Top Ten Favourite Movies???

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Black Dahlia
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Richey Rocks .

PS - Major - try the third drawer down in the kitchen dresser.
Last edited by Black Dahlia on 29 Aug 2003, 10:49, edited 1 time in total.
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1.the godfather 2
2.fight club (yep :p )
3.Monty python's holy grail
4.suddenly last summer
6.Mulholland drive
7.Le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain
8.The audition
9.angel heart
10.Apocalypse now
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(of course, like every list, it's just how I feel now....)
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Quiff Boy wrote:
joeybear wrote:yeah i type in lower case, and thats because of the lazy factor, and i'm not really too bothered whether it offends you.

and since when did you become movie critic of the year? if you don't like what the thread is about, why **** post? maybe i should start one of 'whos the biggest wanker on this board?'

you're either very bored and have nothing better to do with your life, or you're just taking a stab at me because i'm new here.

well, **** you guys.
dont worry - richey's just like that ;) :lol:
tis all about perception really isn't it? some people realise that things are meant tongue in cheek, or are just a style of personality and no malice meant and so harsh posts are read as being amusing. however, if you don't know any of that then they are just read as harsh. thats the problem with forums. you don't have the advantage of hearing tone of voice, or seeing facial expressions to guide you as to the meaning of the words. and even if you actually know the person in *real life* and therefore understand their personality it is still very easy to misunderstand the context and meaning of their posts. there should be a rating thing at the bottom of each post with an out of ten score for things like intended humour, tongue-in-cheekness, anger etc!!!! would avoid a whole load of misunderstandings!

@ Paddy

you have been on the verge of doing something silly for a while now.. has it happened? was it as silly as you feared? ;D
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Panther wrote:tis all about perception really isn't it? some people realise that things are meant tongue in cheek, or are just a style of personality and no malice meant and so harsh posts are read as being amusing. however, if you don't know any of that then they are just read as harsh. thats the problem with forums. you don't have the advantage of hearing tone of voice, or seeing facial expressions to guide you as to the meaning of the words. and even if you actually know the person in *real life* and therefore understand their personality it is still very easy to misunderstand the context and meaning of their posts. there should be a rating thing at the bottom of each post with an out of ten score for things like intended humour, tongue-in-cheekness, anger etc!!!! would avoid a whole load of misunderstandings!
very true...

and though there's no rating, you can have a "message icon" smiley that indicates the general tone if your post... should you choose. :wink:

on the whole though i do believe that a slightly thicker than normal skin is required for forums and chat rooms in general...
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?

you know, I used to think that about emoticons until a row with some guy on a forum ages ago. I'd been using the equivalent of the rolleyes icon in an intended affectionate, 'ee what u like but I luv u kinda way but apparently he'd been taking them as a 'christ, you're a dick, I know better than you kinda way' and therefore reading my posts in an entirely different way to the one that had been intended. scary huh? now I'm just really cautious all-round....
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@ Panther......

Not just yet, plenty of time though i guess....

Still playing guitar - sometimes weird shaped ones.

oooh, I dunno - life is short you know! :)
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hey look, i never meant to offend anyone. yeah i get deffensive but thats just an instant reaction for me.

sorry for starting a thread and then telling you about the 'crap' films i like, but its just the way i am. i like cheesey, amusing films. i also wanna add edward scissorhands to that list :D

i agree most of them are crap, but i wasnt asking for the top ten best films ever, i was asking your personnal opinion. i dont give a s**t if your fave film is barbie nutcracker.. haha. okay, well thats going a bit too far.

but anyhow, its personnal taste.

so richey, and whoever else think i'm a totall loser...wait til you hear my favourite bands/artists lol

shake and makeup?

i was in a bad mood this morning :?
Major de Coverly
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I like End of the Affair.
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Izzy HaveMercy
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In no particular order:

The Crow - Braveheart - Interview with the Vampire - Go! (Katie Holmes roarrr) - Koyaanisquatsi - Top Secret (the mother of all parody movies!) - Tettsuo 2: Body Hammer - Kung Pow: Enter The Fist - Empire Rec (thanx fer reminding me Paddy!) - Hot Shots I - Lost Highway.

To name but a few.

And Richie? Get a life :-) And when you're bored, you can comment on my list, too you silly bloke you... :-)

For Greater Good - Ambient Music for the Masses...

Major de Coverly wrote:I like End of the Affair.
Closet romantic. :roll: :wink:
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Izzy HaveMercy wrote:And Richie? Get a life :-)
busy enough with the one i've got thanks izzie
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:And when you're bored, you can comment on my list, too you silly bloke you... :-)

i tried really hard but i can't actually conceive of a time when i'd be that bored.
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Mrs RicheyJames
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mine keep changing...but today no particular order...

Sleepwalkers, se7en, baseketball, The outsiders (sorry folks), withnail & I, The Mummy, Airheads, silence of the lambs, Scary movie and Bladerunner!!!!
Only a paand.
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Utterly Bastard Smurph
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"Damn the man, save the Empire!"


Still playing guitar - sometimes weird shaped ones.
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