2020-03-07. Albert Hall, Manchester UK

Gig news, reviews, set lists, thoughts, comments and observations on The Sisters live in 2020 and 2022
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sziamiau wrote:
Pista wrote:
Sorry about that. It was full of redirects. Deleted the post now.
thanks, was just a bit surprised and was wondering if Von has upgraded his groupies:)
I managed to copy the text before it sent me to a betting site
Sisters of Sisterhood

Albert Hall, Manchester

7 March 2020

Great new songs, a re-discovered flash and that sound again – even if it was nerds today, it was great tonight. Can the long-awaited new album come out?

Mercy Sisters are true to the mystery of the puzzle in a snow-covered puzzle.

This is far from a regular rock show and they are not a regular band. Their promotional / entertaining approach connects and confronts the dark side of dark themes and dark humor, and, like many post-punk bands, track rock rarely makes a fusion.

For starters, they still work their music on a drum machine. At the back of the stage, there was no drama involving a sweaty drum beat by Dr. Avala Che. With the twinkling lights, Doc is the only faithful member of the band, and with his own battery power comes to HI. During his journey through the heart, he saw more dark and unusual experiences in this strange work. Dark.

Currently, the good Doctor has a caregiver who keeps his hands up in the air and pursues a strong technological end for a sister weapon. In fact, this is a marriage between technology and its elements. That age-old technological dance and the old-school guitars are a warm welcome and a list of rockstarists has made this band even more modern and works for them to this day. Surprisingly, receiving a rock at the beginning of their career has always been a highlight and there is a love / hate that goes along with the form to this day.

Currently, using drum machines adds to the band’s unusual killer nature. In the world of sisters, the drums do not give power and the record is left out. This is not just raw meat and muscle, but also attracting electric tribes. He is funny and deadly and takes a minute to enjoy. Sisters don’t push the air – instead they push the keys, but it’s a robot that adds to their noise and takes them to the tribal and grid that takes them to the most room.

Rock himself is a victim of burglars and shocking rituals, and of course there are things out there in this game – the mysterious Andrew Elriich is understood by the two guitarists who know all the rock god and play great.

In many ways, this is a show that emphasizes the black hole in a way that makes the band so appealing. May In an interview with Luder in 2016, Andrew said, “My Terror is Other People’s Entertainment�, and even the new album, which will never come to fruition from the great title, captures the horror genre perfectly. . If kinks and sex guns play the same card – the highest IQ. But when they talk about the brave singer Jagger Rocks – then his sisters are so much from the same school.

As mentioned, the black hole sisters absorb all the power of the spectators. They are not here to please you. This is a post-season band that asks questions and keeps secrets.

It’s not a simple tab show – there are definitely lonely times, band celebrations and their songs, but they don’t believe Andrew Erinchich has made it easy. There are not a few bands in rock music that command such deep love and intense debate among disaster fans. There are no bands that have had as much impact as the sisters have done for one decade before the strike.

Not that they are lost. They continued to visit and write new songs … bullets that never released on YouTube or online seats and continued to browse and write more than 20 new songs, as if ‘what if’ before breaking the bank.

Can you get more magical than that?

And anyway you may feel like you are about to release something.

There are some great new songs that are as strong today as any other book, and Elrich is recording James Ray’s vocals on a sister project decades later, meaning that his voice will be re-recorded and re-released.

Then there are the new songs…

The amazing device that is currently called, there is, the device is working in the present, but you can’t help thinking that it will have sounds and lyrics in the end. Probably Andrew’s Minor – just emptying things and putting all the words together.

It really showed me how funny and dark it is on the Doll, usually surrounded by a guitar line that transmits it from a reader with a multi-layered layout and clever vocal play. There’s also a black canvas – a new song was demolished tonight. Before being given the atmosphere by a well-acted acoustic guitar, Eritrich says, “This guy will be a little crazy because we didn’t know him a bit,� and he plays Dr. Avoirche’s sonic vocals and amazing acoustic guitars. The sounds of the Eld whiskers are in the middle of a whisper and a whisper. The song sounds like a cinematic piece – I often wonder why Andrew doesn’t write the soundtracks of the film – he has the ammophospheric and cinematic vision to make it work. He must see that he is the next type of Thomas Mansell, as he sits in his studio studio, where he shares his disparate pieces, which is associated with his love of live music.

