stufarq wrote:Did Von really call himself Spiggy back then? (There's an Indiana Jones joke in there somewhere.)
We named the CAT
Anyway, Spiggy & The Stooges?
(I think it sounds a bit like a portmanteau of Speed and Twiggy, but I know that's not the origin. Yes, I have read the FAQ.)
“Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on.�
weirdly i know i've read that interview/article before, but pretty certain i've never seen the picture. just checked the scrapbook (you know which one i mean) and it's not in there, so f**k knows. thanks again spiggymr7.
"And all my promises are lies
All my love is hate
I am the Politician, and i decide your fate"
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:weirdly i know i've read that interview/article before, but pretty certain i've never seen the picture. just checked the scrapbook (you know which one i mean) and it's not in there, so f**k knows. thanks again spiggymr7.
You may have read it here (later edition of the same article)?
"Music is there to enrich your life and make you aware of things in a slightly different way."
BTW, this thread made me dream of a grumpy black cat version of Eldritch.
“Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on.�
there is also a live review of the gig NME Feb 20th with no picture, but mention of John as the stand in - starts by saying 'the rhythm guitarist is in detention... '