2022-04-03. Spot. De Oosterpoort, Gronigen NL

Gig news, reviews, set lists, thoughts, comments and observations on The Sisters live in 2020 and 2022
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And another view...
Right On Venom And Revenge
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My short impression of the evening. I'll start with the negatives: The Gildan tshirts that were sold have an atrocious fit, no form. Looks like Im wearing a potato sack with a great logo. The show was very short, started at 9:15 and ended at 10:35. Last negative, missd Alice because I was at the bar (own fault). :)

And the positives..... it was bloody brilliant. AE was excellent. Great voice, having fun and swayed between being a serious rock n roll star and a tongue in cheek performer. Band looked great and the songs were excellent. New and old blended in perfectly with each other. Shame I cant see them again this year.... It was defineltely a TNO. :notworthy:
Underneath the Rock
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So, you can learn old dogs new tricks :P
But seriously, first two gigs didn't promised anything new, and somehow it turning up to be something nice.
Cannot wait for May.

And not MR, a fine symbol.
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From what I can hear of Here it contains the lyrics from the t-shirt on sale at the Roundhouse that didn't match any of the posted lyrics for the new songs.
Find myself wondering if it is entirely new or have they retitled one of the previously listed songs.
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Erudite wrote: 04 Apr 2022, 17:01 From what I can hear of Here it contains the lyrics from the t-shirt on sale at the Roundhouse that didn't match any of the posted lyrics for the new songs.
Find myself wondering if it is entirely new or have they retitled one of the previously listed songs.
Perhaps "We are on this plane"? A bit long to write, so it might be abbreviated.
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fractalsister wrote: 04 Apr 2022, 18:57 Perhaps "We are on this plane"? A bit long to write, so it might be abbreviated.
That or possibly Left on Venom & Revenge, as it sounds like he's singing "We beat your body to the ground" which would seem to fit lyrically with revenge.
But as with most conjecture concerning the Sisters it will probably be proved both pointless and wrong. :wink: :lol:
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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I can hear Eldritch thinking" Mmhh, they keep complaining about how we play the old songs, let's just play new ones" :)
But serious..less smoke, more bass methinks and not too crappy voice. Actually looking forward to tomorrow ..
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MrChris wrote: 04 Apr 2022, 08:32 I think the new songs sound great. I liked DDOI straight away, but I think Here is even better. It has a lovely insistent vibe. I think it would be stonking on an album (that's not a backhanded compliment - most of the Sisters' best songs are album-only, right?). We can only wish.

I had to look up what lametta meant. In English, it apparently means Christmas tinsel. I think we can rule that out, in favour of the Italian meaning, which is razor blade. Lametta and vendetta, geddit?

So happy to hear this new stuff.
Fully agree.
As to the lametta, In German, "Lametta" means (of meant, rather, nobody says it today) the decoration, like veterans appearing at some event in full lametta. I also hardly ever heard it, but if so then it was mostly connected with WW I. Can well be, though, that this sort of talk was still standard during WWW II and even afterwards also referring to whoever had any decoration to present.
Underneath the Rock
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If there in more than one meaning then i would not exclude any, and try to inrerpret haking all of them.
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Bartek wrote: 05 Apr 2022, 10:59 If there in more than one meaning then i would not exclude any, and try to inrerpret haking all of them.
Absolutely agree... :notworthy: ..., and when at the gigs, some words can take a direction that can hardly be described with one word ... :lol: ;D ...
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I watch and I watch, and yes Ingo and Mr Blonde are excellent recorders, but I'll be damned if this is not the best the Sisters have sounded for ages, by which I mean even before Ben joined the band!? I've never been so "overall satisfied" - good voice, great guitars, a fat live sound overall and most importantly several good new songs! I also like the "new" reduced smoke combined with several slower tracks giving it all a club feeling fitting to Andrew's age and voice (and I'm not being ironic or sarcastic at all). I'll order a fine whisky to drink at the next concert :lol:

Btw what's the guess on Vision Thing, is that too (Like Dominion) dropped for political reasons, or just to save the voice or vary the setlist a bit?
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euphoria wrote: 05 Apr 2022, 15:19 I watch and I watch, and yes Ingo and Mr Blonde are excellent recorders, but I'll be damned if this is not the best the Sisters have sounded for ages, by which I mean even before Ben joined the band!? I've never been so "overall satisfied" - good voice, great guitars, a fat live sound overall and most importantly several good new songs! I also like the "new" reduced smoke combined with several slower tracks giving it all a club feeling fitting to Andrew's age and voice (and I'm not being ironic or sarcastic at all). I'll order a fine whisky to drink at the next concert :lol:

Btw what's the guess on Vision Thing, is that too (Like Dominion) dropped for political reasons, or just to save the voice or vary the setlist a bit?
I was there and agree with everything you say. In the past I always thought that AE was lacking enthousiasm and Ben and Chris were there to support him, both vocally and for the show. (A pair of crutches) In Groningen it was most definetely AE's show and you could see that he really enjoyed it. No smoke necessary... (except voor the ciggie).
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