But Genevieve is another song that gets its first airport tonight. This way of playing is part of a drama that explores the sounds associated with Eretrich’s sound as it delivers a melody and tension and change into a classic classical era.

Feels a band ready to deliver the album years after the last song ever played and removed. Here is a delayed spring here – and the hours are right. All of those defeats of life and politics have come to fruition from the days of Eretrich. May In the 2016 interview, he told me when and how much the album that was released would be released. He did not pass that time as Trump did, but the president has another opportunity to make his word on the return of the orange scam. The second time

These new songs sound great – all you need is bass lines. Documentary Avarche plays most of the bus routes from the digital center. But by cutting true base, it results in perfection. I understand, I really like the bass and I play the bass in the ambulance. On the other hand, this may be because the bass was very key in many key sister songs. With the recording Fender P, I go down to the studio and stop the bus lines – for now. I stand by the new tunes, one of the best. Intentional swelling allowed by the black hole band

But we are looking for a living space for this black hole – there is no room for this thoughtful and strange journey to show the journey. Sisters fans are always open to debate and band. The message boards travel great or horrible, and each visit comes out more often than the year before.

There is something magical about this, even for people who cry out because your dark cloud is rejected.

The whole place is in his hands as he delivers on this saddle with his majestic grace. Literally, it is an acidic song that sings and is a universal instrument. It’s a great musical and contemporary thing – to a greater extent, with its commitment to the dance floor and the encouragement of the sisters’ collective song – a dark luxury moment, this coronation mirror feels like a horror. And it’s brighter than ever.

A bit like a bandage themselves.
I have no idea what any of it actually means :lol:
Just like the old days

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I guess it's parts of the louderthanwar thing translated to some language and re-translated to English. Kind of.
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It's just utter wham.
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what is going on with that review above? :lol:

Here's the text from it, a bit less garbled:

https://louderthanwar.com/the-sisters-o ... ve-review/
The Sisters Of Mercy
Albert Hall, Manchester
7th March 2020

Great new songs, a regained spark and that voice back again – tonight was pretty damn good despite the minority of naysayers. Could the longer-than-long awaited new album be about to come out?

It’s true to say that the Sisters Of Mercy are an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in banks of dry ice.

This is far from a normal rock show and they are far from being a normal band. Their introvert/extrovert approach with its dark themes and darker sense of humour confounds and confronts and, like so many post punk bands, makes little concession to the cheery bonhomie of trad rock.

For starters, they still contract their music on top of a drum machine. There is no sweating gunning drummer pushing air and twirling sticks instead it’s the study Doktor Avalanche sat grimacing at the back of the stage. With its flickering lights, the Doc is the only loyal member of the band and has seen it all in this strange career that has had more dark and weird moments on its own battery-powered trip into the heart of A.I. darkness.

These days the good doktor has a carer who waves his arms around in the air and looks after the sturdy tech end of the Sisters armoury. It’s this marriage between the tech and the guitars that is, of course, core to the band. That nod to the technological dance floor of the eighties and the embrace of the warmth of old school guitars and detail of rockist slurs made the band so defiantly modern when they merged in post punk and to this day it still works for them. Oddly the embrace of rock at the beginning of their career was always a dichotomy, and to this day there is a love/hate thing going on with the form.

With far fewer bands using drum machines these days it adds to the odd kilter nature of the band. In Sisters world, the drums don’t provide the power and it’s left to the sparse clicking rhythm. This is not the flesh and muscle of rawk but just pulsating electric clanks. It is enticing and off-kilter and takes a minute to tune into. The Sisters don’t push air – they push buttons instead, but it’s that robotic backdrop that adds to their quirk and takes them away from cliche and into a detached clank and grind that is very much part of their thing.

