Derailing onto a Rosetta path for a moment (how predictable of me)...
Gath: An ancient city of Palestine east-northeast of Gaza. It was one of the five Philistine city-kingdoms and the home of Goliath
Personally I love both Hussey's and Porl's lyrics, although they both lack a certain level of depth.
I read an interview with Porl in a fanzine pretty much saying that it was more about how they sounded than what they meant. I've got no problem with that, I impose my own meanings onto a lot of Rosetta's lyrics, simpley because the floral language allows me to do so quite nicely.
For what it's worth, to me Something Strange is all about drugs, that state of blissful confusion when you're mind is more beaten up than your body but inside of fighting it you just go with it. Skip forward past 15 sets of break up lyrics...
And let's not forget the lyrical genius that is Adrenaline! "God Speed Be With You" "Cloud nine, white line" "the truth possessed within these lines" "DUST
dust dust" "Lightspeed, intensity, driven by it's purity"
It's like a fcking love song to his drug dealer - I can't get enough of it!
All in all I think Porl King is a genius lyricist (not in the same way that Eldritch is, the depth's of who's lyrics drowns me). He wrote some pretentious peotry and made it sound so damn good, without ever being truely OTT. Even if it doesn't mean much, the listener really wants it to and on top of that they feel good in your mouth - just say "suruptitious evidence like dust in my eyes" out loud!
Nationalise the f**king lot.