Being645 wrote:radiojamaica wrote:
There really was a special energy in the place yesterday

Fully seconded ... these two tracks also made me move, although I was clearly more on the watching end, still somewhat exhausted after the first night ...

And the band did also play totally hand in hand (love to see that) and were fully decided to rock ... right from the beginning ...

... slightly more challenging in my impression,

:twisted: but that's how I like it better at times ...

... Temple Of Love, too, was played in the old way, rather... I didn't notice yesterday and ... didn't even know how much I had missed that ...

... also love the loud and clear keys (or am I dreaming?) ... Anyway, to me, all this revisiting of the orignal in essence is absolutely welcome and enjoyable ...

... and moving at levels beyond dancing ... something, a creature like me needs for satisfaction (unfortunately, yeah. Again unfortunately

:twisted::eek::lol: ) ... and if exciting impulses induce physical activity while I'm too tired to move, basically ... what else would I dream of ...

... *err, sorry to all those whose feet I might have treaded ...

This Corrosion was clearly the top of the evening ...

... a mere pleasure to watch, almost everybody full light and rock ... hah, wonderful ...


... my kudos to this audience, although yesterday, they were different, but no faint whit less pleasurable, exciting and having a most rocking night ...
These two gigs are cleary among the very best I've ever seen ...

... I'm so glad I could make it at least to Brussels this year ... *sigh ...

It seems we experienced both BXL nights inna somewhat reversed kinda way then. Night 1 I was late and not terribly in the mood as I had just been talking to my father who's having some health issues that could turn out to be very darn serious. We just don't know just yet... So I arrived late, missed Therapy and social calls and entered the hall as the intro began. Started in the shadows at the back and had no intention nor need to get moshing. I just wanted to see the smoke&mirrors-thing that is the new lightshow. By the time they did that incredible string of oldies Body electric/No Time To Cry/Body & Soul/Walk Away/Logic I was feeling a lot better and a good friend bumped into me on his way to get some drinks. I joined him and we ended up next to the mixing board. Perfect sight (those lights during Dominion! OMG! Trippin' the last fantastic alright

) & sound and very enjoyable all the way. It lifted me up and soon I was singing along and having a drink & a laugh with my friends. Eldritch was not in a bad mood, certainly not, but he did stick at the side of the stage very much and wasn't that audible either at times. But we've had far worse and at times I had to laugh as there was a drunk karaoke kind of vibe (Revolver & Wichita Lineman) taking over... In the end I had a great time watching the lights at the back and ended up talking to many of the Sisters family after the show. Yes, glad I was there and looking forward to the following night!
Tuesday I had to work, people asking me how it was and all a bit amazed I was going again that night

This time a good friend would join me for her 1st Sisters show. Being a fan of the old stuff especially (Some Girls Wander by Mistake) it could go both ways for her... We entered the hall just when Ben joined Therapy on stage, great

I never was a fan of their music (none of their records in my collection), but have always admired Andy & co for their energy and good spirit. So very nice to see them go for it and warming up the sold out venue in no time. Then some beers and we found a spot right in front of Ben on row 3 or 4. Perfect. No intro, straigth away into More! Yeah! Fist in the air, beer spilled, I want more!

Eldritch center stage most of the time, voice clear & ready for it. Ben doing his Ben-stuff and I love him for that. Solo? Step into the light and strike a pose! Ravey Davey rocking the doctor in the back, cool to see he really is part of the band on stage now. Hawaii shirt on and making sure the good doctor kept going at it inna Ramones-style tempo. Marian! By now we both were dancing, singing, smiling and having a damn good time

During Dominion, a young guy tapped me on the back and asked the name of the song. It was new to him and he was loving it! So that's 2 'newbies' digging this stuff big time, made me happy I can tell you. Mother Russia Mother Russia Mother Russia Rain Down Down Down!!! (I heard later from my friend she was still singing that when she came home later that night) Alice! Bam, they didn't play that the day before and the crowd just took it over... Bam!
Kiss The Carpet was immense! And Vision Thing and Lucretia... I just love this sh*t. Top nite out and then some, even if I had to leave early to catch my last train... I arrived home a bit after midnight and couldn't sleep for hours just because the adrenaline levels were still up so high. Tough day at work the next day

But this is what it’s all about! I felt blessed to still be able to go see the band that means so much in my life, to be able to dance & move’n’groove along to, to sing my lungs out to the best songs around, to be with friends & yeah, family, to feel real happiness while doing all of this. I see many, many bands year in year out and The Sisters are unique, can’t compare them to anyone…
I've seen 3 reviews appear in mainstream press about the 1st night. 2 bad reviews as ever (I believe they just use the same template for at least the last 15 years, it's pathetic) and another giving 4 stars out of 5. The dude was also critical, but could relate to the whole thing and see it for what it was without nagging about the mist (there was actually less smoke as before, you could see the band all the time!) or the sound (they play this way for almost 20 years now, so get with the program or just back away you know). Then that same routine unfolds itself. People that know me come to me and ask how it was and have already a certain sadness in their tone as they have seen these bad reviews and think I must be very down. Me telling them it was great always makes for a nice surprise though
How long can they keep going? I hope forever.
Ever & Always