Rock itself is about strutting extroverts and bombastic ritual and there are certainly elements of that at play here – the two guitar players that flank the mysterious Andrew Eldritch know all the rock god poses and play great.

In many ways it’s this extrovert display that further underlines the black hole of introversion the makes the band so fascinating. In an interview for Louder Than War in 2016 Andrew told me that “my terror is other people’s entertainment�, and apart from a great title to a long awaited new album that may never come out, it perfectly captures the sheer fascinating oddity of the band. If punk and the Sex Pistols were playing the same card – the high IQ but terrified singer debunking Jagger rock – then the Sisters are very much from the same school.

Like the aforementioned black hole the Sisters suck all the audience energy in. They are not here to merely entertain you. This is a post punk period band asking questions and confounding expectations.

It’s not an easy show – for sure there are singalong moments, hands in the air communal celebrations of the band and their songs, but Andrew Eldritch doesn’t believe in making it easy. There are few bands in rock music who command such levels of intense devotion and intense debate amongst fans. There are few bands who were so influential who stepped away as the Sisters did before going on strike and not releasing an album for three decades.

It’s not like they disappeared though. They kept on touring and writing new songs…over 20 new songs that have never been released and sit around on YouTube or on online bootlegs, left as mere flickering shadows and high decibel ‘what ifs’ before disporting from the band’s own set.

Can you get any more enigmatic than that?

And yet you feel that maybe they are about to release something.

There is a batch of great new songs tonight that are as strong as any in their canon, and Eldritch is rumoured (and rumours already swirls around this band) to be vocals on an older release after decades which means his voice will be recorded and released again.

Then there are the new songs…

There is the striking instrumental currently called, er, Instrumental that works in its current form but you can’t help wondering and hoping that it will eventually have vocals and lyrics. Maybe it’s an exercise in Andrew’s minimalism – stripping things bare and discarding with all the words altogether.

There is the genuinely creepy and dark Show Me On The Doll with its typically multi-way layered and clever wordplay from the singer as he delivers the up-temp piece surrounded by hooky guitar liners. There is also Black Sail – a song so new that it was debuted tonight. Eldritch intros it with “this one is going to be a bit weird as we haven’t really figured it out yet� before the perfectly-executed acoustic guitar-driven piece of atmosphere is delivered. It rides along on a spooked guitar figure, and Doctor Avalanche’s brooding rhythms and a verdant acoustic guitar flourish. Eldritch’s vocals are between baritone and whisper as he delivers something spectral. The song sounds like a cinematic piece – I’ve often wondered why Andrew doesn’t write film soundtracks – he has the command of the atmospheres and cinemascope vision thing to make it work. This, combined with the dislike of playing live, should surely sees him as the next Clint Mansell-type wizard figure holed up in his home studio delivering these spook pieces.

But Genevieve is another song getting its first airing tonight. This is a swirling piece of drama with Eldritch’s voice defying the naysayers and sounding as rich and nuanced as decades ago as her delivers a song that harks back to the so called classic period as it drips a dark treacle melody and a tension and dynamic.

Finally after years of new songs that were played and then discarded, it feels and sounds like a band that is ready to deliver the album. There is a potential late period masterpiece here – and the times are right. All those years of foreboding and political unease from the Eldritch came to fruition. He told me in the 2016 interview that the much-mooted album would be released when and if Trump got in. Like Trump he didn’t deliver that time but he has another chance to be true to his word when the presidential orange fraud gets back in for his second term.

These new songs sound great – all they need is bass lines. Doktor Avalanche plays most of the bass lines from his digital corner. But maybe a genuine bass cutting through would make for perfection. I’m biased of course, I love the bass and play the bass in the Membranes. On the other hand this could be because the bass was so key in so many Sisters songs. If they ever record I’ll come down to the studio with my Fender P and stick down the bass lines – for nowt. I can hear the malevolent tendrils of bass lines as I stand there mesmerised by these new tunes that rank amongst their best. The wilful swirl delivered by the black hole band.

