them, I can still feel a draft by the bay window!!

Hiii ohhhhh
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I'd say "months" is optimistic.

Based on past experience (and hands-on knowledge after putting it on a few machines in work), I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Wait until the next version, when they have enough time to react to customer feedback (astonishingly enough they actually do) and straighten out the various technical upgrades that are nice to have but too clumsy and awkward to use properly.
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I bought my new PC no more than 3 months ago, so I figured I'd be able to switch to Vista for free...
No so fast little girl : it's an insane 229€ (£150) ! :eek: :urff: :evil:
Considering the expected incredible amount of bugs and compatibility issues in the first months, I think I'll stick to XP for another 12 months. :|
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If you'd like to pay a lot of money for a new system that hogs your processor (apparently the processor usage is 30% even when you're not doing anything!), and restricts what you can do with music files via it's built-in DRM, then I'd advise upgrading to Vista. Or switching to a Mac - they're pretty much the same these days.

If you want a free system that runs on even low-powered older machines (and runs amazingly on my high-spec machine), and doesn't have any DRM then you could always install a linux system. I've heard that Ubuntu is easy to switch to if you're a Windows user. You can legally download it for free and burn it to a CD.

You can even install a (free) program called Wine and run your existing Windows programs on that.
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tbh, I wouldn't bother yet. The only version really worth having is the home premium one and you need a half decent computer to run it.
you can download a little program from Microsoft that will tell you which version of Vista would be suitable for you but it's not 100% accurate.
But you're going to need a minimum of 1gb RAM and a pretty fast processor.
I'm not going to bother for at least a year or so until then. Deceased
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:lol: we just ordered a Vista PC!

Queue months and months of tech help threads! :eek:
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robertzombie wrote::lol: we just ordered a Vista PC!

Queue months and months of tech help threads! :eek:
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OSX is just fine :D
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Obviousman wrote:OSX is just fine :D
Preach Brother! Preach! :D
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Ghost wrote:
sistersvisions wrote:Dont do it just yet, wait till they iron out all the problems.

Give it a couple of months
Exactly, as there are minor issues to solve on the app sides too for compatibility, not to mention the lack of some drivers or full acceleration on them (as with audigy cards etc).
Audigy, you say ?

That would, at best, be stuffed latency with my Audigy card/interface & Alesis Photon controller.

/makes note to self to pat XP on the head and stick with it or ruin Cubase setup......
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scotty wrote:
robertzombie wrote::lol: we just ordered a Vista PC!

Queue months and months of tech help threads! :eek:
Don't worry, I'm here most Nights :wink: :innocent: :lol:
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i'm going to buy a new laptop.. any thoughts on vista/anything else? not really that worried about the music thing - well not as much as some of you
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emilystrange wrote:i'm going to buy a new laptop.. any thoughts on vista/anything else? not really that worried about the music thing - well not as much as some of you
It will not run the new flashy Aero graphics bits unless it has a 128MB dedicated graphics card - be warned Ems!
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if it comes with vista, will it not have that?
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emilystrange wrote:if it comes with vista, will it not have that?
Not too likely unless it costs a bit, just check the small print... :)
As always a lesser machine will work, but it just turns features off.

They also say the minimum RAM is 512MB, but I hear less than a GB and you are "clicking and waiting"...
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Not necessarily. There's a coupla different levels of compatibility.

XP should be fine for a lappie for another while anyway.
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Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:
Ghost wrote:
sistersvisions wrote:Dont do it just yet, wait till they iron out all the problems.

Give it a couple of months
Exactly, as there are minor issues to solve on the app sides too for compatibility, not to mention the lack of some drivers or full acceleration on them (as with audigy cards etc).
Audigy, you say ?

That would, at best, be stuffed latency with my Audigy card/interface & Alesis Photon controller.

/makes note to self to pat XP on the head and stick with it or ruin Cubase setup......

Fookin' seconded :evil: If it ain't broken, don't fix it I say.

I cannot have an OS that uses one fourth of my RAM capacity to RUN itself. I need and use all available resources for audio ends, and as Lazarus said, the built-in DRM is a fecker to use with audio... I can't have with latency on my soundcard either, so NO Vista for me yet.

The most stupid thing I read today on our Belgian TeleText was that there was need for a new Windows because the XP version is hopelessly outdated...

A commercial trick if I ever saw one. My stripped-down XP Pro works just perfect, and it will take much to convince me to switch to this new Devil's Work...

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Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:
Ghost wrote: Exactly, as there are minor issues to solve on the app sides too for compatibility, not to mention the lack of some drivers or full acceleration on them (as with audigy cards etc).
Audigy, you say ?

That would, at best, be stuffed latency with my Audigy card/interface & Alesis Photon controller.

/makes note to self to pat XP on the head and stick with it or ruin Cubase setup......

Fookin' seconded :evil: If it ain't broken, don't fix it I say.

I cannot have an OS that uses one fourth of my RAM capacity to RUN itself. I need and use all available resources for audio ends, and as Lazarus said, the built-in DRM is a fecker to use with audio... I can't have with latency on my soundcard either, so NO Vista for me yet.

The most stupid thing I read today on our Belgian TeleText was that there was need for a new Windows because the XP version is hopelessly outdated...

A commercial trick if I ever saw one. My stripped-down XP Pro works just perfect, and it will take much to convince me to switch to this new Devil's Work...

If the good Doktor ran on DOS for many years, I'm sure your PC can survive on WinXP for many years to come, Izzy.

Microsoft didn't stop supporting (in terms of security patches etc) Windows 98 and ME until Jan 2006. I presume they'll keep supporting XP (SP2) for the next 5-6 years.

Unless not many people upgrade to Vista, of course, in which case they'll try to force upgrades by ending XP support. :roll:
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lazarus corporation wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote: Audigy, you say ?

That would, at best, be stuffed latency with my Audigy card/interface & Alesis Photon controller.

/makes note to self to pat XP on the head and stick with it or ruin Cubase setup......

Fookin' seconded :evil: If it ain't broken, don't fix it I say.

I cannot have an OS that uses one fourth of my RAM capacity to RUN itself. I need and use all available resources for audio ends, and as Lazarus said, the built-in DRM is a fecker to use with audio... I can't have with latency on my soundcard either, so NO Vista for me yet.

The most stupid thing I read today on our Belgian TeleText was that there was need for a new Windows because the XP version is hopelessly outdated...

A commercial trick if I ever saw one. My stripped-down XP Pro works just perfect, and it will take much to convince me to switch to this new Devil's Work...

If the good Doktor ran on DOS for many years, I'm sure your PC can survive on WinXP for many years to come, Izzy.

Microsoft didn't stop supporting (in terms of security patches etc) Windows 98 and ME until Jan 2006. I presume they'll keep supporting XP (SP2) for at least 5-6 years.

Unless not many people upgrade to Vista, of course, in which case they'll try to force upgrades by ending XP support. :roll:
As said, I don't really need upgrades and security patches. I don't use my Big Machine on the Net anyway. The Audio PC is only connected when I need to transfer something from my lappie via a broadband router w/firewall...

How do you say that? Patches schmatches?

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XP is covered till 2010 I hear, so no rush...
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