And yet we kind of need this black hole live — this enigmatic and strange trip where there is no concession to showbiz. The Sisters fans are always in open argument and open revolt about the band. The message boards brawl over whether are great or awful and yet every tour the fans turn out in bigger numbers than the year before.

There is something magnetic about this thing even for people who shout loudly about being in denial of its dark clouds.

By the time they get to anthemic and sprawling magnificence of This Corrosion the whole place is up in arms. Literally, it’s a sea of arms waving about and mass singalongs for an acidic song. It’s a great piece of music and a classic of its time – epic in its scope, brutal in its adherence to the dance floor and oddly very un-Sisters in its encouragement of the communal singing – a dark apocalyptic masterpiece, This Corrosion sounds as menacing and brilliant as ever.

A bit like the band themselves.
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Guys, I was at the show, lemme tell you that review makes perfect sense! Seeing But Genevieve get its first airport was a moment I'll never forget :von:
There is increasing evidence to suggest that Chris may have been being sarcastic.
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I think it was a bot translation judging by the number of redirects the website was shooting out.
Just like the old days

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Planet Dave wrote:Guys, I was at the show, lemme tell you that review makes perfect sense! Seeing But Genevieve get its first airport was a moment I'll never forget :von:
:lol: :notworthy:
Just like the old days

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John Robb wrote:The message boards brawl over whether are great or awful
:lol: does he mean us?
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markfiend wrote:
John Robb wrote:The message boards brawl over whether are great or awful
:lol: does he mean us?
Heh. Thankfully we're (mostly) quite civil. Must admit it's the FB groups that often make a person despair.
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I'm always going to think of them as a bandage now.
Monstrous hell bride.
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Does anyone want me to post my photos here?? Don't want to bore everyone.... they're not exactly professional :roll: :lol:
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Gothicbiff wrote:Does anyone want me to post my photos here?? Don't want to bore everyone.... they're not exactly professional :roll: :lol:
Yes please!
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Gothicbiff wrote:Does anyone want me to post my photos here?? Don't want to bore everyone.... they're not exactly professional :roll: :lol:
Yes! I know i've seen some but put them in - you took a really cool one of Ravey Davey i seem to remember

Also, That bot article thing - had to read that, the names for the doc made me laugh out loud - 'Dr. Avala Che.' and 'Documentary Avarche'

And apparently Andrew is secretly a cat - 'The sounds of the Eld whiskers are in the middle of a whisper and a whisper.'

:lol: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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Charlie wrote:
Gothicbiff wrote:Does anyone want me to post my photos here?? Don't want to bore everyone.... they're not exactly professional :roll: :lol:
Yes! I know i've seen some but put them in - you took a really cool one of Ravey Davey i seem to remember

Also, That bot article thing - had to read that, the names for the doc made me laugh out loud - 'Dr. Avala Che.' and 'Documentary Avarche'

And apparently Andrew is secretly a cat - 'The sounds of the Eld whiskers are in the middle of a whisper and a whisper.'

:lol: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I've always loved cats!! :lol: :lol:
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Charlie has very kindly given me instructions on how to upload photos.... so I'll give it a go!! :eek:
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Gothicbiff wrote:Charlie has very kindly given me instructions on how to upload photos.... so I'll give it a go!! :eek:
that's if you understood any of my 'instructions' :lol:
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So, trial photo to see if I can do this!!

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Hah, that looks good ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ... :D ...
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It worked....a few more

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I'm ridiculously pleased with myself for actually managing to upload those photos.....thanks Charlie :notworthy: :bat:
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Excellent, thanks for posting!
Monstrous hell bride.
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Yay, nice one! 8)
And i'm pleased you made sense of what i was trying to explain! :lol: :lol:

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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Outstanding set of photos, Gothicbiff, thanks for uploading them :D :notworthy:
There is increasing evidence to suggest that Chris may have been being sarcastic.
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They are really great photos!
Thanks a lot Gothicbiff :kiss:
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